The strongest sword god

Chapter 281: Mastering the Law

Chinchilla jumped forward in the most coordinated posture, and at the same time, with the help of Su Ming's control over the wind attribute, the speed increased a lot from the original basis, but it was only a few hundred meters away from the gibbon behind him. That is, an instant thing.

If he wanted to escape from the pursuit of the gibbon monkey, he had to run out of the forest, but the forest that he couldn't forget at this moment had cut off Su Ming's only hope.

A few seconds later, several gibbons approached the chinchilla. If the chinchilla was not flexible, it would have been injured by the long arm of the ape.

"My Neighbor Totoro, turn around and fight back." Seeing that there was no hope of escape, Su Ming directly gave the order to counterattack. With Totoro's nimble body and the Dragon God Sword in his hand, it is not impossible to counterattack.

When the chinchilla heard Su Ming's words, it raised its head, and headed towards the air, turning a circle in the air, and then the chinchilla rushed towards a gibbon monkey.

Seeing the chinchilla collide with the gibbon monkey, countless ice beads appeared in front of the chinchilla, and instantly surrounded the gibbon monkey in front of the chinchilla. Ming's martial skill was frozen.

Seeing that Su Ming succeeded in attacking, the chinchilla jumped up and jumped over the gibbon monkey again.

Successfully attacked a gibbon monkey, and two gibbon monkeys came oncoming. At this time, the chinchilla spat out a mouthful of dragon breath and intercepted a gibbon monkey. Su Ming swung dozens of swords in a row, and the sword energy was directed at the gibbon monkeys one after another. Attack away.

"Master, I found the Gibbon Monkey King, as long as you kill the Gibbon Monkey King, you can leave here." The voice of the elf sounded when Su Ming was most in danger.

"Where is it?" Su Ming asked immediately.

"At three o'clock, at 1000 meters, at the end of the gibbon monkey." The elf said.

While waving the Dragon God Sword, Su Ming turned his eyes toward the three o'clock direction. When he saw an ape waving its arms and kept shouting, and felt its extraordinary aura, Su Ming gave an order to Totoro.

Totoro immediately guessed what Su Ming wanted to do. With the cooperation of Dragon God Sword, Totoro jumped left and right, passed through several apes in a row, and was about to reach the gibbon monkey king. Who knew? The gibbon monkey king waved his hand, and several apes blocked the chinchilla's path, and it was impossible to pass through without killing it.

At this moment, Su Ming moved. He clamped the Totoro between his feet, jumped into the air, and swung the Dragon God Sword in a strange arc. All the apes attacked.

"The Nameless Sword Manual - A Thousand Edges." After swiping the sword, Su Ming used the Nameless Sword Manual, and then spun the Dragon God Sword in his hand, and the sword energy attacked in all directions.

All the apes around were attacked at this time, and they couldn't get close to Su Ming for a while. In order not to be hurt, some apes chose to retreat and avoid the sharp edge of Su Ming's attack. This gave Chinchilla and Su Ming time.

At the moment when Qian Qiandao ended, Su Ming used the second form of the Wuming Sword Manual - Intangible, eight consecutive slashes made him pass through a wall of flesh in front of the Monkey King, and the Totoro also passed through right behind him.

At this time, the body of the Totoro continued to grow, and at the same time, energy was continuously gathered in the air, and Su Ming roared in the air: "The Nameless Sword Manual - Ten thousand arrows piercing the heart."

Ten thousand arrows piercing the heart is Su Ming's strongest blow. The attack power of this move has already reached the attack of a god cultivator at the perfection of the gods. Moreover, this martial skill is to concentrate all the lethal power to attack the most deadly part of the enemy. Even if it can't kill the ape king , is also enough to hurt him.

With the use of martial arts, countless sword shadows appeared in front of Su Ming, and each sword shadow seemed to be a real existence. After the sword shadows appeared, they all attacked the monkey king.

Seeing Su Ming and Totoro breaking out of the encirclement, the Monkey King's first reaction was to run, but Su Ming's attack was too fast, it couldn't run at all, and running would kill it directly.

Facing Su Ming's strongest blow, the Monkey King kept waving his long arms to resist Su Ming's ten thousand sword shadows.

The densely packed sword shadows were something his two arms could resist. The sword shadows attacked his whole body several times, and finally condensed into a sword shadow, a sword shadow with a breath of death. stabbed him in the armpit and wounded him.

The Ape King roared in pain, and at this moment the attack of the Totoro reached in front of him. Due to being injured by Su Ming, the Ape King's movements became a little slow, and at the same time his defensive ability was also reduced a lot. He was directly hit by the Totoro's dragon breath Attacked in the face.

With a sound of explosion, the monkey king's head was directly destroyed by the dragon's breath, and the monkey king's life was lost.

Once the ape king died, the surrounding apes stopped attacking Su Ming and Totoro, and retreated slowly, giving Su Ming and Totoro a large space.

Su Ming got on the Totoro again, and left here at the fastest speed.

"Su Ming, why did we leave? They are already afraid of us, and they dare not do anything to us unless we leave. If we leave now and move to a new place, then we still have many unknown dangers, and we will lose them by then. My life will be bad." Totoro stopped and reminded Su Ming.

"It makes sense, let's go back and have a look." Su Ming nodded and said.

The chinchilla turned around and headed towards the territory of the gibbon monkey. As soon as it entered the territory, a gibbon monkey spotted it. Then the gibbon monkeys appeared all around and came towards Su Ming, intending to surround Su Ming and the chinchilla. .

"Su Ming, this is not right. Didn't you still be afraid of us just now? Why is it only a few tens of seconds, why is it not afraid anymore? There is something strange here." Totoro raised a question in his heart.

"Master, the Monkey King is not dead, he is still alive, and he is fine. This should be a fixed scene. Once you enter it, it will repeat itself. Everything will start again. It should be like this." The elf analyzed.

After hearing the elf's words, Su Ming felt as if he had grasped something. It should be the hope of life. This ancient battlefield was simulated by several gods of war, so this place is not real. If you leave and die, then you are really dead.

Since it is a simulated ancient battlefield, there must be a loophole, and this loophole seems to be broken by the elf and Totoro. At this time, a smile appeared on Su Ming's face. If he can kill the Monkey King once, he can kill it twice. Even countless times, and the more you kill, the better you kill.

History repeated itself, and the ape king died again. After the death of the ape king, Su Ming and Totoro paused for a while, and within 5 minutes, the ape king came back to life and launched a defensive battle against Su Ming again. Ming has the experience of the previous two times, and has mastered the skills of killing the monkey king. This time, he slaughtered the monkey king in less than a minute.

After mastering the rules of the ancient battlefield, Su Ming decided to find a relatively safe area or where he could get some rest time. As long as he found this area, the year would be easily passed.

ps: There are too many things recently, and the pressure is a bit high. Forget everyone to understand, Zishu qq: 895192632, if you like this book, you can add me qq

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