The strongest sword god

Chapter 29: 0 Degree Freezing

"Little elf, what does the bloodthirsty wolf king in Lengfeng's mouth mean?"

"Master, there are two types of bloodthirsty demon wolves. One is the ordinary bloodthirsty wolf, which can reach the late fourth-order stage and has the natural ability to bloodthirsty. The other is the bloodthirsty wolf king, which can reach the fifth-order late stage. In addition to the bloodthirsty ability, it can also spit out beast pills to attack at the late stage of the fourth stage, and the attack power reaches the monster beasts at the beginning of the fifth stage."

"Fuck me, then I'll still kill Yarn. This bloodthirsty wolf is no match for Leng Feng and the others. Isn't it my own death if I hunt it down?"

"Master, the bloodthirsty state of the bloodthirsty wolf has disappeared, and it is now in a weak state. It is up to you whether to kill it or not."

The little elf's words gave Su Ming confidence. Without the bloodthirsty state, the bloodthirsty wolf is just a seriously injured fourth-order monster. As long as he is careful, there is still some hope for killing the bloodthirsty wolf.

Su Ming quietly approached the bloodthirsty wolf. When the distance was only a few hundred meters away, Su Ming took out his bow and arrow and prepared to sneak attack. Although the arrow's sneak attack ability was not as good as that of a dagger, he had already thrown out the only dagger on his body. Sneak attack by archery.

An attack with an arrow containing [-]% of his spiritual power turned into an afterimage and flew out, directly hitting the bloodthirsty wolf's abdominal wound. He wanted to continue attacking but found that he had no more arrows on him. He only brought five black iron arrows with him when he went out this time. Just now, he used four arrows to attack Brother Kuangtian. At this moment, he was very regretful. Without the arrows, he could only fight the bloodthirsty demon wolf in close combat.

With a shake of his right hand, the sharp sword was held in the palm of his hand out of thin air. He stepped on the cloud phantom and walked towards the bloodthirsty wolf in a very strange arc.

The bloodthirsty wolf immediately sensed the danger, moved its body, and blocked Su Ming's arrow with its forelegs.

Su Ming's arrow didn't hurt it, but it made it fall into a frozen state, and its movement speed dropped dramatically, making it unable to dodge the oncoming sword.

If the Lengfeng brothers and sisters were here at this time, they must be shocked. Su Ming is obviously only in the late stage of the state of mind. Why can he use the attribute attack, but it is still the special attribute of ice, and has reached the Mahayana state.

Warriors on the Conferred God Continent will have one or more attributes after entering the innate realm. Those who have attributes will increase their combat power. The cold wind is far faster than others in terms of speed.

The Fan state of mind is just a beginner state in the warrior realm, a little stronger than ordinary people. As for why Su Ming can use attribute attacks in the Fan state of mind, it is indeed strange.

The basic attributes are divided into: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Gold represents sharpness, wood represents tenacity, water represents continuousness, fire represents irritability, and wood represents thickness. At the same time, the basic attributes of the five elements are mutual generation and mutual restraint.

The five elements restrain each other: fire burns gold, gold breaks wood, wood cracks earth, earth absorbs water, water extinguishes fire.

Intangible intergrowth: metal produces water, water produces wood, wood produces fire, fire produces earth, and earth produces metal.

The Conferred God Continent has experienced millions of years of history, and some special attributes have been derived from these five basic attributes, namely thunder, wind, ice, light, and darkness. Once warriors with special attributes grow up, they will be famous in the Continent, because These five special attributes all contain extraordinary abilities.

The ice attribute in Su Ming's attack is the reward he got for accepting the death experience mission. Now he can only have the freezing effect when attacking the bloodthirsty wolf, and cannot fully use the characteristics of the ice attribute. Only when he reaches the innate state can he Fully activate the ice attribute.

The ice attribute represents zero-degree freezing, which can defend and attack, and has a frozen state at the same time. It is a supreme attribute that any warrior wants to have.

After swiping several swords in succession, Su Ming found that his attack could not hurt the bloodthirsty wolf except for slowing down its speed. Picking the bloodthirsty demon wolf will definitely lead to death. At this time, he has already refused to accept the death experience mission in the future. No matter how high the reward is, he will not play it again.

"Cloud Dispelling Palm"

The sharp sword couldn't break through the bloodthirsty wolf's defense, so Su Ming had no choice but to abandon the sword and attack, using his strongest move - Paiyunzhang. In the late stage, he used an advanced martial skill that could reach the initial stage of the innate state attack, coupled with The freezing effect forced the bloodthirsty wolf back and injured it.

With a sigh of relief, Su Ming swallowed a spirit recovery pill, and the spiritual power in his body recovered a little. At this time, Su Ming turned into an afterimage, constantly appearing around the bloodthirsty wolf. A sword mark was left on the ground. Although it couldn't hurt the bloodthirsty wolf, it made the bloodthirsty wolf's freezing effect continue to increase, making the bloodthirsty wolf move slower and slower, gradually showing a completely frozen state.

To substantiate the frozen state, one must at least reach the Heavenly Spirit Realm, but it is extremely strange that Su Ming, a warrior with a mortal state, can substantiate the frozen state.

"Suffer to death."

The bloodthirsty wolf with Su Ming's arrow in the air was unable to move anymore, his figure suddenly paused, his palms took shape, and the cloud-dispelling palm was swung out again, a violent spiritual energy blasted on the bloodthirsty wolf's wound, causing the bloodthirsty wolf's injury to be severed. Aggravated again, infinitely close to death.

After Su Ming fell to the ground, he swallowed another spirit-returning pill. At this time, he felt that the spiritual power in Fan's state of mind was too little to support him in the fight. Fortunately, he had the spirit-returning pill, otherwise he would be a bloodthirsty who was seriously injured The demon wolf is no match for him either.

"It's not dead yet, it's too tenacious." Su Ming was really surprised when he saw the bloodthirsty wolf get up slowly and unfreeze its body from freezing.

The bloodthirsty wolf opened its mouth, and spit out a bloody beast pill, which turned into a beam of blood and shot towards Su Ming.

"Fuck, that's fine." Su Ming regained his senses instantly, and hastily waved a wave of spiritual power towards the bloody beast pill.

Seeing this scene not far away, Leng Feng shook his head: "It's a pity."

"Brother, what a pity, this kid is too ruthless, he deserves his death, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't be held hostage by Kuang Tian." Leng Yan glared at Su Ming resentfully, her eyes followed Su Ming's flying body .

After a while, Leng Feng frowned: "The bloodthirsty demon wolf is dead?"

"This monster wolf deserves to die. It's already a fate to survive." Leng Yan obviously didn't have as much knowledge as Leng Feng, and didn't know the meaning of Leng Feng's words.

Leng Feng didn't respond to Leng Yan's words, and moved directly towards the corpse of the bloodthirsty wolf.

When he arrived in front of the bloodthirsty wolf, Leng Feng stabbed the bloodthirsty wolf's body with a sharp sword, and cut a hole in the bloodthirsty wolf's body.

"This kid is too weird." Leng Feng picked up the body of the bloodthirsty wolf and headed towards the direction where Su Ming was flying upside down. Leng Yan followed behind with a puzzled expression. She was a little puzzled by what Leng Feng said. Could it be this kid? not dead yet?Could it be that he is really a warrior in the Heavenly Spirit Realm?

After Su Ming was hit by the Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf Beast Pill, his body flew hundreds of meters backwards, knocking down several big trees repeatedly, breaking several bones and tendons, and gradually dissipating his vitality.

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