The strongest sword god

Chapter 318: The Mysterious Ma Family

Xiang Xiaoai didn't look at Su Ming, but looked at the more than 300 people in front of her, sweating about their fate. Those who were targeted by Su Ming would basically never return.

Soon, more than 300 people made a plan, and in their plan, Su Ming and the three were just leading the way, and there was nothing to do with the three of Su Ming during the entire expedition. They planned very well, but they really had nothing to do with the three of Su Ming thing?

When the big troop left the auction house and came to the main road of the city, many contestants joined in one after another. When they left the city, the number of the big troop had increased to more than 370 people, but the team was still led by three members of the Ma family, and there was no top ten. The addition of competing families made Su Ming heave a sigh of relief.

The more there are top ten players, the more dangerous his plan will be. You must know that it is not easy to win treasures from a group of masters.

Led by the three of Su Ming, the large force took three hours to arrive at the entrance of the sect. Just as Su Ming and the three were about to enter, the leader of the Ma family stopped them and said, "Tell us first, enter the sect." What will you encounter here? And how can you get out?"

"You should know what's in here. As for how to get out, I definitely can't tell you right now, otherwise my use value will be gone." Su Ming said with a slight smile.

"Sure enough, he is a smart person. It seems that I am a little petty about you, but in the face of absolute power, any tricks are in vain." The leader of the Ma family snorted coldly.

"I just want to save my life. I don't have any tricks. The Musk Soul Orb in my pocket is enough for me to enter the top [-]. My mission has already been completed. Why should I work hard? You must know that the money you spend with your life is your own. "Su Ming looked at the entrance of the sect in front of him and said.

"What's the danger here? Don't say nothing?" Ma Chao said. Ma Chao is the younger brother of the leader of the Ma family. He wanted to break through the Illusory God Realm, enter the Heavenly God Realm, and help his brother compete for the number one position in the Killing Heaven Ranking.

The leader of the Ma family is Ma Liang, the first genius of the Ma family in the past hundred years. He suppressed his own strength before entering the killing list. Master, in recent days there have been signs of breaking through the early stage and entering the middle stage. He is the most popular contender this time. He already has more than 760 musk soul beads in the storage bag at his waist, which is more than that in Su Ming's storage bag. There are more, so it can be seen that the strength of this person, you must know that there are hundreds of them in the storage bags of the two people behind him. The countless musk soul beads can only show that the Ma family is very strong, and Ma Liang is very strong.

However, the Ma family is a family in the form of a team, and everything is based on the team, just like the competition for the killing list. They never gather the strength of three people to help one person win the list, but three people compete for the list together, the strongest one The three entered the top ten at the same time, and the highest one ranked second, only a hundred pieces away from the first. Even so, they still wouldn't concentrate on the Musk Soul Pill and help one person compete for the first place. Otherwise, the frequent visitor of this number one must be the Ma family. The strength of the Ma family has always been among the top three cities in the God Realm. They have changed the number one and second for so many years, but the position of the Ma family has not been shaken, neither advancing nor retreating.

Many times, some cities would suspect that the strength of the Ma family is the number one city in the God Realm, but every time they compete for the auction, the Ma family always ranks third, as if they are not interested in the first and second, or they are the third Fate, over time, the true strength of the Ma family has become a mystery, a mystery that cannot be solved for thousands of years.

The Ma family is very powerful, but they are not like other cities that occupy resources, snatch territories, and conquer cities. Instead, they guard their own cities and never invade others. Even their trade transactions are well-regulated. No, it feels a bit honest and honest, but a family that won the first place thousands of years ago fell from the throne after bullying the Ma family and fell out of the top ten. Although there are many reasons, the Ma family Definitely dominates.

The mystery and low-keyness of the Ma family has become a recognized matter in the entire God Realm. No one will provoke them, and of course they will not provoke anyone. Basically, there will be no wars where there is a Ma family. Big cities have conflicts with each other, but at most there is only verbal communication with the Ma family, and very few people dare to do anything.

This is why the Ma family was able to lead everyone into this sect alone, not because the other contestants were not interested in this sect, but because they saw the Ma family taking the lead and were unwilling to participate, because once their interests conflicted with the Ma family, it would be unlucky in the end. It's the city behind him, and he can't lose the big because of small things. This is also the real reason why the Fan family left.

"The main defense is in the front, the main attack is in the back, a group of three, forward in a triangle, don't mess up, do you understand?" Ma Liang looked at the front and roared.

"Understood." More than 300 contestants quickly lined up in the formation of the three Ma family members, forming a triangle. During the whole process, no one raised any dissatisfaction or opinions, and all obeyed Ma Liang's order, just like an army going to the battlefield. The general's orders are general.

"This Ma Liang is unusual and not an easy character to deal with. Avoid this person later if you can. Don't get close to him." Su Ming reminded Mo Lei and Xiang Xiaoai.

"Su Ming, I don't care what your plans are. I suggest you not to move this Ma Liang. This Ma family is not easy to deal with, and it may cause death." Xiang Xiaoai reminded.

"It's already like this. If you don't want to return to the Ma family, you can only survive if you continue to strengthen yourself. You will all follow my orders later, and I know how to do it." Su Ming responded.

"This lunatic, I can't take it anymore." Xiang Xiaoai cursed in his heart.

After the large army entered the sect, they found that it was different from what they had expected, there was no danger waiting for them, and after entering the sect, they felt that this place was much safer than the city, and the scenery was also beautiful.

"Is this an illusion or what?" Ma Liang asked after looking around at Su Ming.

"The soul people here are all on the various peaks. You can only meet them when you reach the designated place. As for leaving, it depends on how many soul people you can kill. If you want to leave, you must have a certain amount of musk soul beads." Su Ming replied.

Just after Su Ming finished speaking, more than 300 pairs of eyes were staring at the storage bag on his waist and Xiang Xiaoai and Mo Lei. When Xiao Ai and Morey met, a smile appeared on his face.

"How much do you need?" Ma Chao asked.


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