The strongest sword god

Chapter 55: No nonsense

Tang Xinyi didn't care about Su Ming's mouth-to-mouth use of her water bottle, because she didn't plan to use that water bottle anymore, and she wouldn't use the handkerchief she handed out either.

When Su Ming took the handkerchief, a fresh fragrance wafted over him, making him wonder for a moment, could it be that this girl fell in love with me and treated me so well?

If Su Ming's thoughts were known to other people, it is estimated that countless young people in Xicheng Mansion would desperately chase and kill him, even if Su Ming hid to the ends of the earth, he would not let him go.

After washing off the blood and dirt on his face, Su Ming's appearance surprised everyone. They had always thought that Su Ming was a middle-aged man, but who knew that Su Ming was so young. Fu is considered a ghost-level warrior, and it is also a special attribute of wind attribute.

"You should be Su Han's son. When I met your father last year, you were still in the early stage of the state of mind? Why are you already in the middle stage of innate? Could it be that you have some adventures?" Tang Xinyi called Uncle Zhang The man asked again.

As soon as he finished speaking, all the people present were shocked. If the 16-year-old mid-stage Xiantian is already amazing enough, then one year from the early Fan state of mind to the mid-stage Xiantian, it is definitely a monster, even if it is Xicheng Mansion Tang Xinyi, a genius who is rare in a hundred years, feels ashamed in front of him.

"If dying once is considered an adventure, I should count it as an adventure." Su Ming smiled wryly. At this moment, he felt that there were a few unfriendly eyes, but he didn't take those people seriously because of this. At that time, he only had Tang Xinyi in his eyes.

"Would you like to join our Xicheng Mansion?" Tang Xinyi threw an olive branch to Su Ming, and smiled slightly after speaking, as beautiful as a lily blooming.

Beautiful, so beautiful, it would be even more beautiful if she could be my wife, Su Ming murmured in his heart.

"I'm originally from Su's tribe, so I'm naturally from Xicheng Mansion. Why would I join in the discussion?" Su Ming tried his best to be extremely calm, he didn't want to lose his composure in front of Tang Xinyi.

"Maybe you don't understand what I mean. I want you to move to Xicheng Mansion and serve directly for Xicheng Mansion. As for the Su Clan, we will give some support." Tang Xinyi explained patiently.

Su Ming shook his head slightly: "I have no plans to leave the Su clan for now, I'm really sorry."

"Don't you really need to think about it? What the Su Clan can provide you, our Xicheng Mansion can provide you with multiple times, and we will also openly support the Su Clan. At that time, your Su Clan will definitely be the number one tribe in Xicheng Mansion." " Tang Xinyi said unwillingly, as long as Su Ming returns to Xicheng Mansion with him now, she guarantees that Su Ming will be able to enter the late congenital stage in a short time, plus his attribute is the special attribute wind, which will definitely alleviate the current predicament of Xicheng Mansion .

"The Su's tribe was originally the first tribe under the Xicheng Mansion, but now they have encountered a little trouble, but I believe it will be resolved." Su Ming once again rejected Tang Xinyi's proposal.

At this moment, Tang Xinyi turned her head to look at a man behind her, with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Miss, the Su's tribe is indeed the first tribe under the Xicheng Mansion, but its strength was damaged a while ago and it was attacked by the surrounding tribes. Judging from the current situation, it is not optimistic." Said with a respectful face.

"It turns out that as long as you are willing to join Xicheng Mansion, I can let my father keep your status in the Su clan." Tang Xinyi said again.

"I think if you give me time, I can do it." Su Ming replied lukewarmly.

"You're such a brat, don't think you're omnipotent just because you're talented. It's your honor to be invited by Sister Xinyi. Do you think anyone can join us in Xicheng Mansion?" Mu Lei, who had angrily scolded Su Ming earlier He said, at this moment, how he thought Su Ming was so disliked, he wished he could kill Su Ming with a sword, because he already felt the threat from Su Ming.

"For a small-minded person like you, I don't need to explain anything, you can think whatever you want." Seeing this young man repeatedly provoking him, Su Ming felt extremely upset.

"You dare to insult me, let's see how I deal with you." The young man shouted loudly, then walked out from behind Tang Xinyi with a sharp sword in his hand, and attacked Su Ming without saying a word.

Tang Xinyi wanted to stop her, but was stopped by Uncle Zhang behind her: "Miss, let's see his strength. If he is good, I will talk to Su Hao."

After Uncle Zhang finished speaking, everyone else stepped back to give Su Ming and the young man room to fight.

"Young master, a congenital late-stage warrior with the attribute of fire, the fourth level of force, the third level of control, and a 60.00% chance of victory."

"Huo conquers metal, it seems that we can only use wind and ice attributes." Su Ming reacted immediately after receiving Mu Lei's information.

"Boy, today's battle, I will make it unforgettable for you forever." Mu Lei's eyes were burning with anger.

"Mu Lei, only sparring is allowed, no nonsense is allowed." Tang Xinyi yelled worriedly. He knew Mu Lei very well, and knew that Mu Lei was in a state of rage at this time, and he could display [-]% of his strength at this time. In terms of strength, ordinary congenital and consummate warriors are not opponents, so she had to remind.

But Tang Xinyi didn't know that her reminder not only didn't help Su Ming, but made Mu Lei completely crazy, and vowed not to stop until he killed Su Ming.

"Brahma Blade-Crossing the Sea"

Following Mu Lei's low shout, the sharp sword in his hand turned into a sea of ​​flames and attacked Su Ming.

"Advanced ground spirit skills, master, dodge quickly."

Hearing the voice of the little elf, Su Ming stepped on the phantom of cloud traces, and his body changed direction continuously. When Mu Lei was about to hit him with a sword, he dodged in a thrilling way. Although he dodged the sharp sword attack, Su Ming's clothes His hair was instantly ignited, and he was so startled that he had no choice but to blast a blast of ice attribute spiritual power at himself.

"Fuck, you want to burn me to death." Su Ming roared angrily. He was almost disfigured just now, which made him extremely angry. At this moment, he was not worried about anything, and was going to teach Mu Lei a lesson.

"Uncle Zhang, how did he extinguish Mu Lei's fire-attribute spiritual power just now?" Tang Xinyi asked in confusion. She clearly saw Su Ming's clothes and hair ignited, but it was extinguished in the blink of an eye. See how Su Ming made his move.

You must know that Mu Lei's fire attribute has entered the Mahayana realm and can be materialized. If you want to extinguish the flames formed by his fire attribute, you must also achieve materialization of your own attributes and achieve equality in the realm.

"He should be a warrior with dual attributes. Not only does he have the wind attribute, but also the ice attribute, and the ice attribute has already reached a substantial level. It seems that Su Hao has a good grandson. It really makes people jealous."

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