The strongest sword god

Chapter 60: Going Out for a Fight

After Su Ming finished all this, he cleaned up the Su family, and at the same time sent someone to send a list to Su Ai, Su Qing, and Su Han. Only then did the members of the Su family know that the Crescent Moon Tribe had been living in Su in the past few years. There are so many people in the house.

At this time, Su He realized his mistake. Although he has always been against Su Han, he has never betrayed the Su clan. Fortunately, he was just used, otherwise Su Ming would not let him go, and he Wanting Su Ming's life was also used by the people of the Crescent Moon Tribe.

In order to make up for the mistakes he made, Su He personally took ten warriors from the Su family to the Black Stone Tribe. In a sneak attack late at night, eleven warriors beat the Black Rock Tribe to death, and captured the head of the Black Rock Tribe, forcing them to The Blackstone tribe withdrew.

Su Bo also set off with Su He. He led five warriors and a thousand soldiers to help Su Ai take back the black iron ore. When Su Po arrived at the ore field, he and Su Ai risked their lives to sneak attack on Tashi in the middle of the night. In the tribal army, eight warriors entered and exited three times in one night, and the tortured Tashi tribe army could not rest peacefully.

When the day came, they led the army again to force the Tashi tribe to send out an army in a feint attack. Every time the Tashi tribe sent troops to fight, they led the army to retreat. For three days in a row, the soldiers who tortured the Tashi tribe were about to collapse. Early in the morning, they led the soldiers of the Su clan to attack the Tashi tribe's camp, took back the ore field from them with half the troops of the Tashi tribe, and wiped out thousands of Tashi tribe soldiers.

Su Ming's plan this time not only deceived the Crescent Moon tribe into not daring to go to war for several days, but also deceived the Tashi and Black Rock tribes to suffer heavy losses. When the Crescent Moon tribe found out, the Su tribe had already stabilized the situation and regained a large number of territories.

When the backup tribe of the Crescent Moon Tribe arrived, the Crescent Commander led the army to launch a general attack on the Su Clan. He wanted to completely keep Su Han on the battlefield. They were even more puzzled. They went straight to the Su clan without hindrance. When the leader of the Crescent Moon tribe found out that something was wrong, people from the Su clan poured out from all directions.

Su Ai led [-] soldiers to attack from their left side, Su Bo led [-] soldiers to attack them from the left rear, Su Qing led [-] soldiers to attack from the right, and Su He led [-] soldiers to attack from the right. Attack from the rear.

Su Han, who had escaped before, led [-] soldiers to meet the enemy head-on. Only then did Commander Crescent Moon realize that he had fallen for the trick again, but what made him puzzled was why there were so many soldiers in the Su clan. The casualties are all fake. Could it be that the Su clan has been hiding their strength?

The Crescent Moon Commander quickly issued an order to withdraw the troops, but at this moment dozens of warriors emerged from behind them, and beheaded the Wind Spirit Wolf Cavalry squad they had just formed with a thunderous force, which made the Crescent Moon Tribal Commander feel terrified.

Although there are only 50 wind spirit wolf cavalry, many of them are warriors with a mortal state of mind, and their mounts are second-level monster wind spirit wolves. The captain of the wolf cavalry team is a mid-term innate warrior, and his mount is a third-level wind spirit wolf , as long as the squad of 50 people is used properly, it is enough to defeat an army of 3000 people.

This time, Commander Crescent Moon led [-] soldiers, and was about to wipe out the Su clan in one go. Who knew that he was ambushed by the Su clan, and lost his ace team in one face-to-face encounter.

Originally, he planned to leave the tribal warriors behind to cover the retreat of the army, and use the Fengling wolf squad to cooperate with the army to open the way, but who knew that the Su family warriors actually blocked their way.

In desperation, he could only dispatch the tribe's warriors to the front, so as to resist the attack of the Su's tribe's warriors and open a bloody path for the tribe's army.

At this moment, Su Ming issued an order to retreat while fighting. Su Ming's retreat gave the leaders of the Crescent Moon tribe hope, but he never expected that when they withdrew from the encirclement of the Su tribe, there were only 1000 soldiers left. There were only [-] fighters in the Su clan, and the Crescent Moon Commander had suffered a disastrous defeat this time.

If the leader of the Crescent Moon Tribe knew the details, he would probably slap himself several times in regret, because about [-] of the [-] fighters of the Su Clan had no fighting power, and they were recruited from the tribe to make up their numbers. Yes, there are only a few thousand fighters with real lethality, which is the full strength of the Su clan.

This time Su Ming made a huge gamble, not only using the tribal residents to make up the numbers, but even the Su family was evacuated, and he almost didn't send a woman to the battlefield.

There are only [-] fighters behind Su Bo and Su Han with combat power. They are retreating while fighting, which only slows down the withdrawal speed of the Crescent Tribe, while the warriors led by Su Ming are the warriors of the Crescent Tribe, so that they cannot separate themselves to find out. The real thing about Su's tribal army.

The main force to kill the Crescent Tribe was the fighters led by Su Ai and Su Qing, and only [-] of Su Han's [-] fighters had combat power. Because the Crescent Tribe fighters received the order to withdraw troops, Su Han was not found. The [-] soldiers he led had no fighting power at all.

Su Ai and Su Qing desperately robbed and killed from both sides, while Su Han led a thousand soldiers to chase and kill from behind, forcibly leaving more than 6000 soldiers of the Crescent Moon tribe in the territory of the Su tribe.

If the commander of the Crescent Tribe recklessly launches an attack order, it is estimated that the [-] soldiers led by Su Han will be able to disperse in half an hour, and then go straight to the Su's barracks. Afterwards, the Su family's courtyard can be captured, and there are only some mortals without fighting power and Su Hao who is healed in the Su family's courtyard. At that time, the Su family's tribe can only announce its dissolution, and the warriors of the Su family can only flee.

Su Ming's series of tricks pulled the Su tribe back from the brink of death, leaving a sigh of relief. After regaining all the territory, the Su tribe used a batch of resources snatched from the Blackstone tribe to rebuild the army. It worked.

Su Ming's reputation in the Su Clan has reached its peak. He has surpassed Su Han and is catching up to Su Hao. Everyone wants Su Ming to be the patriarch, but Su Ming still refuses, because after the Su Clan stabilizes, he will Will leave here and go outside for a while, the elf told him that after he enters the Heavenly Spirit Realm, it will be difficult to provide him with mission goals in the past four weeks, and the only way to pursue a higher realm is to go out and wander.

Although the Su Clan suffered heavy losses this time, the surrounding tribes did not dare to have any ill intentions against the Su Clan, because the several big tribes participating in this snatching battle were all defeated.

The [-] soldiers of the Tashi tribe were wiped out, and the tribe was reduced from a large tribe to a small tribe, and its territory was gradually robbed.

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