The strongest sword god

Chapter 92: Fighting to accept disciples

"I am the most powerful alchemist in Xicheng Mansion. You almost died just now. I used two fourth-grade pills to snatch your life back from Hades. How do you thank me?" Yaoshi Bai ignored the group of people behind him and said.

"The most powerful alchemist? It sounds like he is very powerful." Su Ming said with a blank face.

"They all know that I'm good." Bai Yaoshi said without blushing.

But he is really powerful, at least very powerful in Xicheng Mansion, after all, he is the only fourth-rank alchemist in Xicheng Mansion.

"You're so good, I don't think I need to thank you, I'm so poor that I can't even afford to wear clothes, this one is someone else's?" Su Ming said with a pitiful look.

"I don't need your thanks, but you have to be my apprentice." Bai Yaoshi said with a smile.

He had made up his mind to pull Su Ming to his side, to try the medicine for himself, even if the Palace Master was protecting him, he would still snatch it.

"My lord alchemist, I don't have the attribute of fire, so I can't be a pharmacist." Su Ming said with a puzzled expression.

"Who said that I want to teach you alchemy? I am not only a fourth-grade alchemist, but also a martial artist at the completion of the heavenly spirit. At the beginning, Fanli wanted to recognize me as a teacher, but I didn't agree. I accepted you as an apprentice. Your blessing." Bai Yaoshi said with a flirtatious expression.

After Bai Yaoshi finished speaking, Fanli's face was filled with black lines, and he shouted in his heart: When will I recognize you as my teacher?You were the one who wanted to accept me as an apprentice in the first place, right?

At this moment, Su Ming felt that Fanli and the master of the Spirit Hall beside him were giving him winks, and the man behind Bai Yaoshi also had a displeased expression on his face. It was obvious that it was not a good thing to be an apprentice to this white old man.

"Master, hurry up and agree."

"Yes? Why? Don't you think this old man is strange?" Su Ming asked curiously.

"Master, this old man is a pharmacist. If you get the alchemy formula from him, you can activate the alchemy function in the system."

"The system still has the medicine refining function?" Su Ming asked curiously.

"Master, the system is omnipotent, but if you want to obtain it, you need to activate it. After you activate it, you can independently refine the elixir according to the elixirs you have."

"It's so simple, do you have any requirements?" Su Ming showed an excited smile on his face

"The materials need to be provided by yourself, and there is a certain failure rate, but when you have a second-grade pill, the success of refining a first-grade pill will reach 50.00%, while a second-grade pill is [-]%."

"Does that mean I can refine all second-grade pills after I get the second-grade pills?"

"Master, no, you can only refine the elixir that you obtained the elixir, but when you get the second-grade elixir, when you swallow the first-grade elixir, even if there is no elixir, this elixir can also be refined system."

"What you mean is that the system can automatically generate pill formulas from the pills I swallowed."

"It can be understood in this way, but it is based on the premise that you have a high-quality pill formula."

After Su Ming fully understood the function of this alchemy, a smile appeared on his face. As long as he obtained the alchemy formula, he would be a pharmacist. Alchemists are all rich and oily.

"Have you thought it through yet, kid?" Seeing that Su Ming was in a daze, the old man asked anxiously.

Su Ming nodded, "I agree."

"Okay, you really have vision, kid. From now on, you will be my apprentice of Bai Yaoshi. When I develop any fourth-grade pill, I will let you try it first." Bai Yaoshi completely forgot the loss of three fourth-grade pills just now. Regarding the medicine, the smile on his face is like picking up a treasure.

"Thank you, Master." Su Ming said respectfully.

"Su Ming? Don't you need to think about it?" At this moment, the middle-aged man behind Bai Yaoshi asked in a low voice.

The middle-aged man thought that Su Ming would refuse, so he didn't stop him. Who knew that Su Ming agreed immediately, and even called his master, so he had no choice but to stop him.

"No need, I've already thought about it." Su Ming didn't know who the man in front of him was, so he didn't take it seriously.

"Su Ming, don't be rude, he is the master of Xicheng Mansion." Seeing that Su Ming answered the mansion master's words very casually, the master of the Spirit Hall hurriedly reminded him.

"What? Mansion Master."

Su Ming trembled all over, he was very puzzled, why even the palace master came here.

"Let me ask you again, do you need to think about it again?" The Palace Master said with a serious face.

"Palace Master, I have already promised Bai Yaoshi, and a man cannot break his promise." Su Ming stood up from the ground, bowed slightly towards the Palace Master, and said respectfully.

After the master of the Spirit Hall announced the identity of the middle-aged man, Mu Tian and the others dispersed on their own. They were very surprised at this moment. What is Su Ming's identity?Not only the fourth-rank alchemy masters of Xicheng Mansion were dispatched, but even the mansion master of Xicheng Mansion came in person, which was too much. . .

After the crowd dispersed, Tang Xinyi saw Su Ming. When she saw Su Ming stand up unharmed, her face showed surprise. Just now, Su Ming was clearly on the verge of death, but how long ago did Su Ming go with him? Like normal people?It's incredible.

"Then what if I take you in as an apprentice?" The Palace Master said with a slight smile.

"Palace Master, this..." Su Ming suddenly felt that his brain was a little short of oxygen.

What's going on.I just fought two fights, why did everyone come to accept me as an apprentice.

"Su Ming, I think it's better for you to join the Spirit Hall. After all, the Spirit Hall is the most suitable place for innate warriors to cultivate in Xicheng Mansion." The master of the Spirit Hall said under pressure. The gate of the palace was snatched away. With Su Ming's potential, it will be a matter of time before he becomes a strong one. At that time, it will be too late for him to regret.

"Little elf, can you tell me what's going on?" Su Ming was stunned by the three people in front of him, completely unaware of what they were doing.

After Su Ming raised a question, the little elf told Su Ming what happened after he was seriously injured and passed out just now. When he heard that the white old man fed him a waste elixir and a half-finished elixir, a flame arose in his heart, and at the same time he knew Yaoshi Bai accepted himself as an apprentice in order to give him a taste of his half-finished pills.

Under the elf's explanation, Su Ming finally understood that in the entire Conferred God Continent, there were only two kinds of pills that were effective for him. None of them worked. These two kinds of elixirs could be obtained by Su Ming through missions. As for the other elixirs, Su Ming needed to activate the refining system and refine them on his own.

After understanding the situation, Su Ming had his own thoughts in his mind. After glancing at the old man Bai, Su Ming secretly smiled in his heart: Since you, a little old man, plotted against Ben Young Master, then Ben Young Master will make you pay some price.

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