Online Game Wizard Contract

Chapter 221: Sweet Dreams

After returning to my residence, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening!

Taking off my suit jacket and tie, I reached out and threw it on the sofa not far away!

And the next moment, I suddenly remembered that the casual clothes I replaced were still in the trunk of Lin Miaoke's car!

Depend on!

Silently in my heart, I stretched out my hand and patted my forehead!

My memory is really getting worse now!

But there is no other way now, let’s stay on top, anyway, I’m going to move to Lin Miaoke’s studio tomorrow!It's time to bring it over!

Listening to what Lin Si said before, Lin Miaoke's studio seems to be full of beauties, I don't know if it's true!

Thinking about it, I couldn't help but smile in my heart,

My future life is really worth looking forward to!

Shaking my head, I turned my head and looked around the living room!

The living room is still the same as before!

Quiet, without the slightest change!

But at this time, there is a slight feeling of something different in my heart!

After all, I have lived here for nearly four months, and it is actually a little sad to be leaving!

Man is such a creature!

Always on the move, but since man is a creature, he naturally hopes to have a fixed existence!A home for one, two, or three people!

Although I am constantly leaving, it is also for my own bright future!

So leaving is inevitable, and a touch of sadness is also inevitable

Taking a slight step, I walked towards the master bedroom on the side!


The door of the master bedroom opened slowly, and what caught my eyes was the same old decorations!

Looking at the empty bedroom in front of me, Xu Xiaoyi's pretty face with a faint smile suddenly appeared in my mind!

There is a hint of mischievousness in the beauty!But the mischievous smile is so attractive to my eyes!

And Xu Xiaoyi's beautiful face that looks familiar!

In the depths of my heart, it keeps emerging, disappearing, emerging, and disappearing!

never stops, seems to have no end


Reaching out to press the switch on the white wall, the lights in the bedroom went out!The bedroom, which was originally like daylight, was instantly pitch black, and the only thing with a gleam of light was the living room light projected through my figure into the bedroom!

My own shadow was drawn into by the light in the living room, and it became taller!But it seems that there is such a trace of indifference and loneliness!

Then close the door, I went back to the living room!

I have to move tomorrow, so I need to get a good night's sleep today!

Thinking this way in my heart, I walked to the sofa in the living room, picked up my coat and tie, then turned and walked towards my bedroom!

When I came to my bedroom, a mobile phone rang suddenly!

I froze, who would be calling?

With some doubts in my heart, I threw my clothes on the big bed beside me, and reached out to take out the mobile phone in my pocket!


"Ye Feng! You bastard, didn't you say you wanted to call me? What, you forgot?" A sweet and naughty voice sounded from the phone, but the naughty voice at this time seemed to be slightly angry!

It was Xu Xiaoyi's sweet voice!

After listening to Xu Xiaoyi's questioning, I patted myself on the head in regret @!

Damn, really, I actually forgot about it!

With a wry smile in my heart, I quickly explained: "Just now I went out to do some errands, and I came back a bit late. I was about to call you, so you called me!"

"Really?" Xu Xiaoyi asked with a chuckle!

I nodded: "Really!"

"'s no wonder I believe you!" Xu Xiaoyi said angrily!


I was speechless, it seems that I am really not good at lying...

After pausing for a moment, Xu Xiaoyi asked again: "Bastard Ye Feng, what did you go out for just now?"

"Eat?" I answered truthfully!

"Is it with a beautiful woman?" Xu Xiaoyi said on the other end of the phone!

"Uh... how do you know?"

"Hmph...a woman's intuition!" Xu Xiaoyi said angrily!

In an instant, cold sweat drenched on my forehead!

Wow, a woman is indeed a wonderful creature, and her intuition is also a terrifying thing!

But listening to Xu Xiaoyi's angry words, I couldn't help but smile in my heart!

With a chuckle, I said teasingly, "What's the matter girl? Are you jealous?"

"I... I didn't!..." Xu Xiaoyi said in a panic, but I got my answer from her tone!

I smiled slightly, and I didn't continue to ask questions!

Smiling with Xu Xiaoyi, I said, "Girl, let me tell you something!"

"Well, what's the matter?" Xu Xiaoyi asked!

"I'm moving tomorrow!" I said very calmly!

Immediately, Xu Xiaoyi asked: "Moving, where are you going? Are you leaving Shanghai?"

From Xu Xiaoyi's sweet voice, I could hear a trace of panic, and a slight trembling sound of fear!

I don't know why, but suddenly I felt a little sad in my heart!

So, I hurriedly explained to Xu Xiaoyi: "Of course not, how could I leave Shanghai without a beautiful girlfriend like you!"

I laughed half-jokingly, and the half-joking words immediately made Xu Xiaoyi laugh out loud!

Xu Xiaoyi laughed and scolded me, "Go to hell...I didn't admit that I was your girlfriend!"

Listening to Xu Xiaoyi's scolding, I couldn't help but smile in my heart!

After that, I said innocently: "Girl, how can you do this? We have kissed before, aren't we still boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Regarding what I said, Xu Xiaoyi on the other side of the phone immediately said in a panic: "No, I... I even kissed my Beibei, so could it be my boyfriend too?"

I was taken aback by Xu Xiaoyi's words, and I quickly asked, "Who is Beibei?"

"My puppy..." Xu Xiaoyi replied calmly!


In an instant, I was completely defeated... Cold sweat dripped from my forehead!

Damn, that girl Xu Xiaoyi actually compared me with a puppy!

Feeling helpless, I replied speechlessly: "Can it be the same?"

"Same!" Xu Xiaoyi said firmly!


Lost again!I am completely speechless!

In the end, I had no choice but to give up: "Okay, okay, whatever you say is what it is!"

"Hee hee..." After winning the battle, Xu Xiaoyi smiled happily!


Just chatting with Xu Xiaoyi like this, after nearly an hour passed unconsciously, Xu Xiaoyi yawned and said to me: "Ye Feng, I'm sleepy, I'm going to bed!"

Listening to Xu Xiaoyi's cute voice that became confused, I couldn't help laughing in my heart!

Xu Xiaoyi's charming appearance on the bed seemed to appear in front of his eyes again!

Smiling slightly, I said softly, "Well, go to bed early! Otherwise, I will become a baby panda tomorrow!"

To my gentle teasing, Xu Xiaoyi replied angrily: "You will become a baby panda!"

I laughed out loud at this!

After a while, Xu Xiaoyi's voice became more confused and cute: "I'm really going to sleep, good night!"

After saying that, there was no sound from Xu Xiaoyi's side, he must have fallen asleep!

I couldn't help a wry smile in my heart, and I also said softly: "Good night!"

After that, I hung up the phone!

Set your phone to ring just after [-]:[-] am, then leave it by your bedside!

Slightly shaking my sore wrist, I turned my head and looked at the wall clock on the wall!

kindness!It's past ten o'clock!

How time flies!

With a sigh in my heart, I took out a set of loose home clothes from the closet and ran towards Yu!

In 10 minutes, I simply took a hot shower!

After drying my hair, I went back to the bedroom and lay directly on my big bed!

It's still pretty good to take a shower before bed!

It's a total treat!

Suddenly, I felt emotional, what a tragedy it would be if there was no water in this world one day?

Water is the mother, if there is no water in the world, then all these will disappear!

In the silent guessing in my heart, my eyes also began to fight constantly!

Slowly, I closed my eyes, and my thinking also entered the chaos!

In the dream, I appeared in a desert without water!Became a great martyr looking for water sources!And in the end, I finally found an oasis in the desert, where there are all kinds of creatures and endless water sources!

The water is so clear that you can see the bottom of the lake through the deep water!

Leaning slightly, I took a sip of the crystal-clear water with both hands!

In an instant, the sweet smell filled every part of my skin, bringing vitality to my originally weak body!

I'm alive, really alive!

Afterwards, I returned to my village with the news that I had found the water source, and told the news of the water source to the whole family!

Just as I was enjoying their adoring eyes and endless cheers, a sharp alarm bell sounded in my ears!

Slowly opening my eyes, I took out the cell phone I put under the pillow!

I looked at it, it was already eight o'clock!Set your own alarm time!

Turning off the alarm, I slowly got up from the bed!

Slowly opening my still somewhat confused eyes, I half-closed my eyes and looked out of the window!

The outside world is already bright, and through the window, I saw the golden light shining into my bedroom!

Well, it looks like today is another sunny day!

I stretched out my hand and scratched my head indiscriminately, and immediately my already messy hair became even more messy!

As for my sacrificed dream, I was speechless for a while!

md!Whether in reality or in a dream, it will always give you a fatal blow when you are about to enjoy happiness!It's like you found a pretty good lady, all the pre-match preparations were completed, the money was paid, and when you were about to raise your gun to go into battle, the police rushed in!

But if you hand in your gun and surrender, you have to pay a fine!

That feeling is quite unpleasant!

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