Online Game Wizard Contract

Chapter 239: Nangong's Kiss

My eyes widened, and when I looked at the crimson liquid in the wine bottle in a little bit of surprise, a system prompt sounded in my ear

"Ding! The system prompts: Because you drink a special item, your strength will increase!"


Strength increased by twenty points!

In an instant, I recovered from the slightest surprise

Looking at the wine bottle in my hand, I couldn't help shouting out in surprise: "** this wine against the heavens?"

I can't believe it at all, just a sip of wine, I increased my strength by [-] points, that is, a full [-] points of attack power, four levels higher than others for no reason, and it is a fourth level that I will never be able to surpass !

In the next second, I raised my hand and was about to pour all the rum in the bottle into my mouth!

However, I was still one step too late, the animal trainer beside me had already made a move first, grabbed the wine bottle in my hand, and then looked at me warily!

"What do you want to do?"


I despised the animal trainer in my heart, I still smiled on the surface and said: "It's nothing, I just want to taste this wine, I drank it too fast just now and didn't taste anything!"

"Dream, I have to drink this wine myself!" After the animal trainer gave me a blank look, he raised the bottle in his hand and started drinking it!

In less than three seconds, a bottle of rum was completely wiped out, not even a trace was left...

After drinking the wine, the animal trainer burped in satisfaction!

And I looked at the empty wine bottle, and I was speechless in my heart!

***!I should have grabbed the bottle and ran away...

However, the next moment I thought about it in my heart, I was just making rum!

Wait until Liufeng Xiaogu's bronze-level boss--Greedy Toad is spawned, I'll go fight Toad's Tears!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help laughing out loud!

And the animal trainer on the other side seems to have mind reading skills, as if he saw the thoughts in my heart, he smiled at me, and said: "Boy, don't think about bad things, the rare ingredient of tears of toads is not good. It can't just be a big boss, it appears every six months, and the next time you drink good wine, you have to wait for six months!"

After a sigh, the name of the animal trainer - Aditya slowly disappeared in front of my eyes, and the animal trainer - Aditya became a beggar again, kneeling and sitting at the door of the tavern !

Silence does not speak!

mlgbd!I knew it was impossible for the system to have such a bug... Even if it did, I probably wouldn't be able to discover it...

After six months, after six months, the player's level is unknown. At that time, they probably don't need any rum to improve their strength!

After secretly despising a system in my heart, I turned around and walked towards the east gate of the forest city with the red lotus sword in my hand!

This time it can also be said that luck is good!

Not to mention the successful learning of taming beasts, it also increased a little bit of strength...

Just relying on this, I am already four levels higher than players of the same level...

Naturally, my strength has also been improved to a certain extent!

The harvest is quite good!

I couldn't help but smile in my heart, I suddenly thought that I should tell all the girls in the studio about finding Aditya, of course Xu Xiaoyi, and some friends who are better than me in the game!

Stopping my steps, I took out my communicator and connected to Lin Miaoke!

Two seconds later, the communicator spoke!

Lin Miaoke seemed a little out of breath: "Ye Feng..."

Hearing Lin Miaoke's words, I frowned slightly and asked, "Xiao Ke, what are you doing? Why do you feel that you are out of breath?"

Lin Miaoke smiled at me: "I'm running for my life! We were hunted down by a very powerful boss! Hee hee..."

For a moment, I was speechless...

Lin Miaoke is a tough girl, she still has the heart to answer my call when she is running for her life!

I couldn't help laughing, and I said, "I found the animal tamer in Forest City... Hurry up and learn the animal taming skills!"

Lin Miaoke was slightly surprised: "You actually found the animal trainer. I was on the forum before, but I saw many players offering rewards to find the animal trainer in Forest City! How did you find it?"

In this regard, I smiled lightly: "Hurry up and come here, I will tell you in detail when I come!"

"Okay! After we finish this boss, we will go there immediately!"

"I'll send you the coordinates of the animal trainer in a while!"

"Okay!" Lin Miaoke agreed with a smile!

After hanging up the communicator, I sent the coordinates of the animal trainer directly to Lin Miaoke!

Then I turned and ran towards the tavern...


There was a sharp piercing sound, and I inserted the sharp red lotus sword directly on the stone steps paved with bluestone!

After that, I sat down on the stairs, quietly waiting for the arrival of Lin Miaoke and all the MMs,

After I waited for about 10 minutes, all the mm appeared beside me...

And I also pulled out the red lotus sword on the stone slab, stood up and went up to meet it!

As soon as we met, Lin Miaoke asked me with a smile, "Ye Feng, where is the animal trainer?"

Smiling at Lin Miaoke, I turned around and pointed to the beggar who was kneeling at the door of the tavern!

In an instant, all the MMs looked at the beggar in amazement, their bright eyes were full of doubts.

"This is the animal trainer?" Lin Si puffed out her small mouth, stepped forward, and looked at the beggar with a slight frown!

I nod!

"His name is a beggar, how could he be an animal trainer?" Nangong asked me with a frown as he wrapped his arms around his plump chest!

And the other MMs also turned their heads to look at me, their eyes were full of curiosity, and they were quietly waiting for my answer!

I laughed and explained my previous experience to all the MMs!

In an instant, everyone understood...

At this moment, the little goblin, who was wearing a milky white priest robe, seemed to have some doubts: "How can he become a beast tamer even though he is a beggar?"

Regarding the cuteness of the lost little demon mm, I am directly speechless...

Nangong stepped forward, looked at the little demon sister and said with a giggle, "Actually, this is the same as why a man can become a woman!"


Nangong's explanation made me break out in sweat!

Mango couldn't stand it anymore, stepped forward, and said to Nangong: "After that month, don't tell Xiao Yao about such strange things in the future, I really can't stand you!"

Being taught a lesson by Mango, Nangong just smiled and didn't care at all!

Lin Miaoke lifted her fiery red robe lightly, and said with a smile, "Okay, everyone, hurry up and learn the beast taming technique as Ye Feng said!"

The boss spoke, and all the girls nodded!

After that, the girls all happily ran towards the tavern!And Nangong stayed where he was!

I was slightly taken aback, and looked at Nangong: "Nangong, why don't you learn?"

Nangong turned his head and gave me a very embarrassed smile: "That, that... I fell in love with a bag before, so I exchanged all the gold coins in the game to buy a bag, so I am now a poor man! Hehe laugh……"

Speechlessly glanced at Nangong!

The allure of bags seems to be really great for women...

I took out fifty gold coins from my backpack, and I directly traded with Nangong next to me!

Nangong didn't make sure right away, but turned to look at me, blinked his eyes and asked in a low voice: "Ye Feng Ouba... After I collect your money, you won't make some excessive demands on me, right? For example Leave the door open for you when you sleep tonight?"

Saying that, Nangong straightened out her pride in front of me!

Immediately, under Nangong's soft armor of thieves, the plumpness of a pair of young girls seemed to tear apart their clothes!


There was a burst of cold sweat on my head!

Crack!Is brother such a **** person?We are very kind...

Stretching out my left hand, I tapped on Nangong's forehead, and chuckled softly: "What silly words are you talking about? Our character is very good..."

"Hee hee..." Nangong laughed lightly after hearing this!

However, at the next moment, Nangong still confirmed the deal!

I said, "Hurry up...!"

Nangong nodded at me, slightly...

After that, Nangong suddenly turned around and rushed towards me, tiptoed and kissed my left cheek!

The warm feeling came from the cheeks, and I immediately felt a burst of fragrance!

In an instant, I was shocked...

He stared wide-eyed at the smiling Nangong beside him!

But Nangong smiled mischievously at me, and said, "Don't get me wrong! My sister paid you the interest in advance. Also, I grew up abroad, so it's nothing!"

Saying that, Nangong smiled at me again, and ran towards the tavern with the two daggers in his hand!

He stretched out his hand and touched the warmth that was still left on his cheeks!

I looked at Nangong's back and couldn't help chuckling!

As for what Nangong said about growing up abroad, although I don't know very well, judging from the slightly flushed face of Nangong when she turned around, she still has a shy side of a girl!

Although, Nangong is usually careless, like a boy!

However, the girl's natural shyness, she can't forget...

Then, I turned around and looked around,

Fortunately, the ladies in the tavern are having a hard time buying wine, and they don't seem to notice this...

After reassuring, I walked towards the tavern with the red lotus sword in my hand!

In less than 5 minutes, all the MMs in the studio have already learned the animal taming technique, but like me, no one has received the task and raised the skill to the intermediate level... It seems that the system is against the first Bonus task for a learner!

After that, Lin Miaoke and I walked out of the tavern!

I turned my head to look at Lin Miaoke and said, "Xiao Ke... you can contact the guild to spread the news, and let the members from all over the world come to learn the beast taming technique!"

Lin Miaoke chuckled at the side: "Hehe... With this advantage, our players from all over the world can learn the beast taming earlier than other players in Forest City, and the first batch of players in Forest City who have pets must be our ten Fang Zhudi!"

As she said that, Lin Miaoke's pretty face was full of excitement @!

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