Peach Fortune

Chapter 1 Beautiful, My Squad Leader

Wearing a ponytail, she has pale pink skin that can be broken with a snap of her fingers, a round, lovely and refined oval face, and those big watery eyes, a delicate little nose, and a small pink mouth.Clean and green, beautiful and moving.If it is combined with the delicate body in the white shirt and black dress, there can only be one word to describe it, beauty!The beautiful young girl in front of her is the monitor of the third and sixth classes of the junior high school, and she is also the school belle and the object of crush in the hearts of many boys.

However, for Zhang Qian, behind such beauty lies...

"Crack!" Chen Zitong slapped the table hard with his fair and tender little hand, instantly destroying Zhang Qian's longing and yearning for beautiful things.I saw her aggressively using those smart and beautiful eyes to reveal the light of instigating the teacher, and asked seriously, "Student Zhang Qian! The head teacher expressly prohibits any behavior of copying homework in the class, but you are so blatant. Copy homework during class time, do you want me to report your glorious deeds to the head teacher?"

Well, this is the most unlovable thing about the class leader who has been transferred to another school for more than two months, that is, he likes to meddle in other people's business.Zhang Qian pouted helplessly, lowered his head and continued copying his homework as if he didn't see it.Sometimes he often thought that if Chen Zitong didn't have that beautiful appearance, he would definitely be completely ignored by him.

"Hey, didn't you hear me? You..." Chen Zitong was very angry at Zhang Qian's ignorance. She lowered her body and wanted to challenge this poor student at close range, but...

"Beautiful, my big monitor, if you dare to be lower, be careful that your chest will suddenly bloom." Zhang Qian didn't raise his head, but this short sentence made Chen Zitong's pretty face instantly blush, and he hurriedly covered his face. The looming white and plump under the open neckline immediately raised her delicate body.

"Smelly rascal!" Chen Zitong bit her pink lips angrily and cursed secretly, and said in disbelief, "For a poor student like you, I'm not interested in meddling in your business, but I have to complete the task assigned to me by the class teacher. Now you Stop copying homework immediately, or I will tell the teacher right now!"

"Yo, I'm so scared, my big monitor, it's great to study well, and you can swear at others?" Zhang Qian raised his head and shrugged helplessly, "I admit that I am poor in reading, I admit that I am a poor student, but I don't have the same philosophy as you, I don't like reading, I just want to leave this damn school early, so please don't judge me by your standards, ok?"

"No! Zhang Qian, it's already the last semester of the third year of junior high school, and then the senior high school entrance examination is about to take place. Do you really want to be admitted to a bad school like vocational high school?" Chen Zitong said with dissatisfaction in his beautiful eyes, "If you are like this, will your parents be proud of you?"

"I'm sorry, Squad Leader, maybe for you, study, school, and grades are more important than anything else, but for me, survival and life are the most important, understand? I don't have that much leisure time. In terms of reading, so I didn't even think about going to any school, because I didn't want to study anymore after finishing junior high school, so you are satisfied?" Zhang Qian pushed Chen Zitong's little hand away from the desk, feeling a little displeased. He said patiently, "My lord, a follower of a teacher like you should take care of other good students. Don't disturb me copying homework. Please do it yourself!"

"You... a child can't be taught!" Chen Zitong walked to his seat angrily with a blushing pretty face. At this moment, Zhang Qian looked up at the back of her leaving, and couldn't help showing a smug smile.I have to say that whether it is Chen Zitong's pretty face or her slightly young but gradually mature figure, they are all impeccable.It's a pity that for a poor student like him who is dawdling around, such a school girl with excellent character and learning is of course something that can only be seen from a distance, and should not be profaned!

Maybe it was Zhang Qian's self-defeating reason that shocked Chen Zitong, or maybe Chen Zitong already felt that this person was hopeless, but in the end she still didn't really go to the teacher to complain, which also made Zhang Qian, who was writing so hard, finally rush to hand in his homework Before plagiarism is complete.

"Thank you, brother." As usual, Zhang Qian returned the copied homework to Hao Ren, a classmate in the back seat.I don't know if his father thought too much of a bad person when he named him, but as soon as the homonym was translated, the whole class immediately knew that he was a good person.As his name suggests, he is indeed an honest, timid, but kind and helpful person.

Haoren took over the homework, looked at Zhang Qian, and stammered in a low voice, "Zhang, do you have a crush on Chen Zitong? It seems that you and her often have conversations?"

"Me? Secretly in love with her??" Zhang Qian couldn't help laughing and said, "Please, good man, you can do it, please don't compare me with that nagging ghost? It's not that I have something to talk to her, but It's that guy who always finds fault with me, okay! A good student likes to point fingers, such girls are the most annoying."

"Oh..." Hao Ren nodded, and seemed to breathe a little relieved.Zhang Qian ignored him, turned back and lay down on the table.He couldn't help but sneer at Hao Ren's question just now.No matter from any point of view, it is completely impossible for him and Chen Zitong to be from two worlds.

"Ring ring ring!" The class bell rang, and the Chinese teacher Ye Wenhua, who was the head teacher of the third and sixth grades of junior high school, walked into the classroom.Although Teacher Ye Wenhua is a woman, in the eyes of the students, a woman in menopause who gets angry is more terrifying than a scourge.At this time, with a straight face, she had already announced that such a storm was coming.

"Boom!" When the lesson plan in Teacher Ye's hand fell hard on the podium, she grabbed the report card in her hand, and said loudly to the students present with a livid face, "This is the monthly exam for our third and sixth classes. The grades are very good, very good! I looked at the rankings today, and among the top [-] in the whole grade, there are only three in our class! We can’t even reach the standard line of five places on average! Not only that, but the passing rate is so high. It's the worst in the whole grade! Can you tell me why? Do you eat less or sleep less than students in other classes! I feel ashamed for you with such a test result!"

Under the stage, the entire classroom was extremely quiet, because everyone knew in their hearts that if they made a sound at this time, they were obviously making themselves uncomfortable.To be honest, the third and sixth classes of junior high school are not top class, nor are they bad classes. They can be regarded as a class with middle grades. The relationship between guys like Zhang Qian holding back.

At this time, Teacher Ye glanced at all the students. The anger in his heart had been brewing for a long time. He slapped the podium fiercely, and his cold eyes instantly aimed in Zhang Qian's direction!

"Zhang Qian, stand up for me!!" Yelaoshi sprayed out his saliva, completely disregarding his own image, and scolded angrily, "If you don't want to read it, then don't forget it. Who! Do you know that because of you, the pass rate of our class has become the last in the whole grade! Now, the third and sixth classes of junior high school are almost not even counted as ordinary classes! Look, what are you taking the exam for? What are they all! Even a pig is better than you in the exam!!"

"Teacher, I don't believe that pigs are better than me in the exam, why don't you ask the head to take the exam?" Zhang Qian hated comparing himself with pigs the most, and couldn't help but say righteously, "I must be smarter than pigs." .”

"Hahaha..." Zhang Qian's words made the whole class burst into laughter, and the originally tense atmosphere was relieved a lot.

"What are you laughing at! Shut up!!" Teacher Ye was already in a rage, but at this moment the veins were bulging, and some of them were gnashing their teeth.The whole class was waiting for the homeroom teacher's big explosion. In their eyes, Zhang Qian was undoubtedly in danger.

"Okay, very good! You have learned to talk back, haven't you? Zhang Qian!" Teacher Ye took a deep breath, his eyes were already bloodshot.

"Here! Teacher, what do you want me to do?" Zhang Qian stood upright, looking like he was waiting to be sentenced on the execution ground. He wanted to be a martyr, but no matter how he looked at it, he looked like a traitor and prudish.Maybe for him, the teacher's punishment has made him a little numb.

"You, from today onwards, sit next to the monitor, Chen Zitong." Teacher Ye's voice was not loud, but it made the whole class exclaim.Who is Chen Zitong?That's the No. 1 top student in the class, but who is Zhang Qian?That's the last bad student in the class. These two people are already at the two extremes of the North and South Poles. This suddenly brings them together at the same table. What kind of chemical reaction will happen?

"Ah??" Zhang Qian was completely dumbfounded. What, what is this?Want him to be at the same table as Chen Zitong, the head monitor?Just think about Zhang Qian's desire to collapse!

"Chen Zitong, Zhang Qian's grades are poor, and he loves to cause trouble. It's a big trouble for our whole class. I'll hand him over to you to take care of him now, okay?" Teacher Ye spoke in a negotiating tone, but no matter from which angle he looked at it, The expression on her face can only be described as beyond doubt.

"Teacher, teacher, I was wrong. I will work hard to study hard, teacher who makes progress every day!" Zhang Qian almost pleaded, as if it was more tragic than going to the execution ground.

"You will study hard? Sows can climb trees!" Teacher Ye gave Zhang Qian a white look, and said to Chen Zitong, whose pretty face was full of surprise and surprise, "Chen Zitong, what's the problem?"

At this moment, Chen Zitong turned his head to look at Zhang Qian, who had a painful and unwilling face, a trace of sullenness flashed in his eyes, he bit his pink lips lightly, unexpectedly nodded and said, "Good teacher, I have no problem."

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