Peach Fortune

Chapter 101 Rescue 1

"Huchi...huchi...I said, it's not true that the boss of the Dragon Association lied to you? This is almost climbing to the mountainside of Jianzui Mountain, let alone the earthen house where Daoyihui hides, there is not even a ghost See you!" Sitting down in a bush, panting heavily, Yu Wei wiped the sweat from his forehead, and complained to Zhang Qian who was beside him, "Did we go the wrong way? Isn't this a sharp place? Zuishan?"

"Impossible, this is Jianzui Mountain. The range of this mountain is so vast, how can it be easy to find a small earthen house in the valley?" Zhang Qian glanced around and said, "This Jianzui Mountain The area is vast, but if the earthen house is built in a mountain depression, it should not be on the top of the mountain, we walk along the side of the mountain, if the hiding place of the Daoyi Society is really in this mountain, there should be some clues to be found."

Seeing that Zhang Qian was still full of confidence, Yu Wei, who was struggling, could only bite the bullet and stood up to accompany him to continue searching.

After the two came out of the underground branch of the True Dragon Club in the Commercial City, they rented a taxi and hurried all the way to Lujia Village, and quietly went up to Jianzui Mountain.According to Cheng Xiongtian's description, the stronghold of the Daoyi Society probably exists in the depression of Jianzui Mountain.Zhang Qian was still a little apprehensive in the taxi at that time, after all, this was only Cheng Xiongtian's unilateral information, and it was impossible to know whether it was accurate or not.After weighing it over and over again, he took the initiative to call Qian Yuxin, wanting to ask if the police had any new clues to refer to.Qian Yuxin revealed some useful information in his words under his insinuation.

While Zhang Qian was going to meet the True Dragon Society, the police were naturally not idle.The deputy county magistrate was hijacked by unidentified criminals. Finding Wang Zhiqing's whereabouts soon became the most important and top priority in Andu County.After investigating the traffic monitors, the Criminal Police Team quickly found the footage of the action of the black Honda. During the monitoring, the police found that the black Honda turned a big corner after grabbing Wang Zhiqing, and finally went along the road. The southwest road escaped from the county seat.

Since the monitoring system is only installed within the county seat, it is naturally impossible to install cameras on the simple roads that go out of the county seat to the countryside.The police could only trace the whereabouts of the criminals, but they had no idea where these criminals were taking Wang Zhiqing.

But they didn't know, but Zhang Qian knew it very well.One of the mountain villages that this county-level highway in the southwest direction of the county passes through is Lujia Village!In this way, Zhang Qian can finally be sure that Cheng Xiongtian's information should be correct, and the hiding place of the Daoyi Society is likely to be in Jianzui Mountain!

Zhang Qian was actually very anxious, after all, if the Daoyi Society really hijacked Wang Zhiqing, they should already be planning to kill Wang Zhiqing.If they can't find their hiding place earlier, then there is a high possibility that something unexpected will happen to Wang Zhiqing.The more he thought about this, the faster Zhang Qian climbed the mountain. He completely forgot about his exhaustion, and only wanted to find the hiding place of the Daoyihui as soon as possible.

But because it was night, and I didn't dare to turn on the flashlight, my vision was very bad. Not to mention bumps and bumps along the way, I almost slipped and fell a few times. If the two of them hadn't helped each other, they might have rolled down the mountain and suffered serious injuries.

Walking horizontally along the mountainside to the right, it took about half an hour before they came to the back of Jianzui Mountain.Yu Wei just wanted to continue walking, but he was pushed to the ground by Zhang Qian's violent pull!Just as he was about to open his mouth in dissatisfaction, he saw Zhang Qian making a hissing gesture, and he pricked up his ears in surprise. Sure enough, there seemed to be voices faintly not far away, and the distance seemed to be getting closer and closer to them. It's getting closer and clearer!

"Elephant, I drank a lot tonight, but it's been a long time since I've had such a good time. Damn, I've been in this shitty mountain for so long, and I don't know when I'll be able to go out." Vaguely, in the moonlight Next, Zhang Qian, who was lying in the grass, saw two black shadows approaching the grass near Zhang Qian, and one of them burped and said drunkenly, "Boss, too, don't drink too much for such a celebration day. Cup, I guess I want to fuck that woman... Let alone, that woman is so beautiful, even if you want to kill her, you have to have a good time before you die."

"Haha, wolf, why do you have the same idea as mine? The boss said, after we are full of wine and food, the woman will take turns to play with us. Hehe... I stay in this barren mountain and wild forest and talk about it." The birds are all fading out, why don’t you comfort our little brother well?” After the man named Elephant slapped the guy nicknamed Wolf, he said with a smirk, “I promise… let that chick have a good time before she dies.” Experience the majesty of our elephants."

"You cow, I don't accept anything else, so I will obey you, hehe... No wonder you are nicknamed Elephant, but you are really big... Hurry up, and continue to drink!" The guy called wolf rang There was a sound of urinating.

Apart from anger, Zhang Qian, who was hiding in the grass next to him, was more excited.He is excited because his hard work pays off. From the guys nicknamed Elephant and Wolf peeing here, we can know that the hiding place of the Dojo Society is not far from here, and the beautiful woman in their conversation, It should be Wang Zhiqing.

In this way, Wang Zhiqing was obviously also caught here, and her life was not in danger yet!And he was angry because these inhumane guys really wanted to kill Wang Zhiqing, and they wanted to rape her in every possible way before killing her!

It wasn't until the two of them finished urinating and staggered towards the direction they came from that Zhang Qian turned his head and whispered to Yu Wei beside him, "Now, go down the mountain immediately and go to a place with mobile phone signal to make a call." To Cheng Xiongtian, bring him and his men to destroy these inhuman beasts! I will follow them to the hiding place of the Douyi Society first, and if there is a chance to rescue Wang Zhiqing, I will do it. If there is no chance, I will wait outside Come with you."

Yu Wei was stunned, and hurriedly worried, "I'm leaving, can you be alone? There are so many enemies, or should we wait for Cheng Xiongtian to come here with his men before doing anything?"

"Don't worry, I know how to measure, you hurry back, bring Cheng Xiongtian here earlier, and you can wipe out these bastards sooner!" After Zhang Qian finished speaking, he got out of the grass and fell into the darkness.

Yu Wei, who was on the side, watched Zhang Qian disappear into the darkness, and couldn't help muttering to himself, "Zhang Qian, don't let anything happen to you, wait until I bring someone here before you do anything, don't try to be brave!"


In a daze, Wang Zhiqing slowly opened her beautiful eyes, but when she came into her eyes, she found that she was not in the room of the Meiyuan Hotel, nor in the office of the county government, nor in her former home in the capital. .

A dim candle was slowly burning on the stone platform beside her. Through this little light, she saw the mess in the shabby hut, and smelled the stench rushing into her nose, and she couldn't help but wake up suddenly. , staring at the beautiful eyes, the whole person just wanted to get up in a panic, but found that he couldn't move at all!

Looking down, Wang Zhiqing was shocked to find that she had been tied tightly with five-flowered ties at some point, and the place she was leaning on was a pile of haystacks that could only be found in the countryside.

Where is this?Where are you?This is what Wang Zhiqing wants to know the most at this time, but her mouth has been stuffed with a cloth, and she has no ability to speak or scream, so she can only listen to herself whimpering softly, like crying, like It seems to be moaning.

Gradually calming down from her panic, Wang Zhiqing faintly heard voices from outside, and she suddenly recalled the scene before she fell into a coma.

Before she fell into a coma, Wang Zhiqing, who was sitting in the car with her eyes closed, was awakened by the driver's horn. After she opened her eyes and looked at the crowded alleys and streets outside, she found that the car was almost approaching the Meiyuan Hotel where she lived.After leaving the Hutong street, she was very tired and was about to tell the driver not to pick her up to go to work tomorrow morning, but unexpectedly, a gravel truck rushed towards her, the incident happened too suddenly , the driver had no time to brake and hit it head-on!Amidst the uncontrollable screams, she only felt the force of a collision directly slam her body hard against the front seat, and then she fell unconscious.

"Why would I be tied up like this after a car accident? What happened afterwards?" Wang Zhiqing felt more and more that something was wrong. Although she was young, she was in an officialdom and her mind had already been honed and matured.In such an unknown situation, she did not experience extreme panic, but kept encouraging herself, asking herself to maintain the utmost calmness and restraint.

"Crack..." Suddenly, the door of this small, dilapidated wooden house was kicked open, and a middle-aged man with a bandage on his chest walked in from the outside, with a gloomy expression.Behind him, there were two sturdy subordinates. The flashlights in their hands directly shone on Wang Zhiqing's pretty face, and the dazzling light made her turn her face away.

"Major Wang, you are finally awake, how are you? Are you satisfied with your sleep?" The middle-aged man faced Wang Zhiqing who was tied and leaning on the haystack in front of him, and said with a sneer, "This is a donkey. This is where my donkey used to be raised. When I was very young, my family had to slaughter and sell the only valuable donkey for their livelihood. The meat money from killing the donkey supported the whole family through the cold winter. I am very grateful to that donkey. It sacrificed its life so that I could survive. However, soon, you will be the same victim as that donkey so that I can survive. Cherish this short life in the end time."

"Hmm..." Hearing the middle-aged man's words, Wang Zhiqing's beautiful eyes widened immediately, and she struggled to say something, but because something was blocked in her mouth, she could only turn into whimpering.

The middle-aged man winked at the subordinate behind him, and then the subordinate walked up to Wang Zhiqing, and took Sebu out of her mouth.Because she took it with some force, Wang Zhiqing, who didn't react for a while, couldn't help coughing twice.After recovering for a while, she hurriedly said, "Who are you? Where am I now? Why did you tie me up? What exactly do you want to do?"

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