Peach Fortune

Chapter 108 The Great Escape 3

"Sister Zhiqing, how could I abandon you here alone and let you fall into the hands of those inhuman beasts again? I will absolutely not let you be bullied in any way, and I will not let you live in an ignoble way!" Zhang Qian looked at Wang Zhiqing's beautiful eyes already showed despair, and the desire to protect her sister made him suddenly surge with a powerful force that filled every corner of her body.

Without waiting for Wang Zhiqing to speak again, Zhang Qian grabbed Wang Zhiqing's white and slender jade arm, and directly carried her entire delicate body on his back without hesitation.After taking a deep breath and adapting to the increased weight on his body, he took a step forward and continued walking down the mountain with Wang Zhiqing on his back!

"Zhang Qian? You, what are you doing, let me down quickly!" Wang Zhiqing was shocked and moved at the same time, her eyes were red, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

Zhang Qian's actions made her feel deeply concerned and warm, but she is not a naive girl, she is a calm and rational adult woman. From the current form and logic, she knows that Zhang Qian's actions are completely emotional!

She kept struggling on Zhang Qian's back to get off, and choked up anxiously, "Zhang Qian, don't be so naive, can you! If you carry me on your back like this, your physical strength will drop quickly, and your speed will slow down soon." It's getting slower and slower, and I will definitely be caught up by the members of the Doji Society! Let me down, let me down, okay? I want you to let me down!!!"

"I don't, I won't! I can't just watch you fall into the hands of those guys again. If you want to die together, you must live together!!" Zhang Qian didn't listen to Wang Zhiqing's words at all, and just went forward with all his might rush.However, he had already slowed down a lot by carrying Wang Zhiqing on his back, and now she was constantly struggling on his back, which made him unable to maintain his balance, and his swaying speed slowed down a bit.He couldn't help but said, "Sister Zhiqing, don't struggle anymore, the more you act like this, the slower our escape speed will be!"

"Let me down Zhang Qian, let me down quickly! I don't want you to be buried with me, and I don't want to harm you. This matter has nothing to do with you. The person they want to kill is me, not you!" Wang Zhiqing still refused, Struggling, he began to hammer his back with his small hands and said, "Zhang Qian, put me down quickly!!"

"Crack!!" Just when Wang Zhiqing was unwilling to let go, she felt a sudden burst of burning pain on her sensitive buttocks.

Sensitive parts were attacked, Wang Zhiqing was visibly taken aback, her body's softness made her blushed instantly.At this time, she had already realized that just now, Zhang Qian slapped her buttocks hard!

"Wang Zhiqing! If you dare to make trouble again, if you dare to make noise again, I will blow your ass open!" Zhang Qian finally couldn't help lowering his voice and said angrily, "If you don't listen to my brother like this, then I will use men and Communicate with you in the way of a woman! As a man, I will never abandon the woman I like and respect easily! A man has the dignity of a man, even if it is death, I must protect you to the end! You just Get rid of this heart, tonight, if there is you, there will be me, without you, there will be no me!"

Wang Zhiqing's beautiful eyes widened, she didn't know how to adapt to this sudden change of attitude.She opened her mouth, as if she was about to say something, but unexpectedly, there was another burst of burning pain in her buttocks, which made her whole delicate body fall limply on Zhang Qian's back.

Soon, although she didn't know what Wang Zhiqing was thinking, she finally became honest.Biting her pink lips tightly, she didn't speak again, and her delicate body just leaned against her back limply, without any movement.

In fact, Zhang Qian really didn't know what to do, so he acted rough in a hurry.

Originally, it was only because he was anxious and dissatisfied that his own hand could only reach Wang Zhiqing's buttocks, so he slapped her round buttocks, but he really didn't expect that these two slaps really had an effect. Make Wang Zhiqing completely quiet, and there is no sign of struggling anymore.

In fact, Zhang Qian didn't know whether it was what he said just now that made a difference, or whether it was the fact that he spanked her twice. In short, as long as she stopped making noise and wanted to stay, it would be fine!

But having said that, the two faint slaps just now made Zhang Qian undoubtedly deeply appreciate the fullness and elasticity of Wang Zhiqing's buttocks.That kind of feeling is really hard to put it down...

"They are right ahead, hurry up!!" Before Zhang Qian had a chance to savor the feeling of the touch just now, there was another shout of chasing soldiers behind him, and they were already very close to him.Gritting his teeth, Zhang Qian once again exerted all his strength, gritted his teeth and quickened his pace!

But no matter how much Zhang Qian speeds up, his strength is still limited, and because he is not familiar with the surrounding environment, and his vision is not good, his speed will only gradually decrease, and the men of Daoyi who are chasing after him will be getting closer and closer to him. , It didn't take long for the distance between the two sides to be less than ten meters away.

"Stop!! Stop for me!! You can't escape, just give up your heart!!" The subordinates of the Douyi Society who were getting closer and closer began to shout and warn Zhang Qian, but Zhang Qian seemed to be He didn't hear it at all, and continued to move forward with his head covered.

Seeing that a group of people couldn't even catch up with a guy who was carrying someone behind their backs, it goes without saying that they all felt disheartened and very annoyed.After discussing together for a meeting, several members of the Douyihui, who were running fast, broke away from the chasing team first, and ran along the woods and highlands on the other side. Their purpose was naturally to outflank Zhang Qian. At this time, Zhang Qian Qian didn't notice it at all.

It's not that Zhang Qian doesn't want to take a look at the situation behind him and to his left and right. In fact, he supports himself with one breath now. If he even despairs, he will relax his breath in the end. If he wants to escape, he will probably lose his temper. I can't escape.

Now he can only grit his teeth and rush forward recklessly, despite the wind whistling in his ears and the weeds constantly cutting his skin exposed outside his clothes.At this time, he only had one belief in his heart, and that was to live with Wang Zhiqing!

Just when Zhang Qian was about to run out of the woods all over the mountainside, several black figures suddenly jumped out from the left and right sides, and rushed towards Zhang Qian fiercely!Zhang Qian stopped in a hurry, trying to avoid the impact of these Daoyihui's subordinates who came by taking a shortcut.

With the special ability he possessed after changing his gene, Zhang Qian quickly avoided the sudden collision of these subordinates skillfully. Although he was not thrown to the ground, the impact forced him to stop and continue to move forward. front footsteps.The other members of the Daoyi Society who were already close at hand rushed over at this time, and soon surrounded him!

"Run, you fucking run again! Fuck, you dared to kill our three brothers, it's really amazing! Don't worry, the boss will make you miserable when you go back, and make your life worse than death! Go up Grab it and take it back!!" Among the subordinates of the Daoyihui, a burly man who might be the little leader waved his hand, and several subordinates rushed towards Zhang Qian.

Zhang Qian kept wanting to back up, but how could he go back when he was deeply surrounded?Looking at the members of the Daoyi Society who were getting closer and closer to him, he couldn't help but smiled wryly at himself and said, "Sister Zhiqing, I'm sorry. I still couldn't take you out of here in the end..."

Wang Zhiqing, who was on her back, said with a very calm expression, "Zhang Qian, thank you. No matter what the result is, I, Wang Zhiqing, will always remember your kindness to me. You are a man, a man, and you are still unwilling to face the fear of death. I am really touched by the initiative to abandon me and give up the chance of survival..."

Zhang Qian sighed, but did not answer.He is also really desperate. Once they bring him back to the earthen house, then Lu Xing will definitely not let them go. I am afraid that even if Yu Wei arrives with the people from the True Dragon Society, it will be too late...

Could it be that he and Wang Zhiqing were really destined to end their lives in this barren mountain?

"Kill!!!!" Just when Zhang Qian felt that there was no way to recover, when the men of the Daoyihui were about to control him, and when everyone relaxed their vigilance, suddenly in this mountain There was an earth-shattering cry of killing in the forest!

Immediately, the subordinates of the Doji Society immediately panicked. They looked around, with unbelievable and unbelievable expressions on their faces.However, at this moment, Zhang Qian couldn't help but burst into ecstasy, because he knew that his persistence finally paid off, and the reinforcements from the True Dragon Society finally arrived!And he has been trying to delay time, all he is waiting for is the only chance to come back and save his life!

"Sister Zhiqing! We are saved. My rescuers are here. They have arrived!" Zhang Qian excitedly said to Wang Zhiqing, who was on his back, "I knew that as long as we persevere, there will be hope. As long as we persevere , we can all survive and escape!"

Wang Zhiqing, who was on her back, was obviously also very happy, but she was naturally calmer and more experienced than Zhang Qian. After tightly hugging Zhang Qian's neck, she hurriedly said, "Zhang Qian, hurry up, let's rush out, hurry up and fight with them." Confluence!"

"Okay, sister Zhiqing, hurry up!" Zhang Qian naturally wouldn't object, after he took a deep breath, he rushed out of the encirclement of Daoyihui's subordinates!

But at this moment, the shouts of killing quickly came from far to near, and in the panic of the subordinates of the Daoyi Society, they suddenly rushed out of the forest several times their opponents.Armed with machetes and sticks, these people quickly surrounded them, rushed to the front without saying anything, and soon the two sides fought together!

"Zhang Qian!! Zhang Qian!!! Where are you? Hurry up and move closer to me!!" Faintly, Zhang Qian, who kept dodging in the chaos, seemed to have heard Yu Wei's shout, and he immediately understood Change direction and dodge all the way to the source of the sound.

Not long after, Zhang Qian saw the figure of Yu Wei who was mingling with the subordinates of the Daoyihui in the dark, and couldn't help rushing to his side happily, kicking him down and rushing towards his subordinates of the Daoyihui.At this moment, Yu Wei happened to feel that there seemed to be someone beside him, and he turned around and picked up the iron rod in his hand, and was about to slam it in Zhang Qian's direction!

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