Peach Fortune

Chapter 141 The New Crisis

Zhang Qian smirked helplessly and didn't speak, but he was thinking in his heart, if he didn't keep a little distance from you, the gangster lady, he might not know when something happened.

Zhang Qian is different from Yu Wei. Yu Wei is full of enthusiasm for gangs and gangs, but he is very taboo. After all, in his cognition, gangs are an illegal group from the beginning to the end, and they are for the people. A group that is not ashamed, if it gets too deeply entangled with people in the middle class, it will definitely suffer a lot.So he has always wanted to get rid of his relationship with the True Dragon Club, even if the branch president gave him nothing, just to draw a clear line with **.

I ran into Cheng Rou'er by accident just now, originally he really didn't want to take this ride, but he really couldn't get a taxi, and the time was very tight, so he had no choice but to get in the taxi.But when he gets in the car, he really doesn't intend to have any friendship with Cheng Rou'er, even if she is a beautiful woman.

Cheng Rou'er saw that she didn't get a response when she said her words, she glanced at the silent Zhang Qian with her beautiful eyes, and a vague embarrassment flashed across her pretty face.She thought for a while and then said, "Zhang Qian, I haven't seen you for a while. This time I came to Andu County because my father asked me to do something with Yu Wei. I was going back to Pinghai City when I ran into you ,How are you recently?"

"Well, very good, how about you?" Zhang Qian replied perfunctorily, and it could be heard that he didn't have much thought about the conversation.

"I'm okay. I've been going to school for a long time recently. But my father is not very good. He was so overwhelmed by the Dragon Club that he couldn't get out. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to Andu County on his behalf. When Cheng Rou'er said this, Meimou stared at him suddenly, and said seriously, "Actually, my father sent me this time for another purpose, which is to let Yu Wei arrange for you to meet me, but Yu Wei said You are very busy and have no time, so I declined."

Zhang Qian was taken aback, and then felt a little embarrassed.Yu Wei did call him, and he did refuse directly.Originally, he didn't want to have too much contact with the gangsters, so there was no need to meet Cheng Rou'er.But it's one thing to refuse, now that Cheng Rou'er mentions it like this, he's somewhat embarrassed.

"Hehe, I'm really busy these days, um... don't you know what Miss Cheng wants from me?" The beauty was beside her, and the breeze blowing from the car window brought up thousands of emotions. The face is intoxicating enough.Sometimes when Zhang Qian said this, he secretly thought in his heart that it would be great if Cheng Rou'er was not the daughter of the boss of the boss. It would be extremely painful to deliberately keep a distance from such a beautiful and charming woman.

Cheng Rou'er's beautiful eyes gradually dimmed, and she raised her pretty face to look at Zhang Qian with some resentment, and said with a self-mockery, "I're not too busy, but you don't want to see me, do you?"

Zhang Qian smiled wryly, not knowing how to answer for a while.

"Actually, if you don't tell me, I understand it in my heart." Cheng Rou'er sighed softly, and said quietly, "I have felt your disgust and dissatisfaction with ** since the day you saved me. To be honest, I know You look down on people who are assholes in your heart, otherwise you would not refuse to be the president of the branch and give this opportunity to your friend Yu Wei. Or you told my father that Yu Wei also contributed to saving me, I do not know how?"

Seeing what Cheng Rou'er said, Zhang Qian felt a little embarrassed.He curled his lips in embarrassment, "Miss Cheng, you are right, I am just a small person, all I want is to make my parents and sister live a better life, and the family can live happily and safely. **Then This kind of life of shouting, fighting and killing every day is not suitable for me, and I don't want to get involved in gang struggles of life and death."

"But... do you think you won't get involved if you don't want to get involved?" Cheng Rou'er said seriously, "There are some things that you have to do. Don't you get involved in too few incidents? No Say that you rescued me in the underground boxing arena and destroyed the plan of the Douyi Society, say that you rescued Wang Zhiqing in Jianzui Mountain, not to mention offending the opponent who wanted to kill her, and even destroying the Daoyi Society, but this is only a superficial phenomenon , the real black hand behind the scenes is staring at you, you have destroyed their plan, even if you don't want to get involved, it's beyond your control."

"What do you mean by that? The mastermind behind the scenes?" Zhang Qian didn't understand, looking at Cheng Rou'er who was hesitant to speak, he couldn't help but said, "What exactly do you want to say?"

Seeing Zhang Qian's vigilant look, Cheng Rou'er said helplessly, "Zhang Qian, you may not know that the situation in Andu County has become more and more complicated. After my father returned to Pinghai City, he had already found out the Who is the man behind the scenes who called the police in the underground boxing arena. Only when there are interests will there be fights. My father guessed it right. In fact, the man behind the scenes who wants to bring justice and justice to death is the Gannan Gang. This Gannan Gang I have been coveting the underground boxing arena where Daoyi will make money for a long time. This time, the police were called when the negotiations between Daoyihui and my real dragon society broke down. opportunity."

Hearing this, Zhang Qian said indifferently, "This is the grievance between you and the Gannan Gang, what does it have to do with me?"

"If the Gannan Gang wants to rebuild an underground boxing arena in Andu County to attract money, it must extend its influence here. Since the destruction of the Daoyi Society, only our Zhenlonghui has controlled the ** in Andu County, but the Gannan Gang First of all, it must be because of the narrowness of the enemy’s road. The two sides are enemies and rivals, and they can be said to be unfriendly.” Cheng Rou’er said here, and said seriously, “Zhang Qian, these may have nothing to do with you, but do you know? The Gannan Gang wants to reach out To insert into Andu County, one must have contact with local officials, and the person they choose to ally with is Ji's family, the mastermind behind the kidnapping of County Magistrate Wang."

"What!!" Zhang Qian was startled, he finally couldn't calm down anymore!It has nothing to do with Zhang Qian if the Gannan Gang can't develop in Andu County, and whether they want to set up an underground boxing arena, but the problem is, if the Gannan Gang and Ji's family get together, it will make him have to be vigilant!County magistrate Ji Weida, his son Ji Shengchong is his and Wang Zhiqing's deadly enemy, once the Gannan gang colludes with them, there will definitely be a lot of trouble.

Think about it, the Daoyi Society, a small gangster in Andu County, was so hard to deal with that almost made Wang Zhiqing die in Jianzui Mountain, not to mention the largest and largest Gannan Gang in Jiangnan Province!

"So I want to remind you that you have to be careful in the future. The Gannan Gang is far from what the Daoyi Association can compare. They are ruthless and unscrupulous. Even in Pinghai City, they have a lot of backers. My father even takes them There is no other way, the current inner bar of the True Dragon Club is precisely the work of the Qiannan Gang." Cheng Rou'er said with gentle concern, "Zhang Qian, you have to think about yourself."

Intend?Zhang Qian smiled wryly in his heart, he is a poor student, what can he do?If you say that he is really unlucky enough, the morality will take care of it with great difficulty, but in the end, another Gannan Gang came.Sheng Chong was really cunning that season. The teacher's home project was canceled on the front foot, and he managed to minimize the loss by escaping the golden silkworm, and colluded with the Qiannan Gang on the back foot, and he didn't know what to do.Is this guy really immortal Xiaoqiang, who can't be defeated no matter how hard he fights?

Seeing that Zhang Qian's face was a little ugly, Cheng Rou'er couldn't help but change the subject, and cheered him up, "Zhang Qian, you don't have to be too nervous. Although the Gannan Gang is powerful, it is just a newly rising gang. In this Andu County, my True Dragon Club has been here for many years, so it naturally has an advantage over the Gannan Gang who just arrived, my father said, if you and the county magistrate Wang need help, the True Dragon Club is willing to help."

Zhang Qian was taken aback, but soon his face darkened.Now it seems that he finally understands what Cheng Rou'er said just now is involuntary.Yes, he doesn't want to have anything to do with **, but now even if he doesn't want to have anything to do with it, it looks like it won't work.The Gannan gang and Ji Shengchong hooked up together, not to mention how much Xu Tiesing hated him, and he sabotaged his pursuit of his sister Zhang Lin by himself, he would definitely not let it go, let alone Wang Zhiqing who has been fighting against the Ji family!

After analyzing and analyzing, Zhang Qian felt that he was caught in a power struggle in Andu County. This major crisis caused by the collusion of Bai Daoists had already made him unable to stay out of it.His mind was in turmoil, and there was only one thought in his mind, which was to quickly tell Wang Zhiqing about this, so that she could prepare early!

Thinking of Wang Zhiqing's beautiful face, Zhang Qian's nervous and flustered heart gradually calmed down.After he glanced at Cheng Rou'er, he seemed to understand something, and said with a wry smile, "Cheng Rou'er, I don't think we met by chance this time, but you followed me on purpose, right? Are all the words you told me true? What did your father tell you?"

Cheng Rou'er blushed, she felt very embarrassed when her thoughts were seen through, and said with some guilt, "Yes, I was waiting for you at the gate of your school early this morning, just to find a chance to chat with you. But I didn't expect You got on the bus and followed all the way. Zhang Qian, I don’t want to hide it from you, the True Dragon Society and the Qiannan Gang are now in trouble in Pinghai City. The opponent's flaws were exploited to find a solution to the opponent. The intervention of the Gannan Gang in Andu County was also wrestling with the True Dragon Society. My father said that he and you and Wang Zhiqing are ants tied to the same rope Grasshopper, if you cooperate, you will benefit and if you divide, you will hurt both. I hope to form an alliance and jointly fight against the Qiannan Gang and the Ji family."

What Zhang Qian expected was right, Cheng Rou'er did come to him with purpose and interests.But at this time, he couldn't get angry at all, because it also included his and Wang Zhiqing's interests.To put it bluntly, everyone just takes what they need.

After thinking about it for a long time, he nodded and said, "I understand, I will talk to County Magistrate Wang about this."

"Okay, then I'll wait for the good news." The anticipation on Cheng Rou'er's pretty face finally turned into a sweet smile, and she breathed out, "The business is over, I can ask you now, what are you going to the hospital for?"

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