Peach Fortune

Chapter 144 Calling You a Dog

Why?Because Zhang Yanmei not only has her husband running a small business, but also has developed very well herself. She has become the deputy director of a large real estate company. The salary is high and the treatment is good, and she can make money and spend it by herself. Undoubtedly, she is the most comfortable and most comfortable among the three sisters. happy one.But now Zhang Qian said that the company Zhang Yanmei worked for was about to close down, which naturally shocked the other two aunts.

"Mom? You, are you going to be laid off?" Just before my sister-in-law Zhang Yanmei's face was livid, Liu Tao's voice suddenly sounded at the door of the ward.It turned out that Liu Tao just went to the bathroom and came back at this time, and heard Zhang Qian's words.He rushed to his mother anxiously and said, "No way? I still want you to buy me a car. If you are going to be laid off, what about my car? Many male students in my school have cars. If I don't They will look down on me! Mom, is it true, are you really going to lose your job?"

Zhang Qian was taken aback, this cousin Liu Tao is only one year older than himself, and he is only in the first year of high school this year, so he is going to buy a car?

"Liu Tao, don't worry, I will discuss with your father about buying a car. I spent all my savings to let you go to Pinghai City No. [-] Middle School. Your father already has a car at home. You can buy it. Isn't the car a waste?" My sister-in-law Zhang Yanmei said with a forced smile at the two sisters, "Look at my son, he will buy a car when he is young, but there is no way, the high school he studied in is rich Too many, buy a car at every turn, it would be embarrassing if we don’t buy it, right?”

"You study in Pinghai No. [-] Middle School?" At this time, Cheng Rou'er, who was standing beside her father's hospital bed, smiled in surprise, "Zhang Qian, I didn't expect your brother and I to be alumni. I'm from No. [-] Middle School .”

Liu Tao was stunned, and immediately smiled excitedly at Cheng Rou'er, "Miss Cheng is such a coincidence that she and I are alumni of No. [-] Middle School? Naturally, Miss Cheng's grades are also very good. Pinghai No. [-] Middle School is a provincial key middle school." , even the junior high school only recruits top students."

Speaking of this, Liu Tao glanced at Zhang Qian proudly, obviously as if he was demonstrating.

"My grades...hehe, so-so, not very good. My father arranged for me to enter. After I finished my third year of junior high school, he said that I could be admitted to the high school." Cheng Rou'er blushed in embarrassment.Zhang Qian couldn't help but rolled his eyes at this time, nonsense, just relying on your three days of fishing and two days of sunbathing to study, it's a ghost to have good grades.It's so nice to have a father who is the boss of a gangster. Even if the grades are not good, he can still be recommended.

"Are you in the third year of middle school?" Liu Tao was stunned, and murmured to himself, "Cheng Rou' are in the third year of middle school...ah! You, are you that black lily who is rumored in the school? ?”

Cheng Rou'er blushed pretty, but she didn't make a sound, which was her acquiescence.

"Oh, I, I can actually meet the school beauty of Widowmaker, haha, this time I will have face in front of those brothers, Cheng Rou'er, you don't know, I have several brothers who really like you, and they have always wanted to pursue you ! You... oops!"

Before Liu Tao finished speaking, his mother Zhang Yanmei knocked him on the head angrily.Zhang Qian couldn't help jokingly said at this time, "Sister-in-law, I didn't know who said that puppy love is bad, you have to educate your cousin well."

As soon as Zhang Qian's words came out, the two aunts next to him couldn't help laughing out loud, which made Liu Tao look dazed, not knowing what happened.Zhang Yanmei was really embarrassed at this time and wanted to find a hole to drill down in. She was still teaching Zhang Qian that puppy love is not good, but in the end her son didn't give her face so much, she didn't know where to put this old face.

"Okay, okay, we don't understand the young people's affairs, and we don't bother to ask. Yanmei, what Zhang Qian said just now that you are going to be laid off, can't be true, right?" Auntie couldn't help changing the subject. Getting back on track again, he said nervously to Zhang Yanmei, "Your second sister and I booked a house with your company after listening to you, so don't tell me..."

"Eldest sister, second sister, don't worry, how can I, Zhang Yanmei, be laid off? Our company has strong funds, so how could it go bankrupt? There must be a house for the teacher's home project you ordered, so you can rest assured." Zhang Yanmei said here, He glared at Zhang Qian viciously and said, "Zhang Qian, you are a student who doesn't study hard enough to know how to spread gossip. What are you talking about! The vice president of my company is Mr. Ji, and his father is our son. The magistrate of the county! If our company is going to go bankrupt, is there any company that will not go bankrupt?"

Zhang Qian sneered in his heart, but he said in surprise, "What? Don't you know, sister? The project of the Teacher's Home has been canceled by the county. That is to say, the development project of the Teacher's Home is not It no longer exists. And Xu’s real estate company, which is the company you work for, my aunt, is also on the verge of bankruptcy because of too much investment in the early stage of this project. Now it is only waiting for the liquidation company to come to liquidate. Ji Shengchong, the son of the season you mentioned just now , I have already sold the company's stock, and I am no longer a vice president. You still want to introduce my sister Zhang Lin to this kind of ungrateful and runaway person, really..."

"This... this..." All three aunts were stunned by what Zhang Qian said, and the eldest and second aunts next to him hurriedly grabbed Zhang Yanmei's arms and said anxiously, "Yanmei, is Zhang Qian talking about this?" Really? We can put a deposit of nearly 20 on you! You, you are telling the truth!"

Facing the anxious two elder sisters, my sister-in-law Zhang Yanmei was actually even more nervous and flustered. She murmured with a little distracted eyes, "A few days ago... I saw some employees resigned one after another, and people in the company were panicked. I thought it was just a superficial phenomenon... ...But unexpectedly, it turned out to be true? No, no, I will call the company now and ask about it!"

"Call? Why are you calling! That's 20 yuan! Now, take us to your company immediately, and we'll get that money back, hurry up!!" The two aunts already knew that something was wrong. , hurriedly pulled my sister-in-law Zhang Yanmei and rushed out of the ward, Liu Tao was also frightened, and left with them.

Soon, only Zhang Qian's family was left in the ward, as well as Cheng Rou'er, who stood there a little awkwardly.Zhang Qian couldn't help but sneered, and said to his elder sister, Zhang Lin, "Sister, did you see that sister-in-law always wanted to introduce you to Ji Shengchong for her own benefit? Our old Zhang’s family is poor, and I guess she will know how hard it is to live without money after she becomes a laid-off worker.”

"Zhang Qian! How are you talking? After all, she is also your sister-in-law. Can you say that about your relatives?" Father Zhang Hailong immediately said a little unhappy, "Your sister-in-law has such a big accident, you should feel sorry for her. Sad, how can you say such sarcastic words?"

"Dad! You think of them as relatives, but do they think of you as relatives? The elder aunt and the second aunt have always had their eyes on the top because of their husbands who are officials, and they don't want to have a close relationship with our poor relatives. My sister-in-law is getting worse and ridiculed Not to mention, they will do anything for the sake of profit! It is their duty as children for grandparents to take turns boarding at their home. Why don’t they have the turn to pay for their big birthdays, and it seems that they should pay? Actually, it doesn’t matter. The most important thing is that my sister-in-law actually took her mind on my sister, and I absolutely cannot tolerate this!"

"Xiaoqian! Why are you talking to Dad?" Seeing Zhang Qian's dissatisfied opening up to this point, Zhang Lin, who couldn't bear to listen to him, hurriedly pulled him back, glared at him with her beautiful eyes and said in a low voice, "The guest is still waiting. Here, don't let people see the joke."

Zhang Qian sighed lightly and said, "Dad, I won't offend others if they don't offend me. I'd rather not have relatives who think so hard about myself and look down on others! To provoke us, for grandpa's sake, we are still a family, and it is necessary to be polite on the surface. Didn't the aunts just say that grandpa's [-]th birthday is for us to show? Then we will show them ! Only when our old Zhang family can earn back their dignity from face, they will look down on us and won't look down on us!"

Looking at his eloquent son, Zhang Hailong said helplessly and bitterly, "Why don't I understand these things? If our family were richer, getting along with aunts like you would definitely not be like it is now. Hey...but the problem is , your father is useless to me! If I had known, the 10 yuan would not be used for my medical treatment, but I could give your grandfather a big birthday first..."

"Dad, don't have this kind of thinking. I will handle the money for grandpa's birthday. In short, I will definitely let grandpa organize this big birthday." Zhang Qian vowed, "Don't worry about the operation, everything will be fine." give it to me!"

"You? Do you still have that much money?" Zhang Hailong obviously didn't believe it, and asked in surprise, "Could it still have the money from the last lottery?"

Zhang Qian smiled wryly in his heart, the winning money is just an excuse at all!All my money has been used up, and now I only have a few hundred dollars left on me.

"Zhang Qian... What kind of prize did you win? You seem to have made a lot of money?" Cheng Rou'er on the side said strangely at this moment, "If you won the big prize, why do you want to gamble..."

"Cheng Rou'er! Don't you think you talk too much?" Zhang Qian hurriedly gave Cheng Rou'er a frightened look, and said something in front of his father, betting on your sister!

Cheng Rou'er seemed to know that she said something she shouldn't have said, so she hurriedly covered her mouth with her hands.Zhang Hailong looked at Zhang Qian strangely.Zhang Qian secretly complained, and hurriedly laughed, "Oh, what Cheng Rou'er meant was to ask me why I want to take advantage of my free time to work as a security guard to make money. I didn't tell her that I won the lottery! Hehe..."

Zhang Hailong was still about to ask something, but at this moment, a nurse walked in from the door of the ward, holding a notebook and looking up, "Is that Zhang Hailong in bed 19? Get ready for surgery now!"

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