Peach Fortune

Chapter 151

Yan Qing nodded clearly to express her understanding.Businessmen are playing the game of picking chestnuts from the fire. Shopping malls are like battlefields. If you have to wait until everything is safe before making a move, then this opportunity has already been snatched away by countless people.Seeking wealth and wealth is the truth.

"Xu about...we mortgage this house?" Yan Qing gritted her teeth and said the only way she was extremely unwilling to say.This villa is worth more than 100 million yuan. If you take it out as a mortgage and ask your relatives to borrow it, you should be able to get it together.However, once the house is mortgaged, it is tantamount to taking a risk!If the bidding fails, the Chen family will face the bleak scene of sleeping on the streets.

Chen Xuwu frowned, he was obviously hesitant.At this time, Zhang Qian smiled at Yanqing, "Aunt Yan, how long can your company last? How much money is there?"

"I don't think it will last long, maybe three months at most. The shortage of funds is quite serious. The main reason is that I poured all the working capital into the real estate company of Xu's family and bought stocks. But the stocks are deeply trapped now and have depreciated too much. My The shortfall is at least 400 million.” Yanqing said here, and said a little excitedly, “If I can really recruit the land and construction rights of the new commercial housing community permitted by the county government, then I can directly borrow a large amount from the bank. There is no problem at all to fill that gap.”

"It seems that you are willing to try my plan." Zhang Qian smiled slightly and said to Yanqing, "In this case, you must start working as soon as possible, and Uncle Chen must go to Wang County as much as possible." Changna reports to work, although she is not your direct leader. And I will work hard to communicate with the county magistrate Wang, and try to get her to agree to let Aunt Yan's company undertake the development of commercial housing complexes."

Chen Xuwu sighed helplessly. He knew what Zhang Qian meant by reporting to work, and he was telling him that now is the time for you to stand in line!Where are you standing?Naturally, it was Wang Zhiqing, County Magistrate!

In fact, before the current political situation in Andu County became clear, Chen Xuwu actually didn't want to choose sides prematurely.But the problem is that man's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation. Now that Zhang Qian has given such a good plan that can turn the crisis into an opportunity, he has to choose to fall to Wang Zhiqing, which is already impossible.

Seeing that her husband, Chen Xuwu, did not speak to express his acquiescence, Yanqing's troubles these days finally showed signs of subsiding.At this time, Xiao looked at Zhang Qian with interest, and then smiled and said, "Zhang Qian, you have helped Auntie so much, if you have any requests, you can ask them, and I will try to satisfy you as much as I can. "

No matter what Yanqing said, he has been in the shopping malls for so many years. Since ancient times, there has been no such thing as a good thing.Although the Zhang family and the Chen family had a good relationship before, after all these years, it is impossible not to weaken the relationship.What's more, Zhang Qian has never experienced the relationship between the two families at all, so how could he come to the Chen family for no reason and take the initiative to advise her?

This kid must have come with a purpose!There is no doubt in Yanqing's heart about this.

Zhang Qian didn't expect Yanqing to ask such a straightforward question, and he didn't know how to speak for a while.In fact, he really wanted to tell Yanqing, I like your daughter, and I want to be a lover, a couple with her!But when the words came to his lips, he still didn't dare to say it, but changed his tone and chuckled, "Auntie, you also know that our old Zhang family is really poor. My only idea now is to let my sister Live a good life with my parents, so this time I came to help your Chen family, I also came here with some selfish intentions. Let’s get straight to the point, if the bidding is successful, I want [-]% of the real estate company’s shares. "

Everyone in the Chen family gasped almost at the same time.Forty percent of the shares!Zhang Qian is undoubtedly a lion with a big mouth, and someone with great ambitions!You know, after the Xu family's real estate company went bankrupt, even if it was bought back, it would be worth millions. That is to say, Zhang Qian could get 40 for nothing before any investment was made, not to mention the inestimable value after the company develops!But the most frustrating thing is that he is a typical empty-handed white wolf, and he gets [-]% of the profit without spending a penny. This is simply... simply too much!

Originally, Yanqing was about to burst into anger when her face changed, but soon she had to swallow her anger back into her stomach. Let alone her, even Chen Gang held back his anger and didn't make a sound.Why?Just because Zhang Qian stood behind Wang Zhiqing, County Magistrate Wang!

Without Wang Zhiqing's support, this wonderful plan of replacing the civet cat with the prince would be nothing.

Without Wang Zhiqing's support, not only would there be no big money to be made, but the Chen family would also go bankrupt and become the target of debts.

Therefore, it seems that Zhang Qian is irrelevant, but in fact, the success of this plan cannot be separated from his presence!Yan Qing was not sure that she could really put aside Zhang Qian to curry favor with Wang Zhiqing, after all, it was not something that could be formed overnight if she wanted to have a heart-to-heart relationship with a person of Wang Zhiqing's level.

"If Auntie finds it difficult, then just pretend I didn't agree, it's okay." Zhang Qian looked indifferent, but in fact he already knew that no matter how unwilling the Chen family was, they had to accept this request!Weighing the pros and cons, if they agree, both will benefit, if they don't agree, only the Chen family will be ruined, and Zhang Qian will be the winner no matter what.This is Zhang Qian's most brilliant move after thinking about it!

Yanqing barely showed a kind smile, and hurriedly said, "Why would it be embarrassing, don't be embarrassing, it's not embarrassing at all, four out of four out of ten, it's just County Magistrate Wang's side, you need to say more good things."

"That's no problem. If that's the case, then we can be regarded as a cooperative relationship. In the future, we need to communicate more and support each other." Zhang Qian smiled modestly. On the surface, how could he look sinister and cunning?

Chen Xuwu couldn't help laughing out loud, he couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Zhang Qian, Zhang Qian, there are really not many people who can make your Aunt Yan feel embarrassed. You can have such calculations at a young age. Yes, you are indeed a Talent..."

"Thank you, Uncle Chen. I just want to earn more money to treat my father." Zhang Qian was actually very happy in his heart. He knew better than anyone else what the [-]% stake in this real estate company meant!If the bidding is successful, after the construction of the commercial housing complex is completed, it is estimated that father's medical expenses will definitely be able to be collected.

Yanqing no longer dared to treat Zhang Qian like a child.Originally, when she knew that Zhang Qian had a backer, she was only polite and in awe, but now, she really regarded Zhang Qian as an equal partner and ally.Not to mention the incomparable enthusiasm for him, he was regarded as the honored guest.

The entire Chen family seemed to regard Zhang Qian as a savior, and their attitude towards him changed dramatically.Even Chen Gang had to admit Zhang Qian's ability, and he even took the initiative to pour tea for Zhang Qian a second time...

After talking about some specific matters, Zhang Qian knew that his purpose of coming to the Chen family had been achieved, and the next plan was naturally for the couple, Yanqing and Chen Xuwu, to plan and decide carefully, and he would no longer play a role here. what effect.So, he took the initiative to stand up and say goodbye, "Aunt Yan, Uncle Chen, this matter is related to the future of the Chen family, you have to plan carefully. Especially Uncle Chen, you are the director of the Construction Bureau. You obviously know more about these operations than me, my task has been completed, and it will be up to you next."

Seeing that Zhang Qian was about to leave, Chen Xuwu and Yan Qing also stood up at the same time, and Yan Qing said politely and enthusiastically, "Zhang Qian, it's getting late, why don't I ask your Uncle Xu Wu to call your father, you can Stay here tonight and don’t leave.”

Zhang Qian wanted to stay and spend more time with Chen Zitong, but after all, he can't be too blatant now, what's the use of staying in Chen's house before the time comes?He smiled and politely declined.Just as he was about to turn around, he seemed to remember something, turned his head towards Chen Xuwu and said, "Oh, I forgot, Uncle Chen, my grandfather's [-]th birthday will be in a while, my father said that you used to know my grandfather and Uncle Chen very well, I want to invite your whole family to have fun together. Uncle Chen, you must come then."

"Oh? Father's [-]th birthday?" Chen Xuwu was taken aback, then smiled, "Okay, no problem, I will definitely be there. You will inform me when the time comes..."

Before Chen Xuwu could finish speaking, the careful Yanqing rolled her eyes and said enthusiastically with a smile, "Zhang Qian, your grandfather celebrated his birthday. I wonder if the banquet has been set? Which hotel is it?"

"I haven't made a decision yet. I'll tell you when it's done." Zhang Qian was just planning to celebrate his grandpa's birthday, let alone the hotel, and he hasn't even got the money together yet.

"How about this, your Uncle Xu Wu and your grandfather cared very much, and they were always taken care of by your grandfather when they were in the supply and marketing cooperative in the early years. Your father lost his career because of the Chen family, so we naturally have an obligation to express it. I have a pretty good relationship with the owner of a five-star hotel in Andu County, so why don't I make the decision for you? The Chen family pays for the banquet, so it can be regarded as a kind of compensation for your old Zhang family."

Yan Qing spoke lightly, but Zhang Qian couldn't help taking a breath when he heard it.A rich man is a rich man. A birthday banquet in a five-star hotel costs at least a few thousand dollars per table, right?If you say please, please, it is very generous.Of course, even though the Chen family is in danger now, I'm afraid they really don't pay attention to this small amount of money.

In fact, Zhang Qian also knew that Yanqing said that he wanted to pay back the debts he owed to the Zhang family, but in fact, he mainly wanted to curry favor with Zhang Qian and make him work harder on the bidding.Zhang Qian knew in his heart that he was being confused. Anyway, since the Chen family was willing to take the responsibility, why was Zhang Qian being so polite?To be honest, if the bidding really falls into the hands of Yanqing, the money she can earn is not limited to how many birthday banquets she can have!

Thinking of this, Zhang Qian nodded gratefully without hesitation, "Then thank you Aunt Yan and Uncle Chen for your care. This time is mainly for grandpa's birthday. No matter how poor our Zhang family is, we can't save the old man's face. Aunt Yan is in charge of this matter, so I can't be more relieved."

Seeing that Zhang Qian agreed, Yan Qing immediately vowed, "Don't worry, I will leave this matter to me, and I promise to give your grandpa a beautiful birthday!"

Zhang Qian smiled and thanked a few more words. When the Chen family sent him all the way to the door, his peripheral vision fell on Chen Zitong behind Yanqing, but seeing her beautiful eyes full of gratitude, he couldn't help but feel grateful. Some smug.

Being watched with gratitude and tender eyes by the girl I love, this feeling is simply ecstasy!

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