Peach Fortune

153 Chapter 1

"What? You called him? Anru, you, what is the relationship between you and this security guard, tell me!" Zhang Huan's face changed immediately when he heard this, and he seemed very angry.

"Zhang Huan, who are you? What right do you have to investigate my relationship with him? Please don't make up your own mind, okay?" Zhao Anru stomped her feet in coquettish anger, and even grabbed Zhang Qian's arm and leaned on it. In the past, he said, "This is my boyfriend, we are lovers, how is it? Are you satisfied now?"

Suddenly, Zhang Qian and Zhang Huan were stunned at the same time.

If Zhao Anru and Zhang Qian actually met each other, they should have met twice.One was during an interview at Uncle Wang's canteen, and the other was when migrant workers smashed their cars in confusion.Regarding Zhao Anru, apart from admiring her beauty, Zhang Qian knew nothing about her character and character.But who would have expected that this third time they would meet in such a situation, it almost made his mind go blank in an instant!

Zhao Anru's graceful and delicate body was leaning against his body tightly, her posture was as close as possible.Although separated by several layers of cloth, Zhang Qian's arm still clearly felt the touch of Zhao Anru's plump Jade Rabbit being squeezed!In addition to the bursts of fragrance from her body, Zhang Qian was almost fascinated by this fragrant scene for a while.

Fortunately, Zhang Qian had a beautiful sister by his side since he was a child, so he wouldn't be unable to walk when he saw a beautiful woman.Feeling the aggressive gaze from Zhang Huan's eyes, why did he seem to realize that he had offended someone again unknowingly?

What the hell!Zhang Qian really wanted to tell this man named Zhang Huan that none of this was true. He was just a small security guard who happened to come to collect property management fees!

"Hmph! Anru, do you think I'm stupid? A woman like you would fall in love with a security guard? I wouldn't believe it even if I was killed!" Zhang Huan sneered, "Please, your acting skills are better. Do you think I'll give up if a security guard comes here to make up for it?"

"Yes, so what if I'm in a relationship with the security guard? At least I love him, Mr. Zhang, I've made it very clear to you, I have a boyfriend, please don't bother me again!" Zhao Anru frowned. She said angrily, "From college to now, don't you think I'm not clear enough? Why do you still follow me when I come to Andu County!"

"Anru, I don't believe that you will fall in love with this broken security guard, and I don't believe that you have a boyfriend! You believe me, I am really serious this time, I really like you, don't you Can you reject me?" Zhang Huan pleaded, "You Zhao Anru, only a man like me is worthy!"

"Hehe... Really? I think he is the only one worthy of me!" Zhao Anru held Zhang Qian's arm tightly and sneered, "Young Master Zhang, you should go to Pinghai City to attract bees and butterflies. It's impossible for you, I have someone I like, although he is a security guard, he can live a good life and treat me well, so don't pester me anymore, okay?"

Zhang Huan stared at Zhang Qian, who was in an extremely embarrassing situation, with a livid face, and gritted his teeth, "You are lying! I will never believe that you will get along with such a bad security guard!"

"Don't believe me? Okay, then I'll prove it to you!" Zhao Anru's beautiful eyes flashed a trace of excitement and firmness. He didn't give Zhang Qian any chance to react, and turned his head directly to point those attractive red lips at Zhang Qian. Qianqian's cheek was imprinted hard!

Zhang Qian's eyes widened in disbelief, what rhythm is this?Him, he was kissed by Zhao Anru? ?

"Now are you satisfied? Believe it? Shall I give you another kiss in person?" Zhao Anru blushed, but seemed very calm. After speaking, she wanted to wrap Zhang Qian's neck and kiss him on the mouth again. go!

"Slow!! I... I believe... Can I believe it?!" Zhang Huan's face was cloudy and uncertain, and the deep frustration made him look very depressed at this time.But yes, the woman I like kisses another man in front of me, is there anything more painful than this?

Zhang Qian didn't expect that he would be involved in this kind of emotional dispute even if he charged a property fee, he also felt bitter and couldn't tell!At this time, it might be useless for him to explain anything. Apart from standing there dumbly, Zhang Qian really didn't know what to do.

"Believe it or not, that's your business. In any case, don't come to me again. I won't have anything to do with you. Goodbye!" Zhao Anru waved goodbye to Zhang Huan, who was very decadent, but at this moment she turned towards Zhang Huan coquettishly. Zhang Qian said affectionately, "Husband... let's go inside, it's so hot outside..."

Although he knew that this woman Zhao Anru was acting, Zhang Qian couldn't help getting goose bumps all over his body when he heard the soft and coquettish voice.A beauty is a beauty, no matter how coquettish she is, she will never make people feel contrived.Now, what choice does he have?Well, it's better for a good person to do it to the end and send the Buddha to the West!

"Bang!" The door of the apartment was slammed shut. Through the thick stainless steel door, Zhang Qian could even feel the cold gaze of Zhang Huan who wanted to kill someone outside the door.If it was Zhang Qian in the past, maybe he would have shuddered a little, but now he has experienced near-death in his life, so what is it to be remembered and hated?Besides, all of this is fake, so what is he afraid of?

After closing the door, the smile on Zhao Anru's pretty face, which was originally pretending to be very tender, disappeared instantly, and was replaced by a trace of shyness and helplessness.She said gratefully to Zhang Qian, "I'm sorry...I showed you a joke just now, and I can't help it..."

"It's okay, I can understand." Zhang Qian is not a fool, and Zhao Anru's willingness to kiss him as a proof is enough to show that she is really helpless.But thinking of this, he couldn't help frowning and said, "However, Miss Zhao, I don't think you can fool that Zhang Huan outside the door with such an aggressive method. It's not that I belittle myself, as a TV hostess like you , how could it be possible to fall in love with a little security guard? Anyone with a discerning eye can see that you are acting."

"I know too... Hey, let's take one step at a time." Zhao Anru walked to the coffee table in the living room, poured tea and said, "Your name is Zhang Qian, right? I haven't thanked you for saving me at the gate last time." As for the matter, I was really scared at that time, and I wanted to go home quickly, and then I calmed down and wanted to take the initiative to thank you, but I was busy recently and forgot, I am really sorry."

After receiving the tea from Zhao Anru, Zhang Qian shook his head with a smile and said, "I don't want to thank you. That's my duty as a security guard. I don't need to thank you at all. The TV station is very busy with work, so naturally the work is important."

"Hehe, I really don't see how you look like a student as a security guard." Zhao Anru sat next to Zhang Qian, raised her slender fair legs without socks, and said with a smile, " Then why did you come to find me today?"

"Uh..." Zhang Qian was a little speechless only to realize that it had been so long since he had come to Building 12 foolishly, and he hadn't even had a chance to say the purpose of coming.With a wry smile, he could only express his intentions.

"Oh, the property fee... Look at my memory. I seem to remember to pay it, but I forget it every time. I'm so sorry. Wait, I'll go to the room to get the money for you now." Zhao Anru hurriedly put the teacup on the coffee table, and walked into the bedroom alone.

Zhang Qian looked up and down at this luxuriously decorated room, which could even be described as extravagant.The apartment with one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom is simple but full of luxury. Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows on the right side of the living room is the sunny and beautiful shore of Andu Lake. The breeze from the central air conditioner blows on Zhang Qian's face, making his whole body They all feel refreshed.

Such a comfortable living environment, compared with the narrow, old dilapidated house he lived in, Zhang Qian couldn't help sighing from the bottom of his heart that it's nice to be rich.Maybe it won't be long before he can get the Zhang family to leave that dilapidated community and live in such a comfortable and luxurious house...

Facing the exquisite and luxurious decoration and furnishings in front of him, it is impossible to say that Zhang Qian is not envious. No one is willing to stay in a harsh environment when people go to high places. It is just a last resort. Humans must work hard Climb up, rush up, and change your life as much as possible.

Thinking about it, Zhang Qian couldn't help feeling a little crazy.The rich do not know the suffering of the poor, Zhang Qian did not know how much he longed to enjoy the life of the rich because of the hard life since he was a child, which may also be the dream of all the poor.Originally, he thought that such a dream was out of reach, but now he found that he already had the qualifications to touch this dream...

Zhang Qian, who was in a beautiful fantasy, fell on a few photos placed on the counter in front of the coffee table. These photos are obviously old and the color is not very high, but what Zhang Qian really cares about is not the quality of the photos , but the lively and lovely little girl in these photos.

"Why do I feel that this girl always seems so familiar? It's like a feeling of deja vu?" Zhang Qian frowned, stood up and couldn't help it, and walked to the photo to observe carefully.

"Hehe, that's a photo I took when I was a child. Is it different from what I look like now?" Just as Zhang Qian was trying to remember something, Zhao Anru had already walked out of the bedroom with a stack of money in his hand. Sideways, "This is the property fee, you count."

"Okay." Zhang Qian put down the photo, took the money and ordered it face to face.After confirming that there were no mistakes, he stuffed the money into the inside pocket of his clothes.He smiled at Zhao Anru and said, "Okay, I'll leave now that I'm done."

"No, you wait first." Seeing that Zhang Qian was about to leave, Zhao Anru couldn't help but hastily stopped him, as if a little embarrassed, said, "Well... I know Zhang Huan's temper very well, he must be waiting at the door , if you go out now, you will only be entangled by him, sorry, I seem to have caused trouble for you..."

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