Peach Fortune

Chapter 158 The Suffocating Identity

Just as Zhang Qian was watching the figure of Zhao Anru appearing on the TV, the screen had already entered the broadcast of the first news.Zhao Anru disappeared, replaced by a group of people who surrounded the leader, who seemed to be appearing in a similar rural school.

"Tch, the current leaders know that they go to the countryside every day to do research and earn political achievements. They look at the busy going to the countryside every day, but can they actually bring any benefits to the people? Look at their fat heads and brains." , are not good things."

"You can't say that. The leader is planning the overall situation, and the investigation is also to put pressure on the townships below. I think the new county magistrate Nawang is good. I heard that he ran all the schools in the county right after he took office, no matter the farthest She is a good leader and has personally conducted investigations on both the backcountry and the high-end schools in the county.”

"What's the matter, she's new here and wants to show off...I don't think you think she's good at work, but because she looks good? I heard that the county magistrate Wang is so beautiful. There have been many rumors about her. She is still unmarried, and she often flirts with women outside!"

"Isn't it? I heard that she and the son of the county magistrate are dating, tsk tsk, such a beautiful woman, what a pity..."

Hearing this, Zhang Qian felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to get up to refute, but he quickly controlled himself.Indeed, it is not right for these people to slander Wang Zhiqing by spreading nonsense, but the problem is that even if they stand up and refute it, so what?It is impossible for gossip and gossip to end because of your own anger.

What's more, the gossip of ordinary people will definitely not be groundless. I am afraid that it is very likely that someone spread such news that people will follow what they say.In this way, it seems that some people are already very dissatisfied with Wang Zhiqing, and began to spread rumors to seriously hurt Wang Zhiqing.

If this is the case, then the problem is a bit serious...

However, Zhang Qian immediately dismissed it.Indeed, the truth is always the truth, as long as you have a clear conscience, those rumors will be self-defeating sooner or later.If this little trick can do anything, then Wang Zhiqing is no longer Wang Zhiqing.

After thinking about these things, Zhang Qian gradually calmed down.He continued to look at the TV, wanting to see Wang Zhiqing, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, from the TV screen, but he didn't expect that the next screen made him stunned!

What's happening here?In the picture, deputy county magistrate Wang Zhiqing was showing a humble attitude, smiling very politely, and introducing the situation of their school to the leader.Originally, there was nothing wrong with this picture, but when Zhang Qian casually glanced at the pictures of the leaders standing opposite Wang Zhiqing, he was surprised to find that the person standing in the middle looked so familiar.

It's okay if you don't look carefully, but once you look carefully, you can't breathe, and your heart starts to beat faster!It turned out that the familiar man was none other than the man he met in the park just now, Zhang Huan's father, that kind but majestic Uncle Zhang!

Uncle Zhang turned out to be Zhang Guangsheng, the executive deputy mayor that Zhao Anru had just broadcast on TV!This was really beyond Zhang Qian's expectation.Although Zhang Qian guessed that this person might be a big shot when he first met him, he never expected that he would be so big!

Pinghai City is a sub-provincial city, the provincial capital of Jiangnan Province, and the executive deputy mayor of the majestic provincial capital city is a cadre at the department level!What is this concept?Wang Zhiqing, the deputy county magistrate, is the deputy director level. Compared with Zhang Guangsheng, she is not at the same level at all!Wang Zhiqing is already that powerful, so it's unimaginable how much power this Zhang Guangsheng has in his hands...

Zhang Guangsheng is the executive vice mayor, so isn't his son the son of the executive vice mayor?While Zhang Qian was extremely shocked, he discovered such a big problem.

What made Zhang Qian feel helpless was that the son who had offended a county magistrate was already in a state of distress, but who knew that he would offend the son of the executive deputy mayor again. I really don't know how his luck is so good?Could it be that he has suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck?

"Did I offend these young masters? Could it be that I had enmity with them in the previous life?" Zhang Qian really couldn't laugh or cry, Ji Shengchong was fine, at least Wang Zhiqing was holding him back, but what about Zhang Huan?Who would dare to suppress his identity?The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his future was worrisome. He was extremely worried and at the same time couldn't help but lose his temper. He cheered himself up unconvinced, "What's so great, isn't it because of Dad's strength? I, Zhang Qian, didn't do it. Wrong things, why are you afraid of their revenge! Soldiers come and cover them with water and soil, come as they come, whoever is afraid of whom!"

Zhang Qian said this unconvincedly, but Zhang Qian was still very guilty in his heart.After all, a small person like him is too fragile.But he also knew that it was useless to blame others, who made him offend that young master?

The white stripes crossing the river in the waves are really not a fuel-efficient lamp...

Thinking of what Zhang Huan said angrily that he would kill his whole family just now, Zhang Qian immediately lost his appetite, turned around and left the noodle shop after paying the money.Feeling a little flustered, he bid farewell to Dean Wu, and returned home after a day of volunteer activities.

Elder sister Zhang Lin was doing housework at home, but seeing Zhang Qian entered the house listlessly, she couldn't help but asked with some concern, "Zhang Qian, what's the matter? Did something happen when I went to the orphanage today? Why do you look so bad?"

Zhang Qian smiled and shook his head, "It's nothing, sister, what are you worrying about, why would something happen to me."

"It's good to be fine. To be honest, Zhang Qian, you are making me more and more blind to you now. It is a good thing to be strong, but sometimes I always worry about you, and I am always worried that something will happen to you." Zhang Lin is a little spoiled Looking at Zhang Qian, he showed a helpless smile and said, "Zhang Qian, no matter what, we still have to do what we can, and don't force what we really can't do, okay?"

"Well, I get it, sister, you should be busy." Zhang Qian drank his saliva and nodded.Of course he knew what his sister meant.Indeed, with so many things that have happened recently, even he himself feels a little living in a dream.

Zhang Lin was cleaning the table and chairs at this moment, and at this moment, she happened to be half-bowing her back to Zhang Qian. When he turned his head to look, the first thing that came into his eyes was his sister Zhang Lin's round and sexy buttocks!What's more terrible is that the blue skirt she is wearing is a little pulled up, and near the roots of a pair of slender legs, there is a touch of purple quietly coming out, which is alluring!

Happy together, Zhang Qian, who was stunned at this time, suddenly thought of Zhang Lin's naked body in the spring dream he had at noon yesterday, which made him blush and turned his head away in embarrassment.

"Zhang Qian, did you encounter any interesting things when you went to the orphanage this time?" Zhang Lin didn't realize the spring she revealed at all, and asked while she was cleaning the tables and chairs intently, " Did Dean Wu tell you anything?"

"Ah?" Zhang Qian's mind was full of the shock brought by that touch of purple, and he was a little panicked when Zhang Lin asked, and hurriedly said in embarrassment, "Oh, no, it's nothing, Dean Wu is in good health ..."

"That's it..." Zhang Lin nodded and didn't continue.

Zhang Qian was stunned at this moment, as if thinking of something, he said, "Sister, do you know if there are any orphans around my age in the orphanage?"

"I don't know, why do you ask that?" Zhang Lin was a little surprised, "When I went with my seemed like I hadn't seen it before."

"I haven't seen it before, so it probably won't happen." Zhang Qian sighed softly, "Today I met a... middle-aged man, his surname is Zhang, he said he was looking for missing relatives, and asked me Have you ever seen an orphan about my age in an orphanage..."

"Boom!!" Just as Zhang Qian said these words casually, Zhang Lin's whole body trembled, and the chair she was supporting fell to the ground instantly, making a loud noise!

"Sister? What's the matter?" Zhang Qian was startled by the sound of the chair falling, and couldn't help turning around to look at Zhang Lin.

"No, it's nothing, my hand slipped..." Zhang Lin hurriedly helped up the chair that fell down nervously, stroked her hair and then pretended to be calm and said to Zhang Qian, "Brother, you... do you know that?" What is the person's full name? What does he do?"

"Him?" Zhang Qian pouted after thinking for a while and said, "I didn't know it at first, but then I saw his picture on the TV when I was having lunch, which really shocked me. Ms. Did you know? The Uncle Zhang I met turned out to be the executive deputy mayor of Pinghai City, and his name is Zhang... Oh, by the way, Zhang Guangsheng."

"Zhang Guangsheng... Zhang Guangsheng..." Zhang Lin's pretty face became a little ugly, she bit Pink and clenched her fists tightly, her delicate body trembling slightly, extremely nervous.

"Sister?" Zhang Qian didn't understand why his sister became like this at this time, and couldn't help worrying, "Are you okay?"

"No, it's nothing..." Zhang Lin quickly restrained her expression as if she had been awakened, forced a sweet smile, touched Zhang Qian's head and said, "Sister is fine, Zhang Qian, you... you should stay away from this in the future." Dealing with the kind of people, you know?"

"Why?" Zhang Qian was a little puzzled, "What? Sister, do you know him?"

"How could I know such a big official, what a joke." Zhang Lin said embarrassingly serious, "Zhang Qian, I don't think any of these officials are good. It's better to stay away from them. We ordinary people But I can't afford it. You have to promise me that you will avoid dealing with these people, you know?"

"Oh, that's it..." Zhang Qian nodded with a smile, and laughed at himself, "Okay, I promise you. But then again, even if I want to see you, it's unlikely that such a big man will meet me, right?"

Seeing Zhang Qian say this, Zhang Lin finally showed a charming smile again on her somewhat pale pretty face.Seeing Zhang Qian turned around and walked into the bathroom, she couldn't help but exhaled secretly, her eyes were full of determination and she muttered to herself, "Zhang Qian... I can't live without you as my brother... No matter what, I won't Get you out of my side!"

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