Peach Fortune

Chapter 179 The Charming Heihe

A special ability is to slow down the moving objects in the gaze of both eyes, and the degree of slowing down is completely controlled by his thoughts.And this ability is derived from a small ability, which is the ability to distinguish lip language by slowing down the movement of the lips, so as to peek and overhear some people's whispers.

Another special ability is the moving object that is being watched by both eyes. As long as the brain is forced to instill commands continuously, it can make it deviate. To be precise, it is to change the direction of the object's movement.Of course, this ability to change is weak, for example, bullets moving at high speeds can only produce millimeter or even micron-level changes.Of course, if the trajectory of the bullet changes even a little bit, after such a long distance before reaching the target, the natural deviation will be magnified many times.

Another ability is to increase memory. Zhang Qian's memory has been greatly enhanced. If he memorizes a book without understanding the meaning, he can basically memorize it in his heart without spending much time.Of course, this is still different from a photographic memory. After all, memory is limited. One book can be memorized quickly, and two books are also fine, but three, four or even more will not work.

With these three special abilities, Zhang Qian was able to learn like a fish in water in the casino and in the boxing arena. It can even be said that he has the current achievements and skills, all thanks to these special abilities to save danger and help.But the sudden failure of the special ability at the bar last night made him deeply realize that the mysterious potion that might create these special abilities is far from as simple as he thought.

Originally, after Zhang Qian knew that Zhao Anru was the daughter of the scientist who made the mysterious potion, he hesitated for a long time whether to tell her about it, and got some information about the mysterious potion from her.But he finally decided to give up. After all, this mysterious potion beyond common sense is undoubtedly a shocking secret. It can cause people to have such a powerful special ability. Naturally, it is a precious item that is fiercely contested. If Zhao Anru finds out that it will be bad for him, then But it's really not worth the candle.

However, Zhang Qian, who wanted to keep hiding his body as a secret, now has to reconsider this issue.The sudden failure of the special ability and the extreme pain in the brain made him a little worried. This mysterious potion might not only change the human gene, but might also carry certain dangers?If he didn't ask Zhao Anru for clarification, he would always feel a little uneasy.

In Zhang Qian's entangled and complicated thinking, the day's study is over.Zhang Qian has very important things to do today, that is, grandpa will hold a birthday banquet for his [-]th birthday at Kaiyuan Hotel tonight.

This birthday banquet was brought up in the hospital when his father Zhang Hailong was washing his lungs, and Zhang Qian took the initiative to undertake it because of the evasion of his aunts.Originally, Zhang Qian wanted to use the bonus from being a security guard to set up a few tables for his grandfather in an ordinary restaurant, but then unexpectedly, the Chen family took the initiative to book a whole large restaurant in the five-star hotel Kaiyuan in order to thank him.

This big restaurant can accommodate fifteen tables of banquets. Yanqing also told Zhang Qian that not only the standard of banquet food and drink is the highest standard of [-] meals in Kaiyuan Hotel, but she also prepared a special enlivening table for the old man. The performance troupe and hosts in the atmosphere of the scene guarantee that this big birthday event will be full of excitement and excitement.

Zhang Qian was naturally very happy. In holding grandpa's birthday this time, he actually wanted to take this opportunity to let those snobbish aunts who had always looked down on his father Zhang Hailong understand that the old Zhang family is no longer that impoverished, poor and backward. Old Zhang's family, he just wants to show off in front of his aunts and stimulate them. After so many years of humiliating their faces and living their lives, let them take a good look at Zhang's family this time!

Therefore, Zhang Qian did not tell his father Zhang Hailong and his sister Zhang Lin about the specific hotel where the birthday banquet will be held. He just told them that the hotel has been found and the budget has been settled. He asked them to inform their relatives and friends in the countryside, as well as some friends in the county. .As for the aunts, it is natural to notify them, after all, grandparents are still living in the homes of the three aunts.

At first Zhang Hailong was startled when he heard Zhang Qian said that he would set [-] tables, but Zhang Qian said he had found a cheap place, and after calculating that the red envelopes and meal expenses could almost offset each other, he felt relieved.In fact, grandparents are also locals. If you really want to invite acquaintances, I am afraid that fifteen tables will not be enough. Why doesn't Zhang Hailong want to invite more relatives and friends who are related to have a cup of birthday wine?Since Zhang Qian had set the fifteenth table, he didn't have much objection, and simply called many cousins ​​and relatives in the countryside who hadn't moved around all year round.

To celebrate a big birthday is to make the old man happy. As long as the income and expenditure are balanced, it will be fine. Naturally, my father does not want to use grandpa's birthday as a tool to collect money.For Zhang Qian's generosity in this regard, he is supportive and happy from the bottom of his heart.

The time for grandpa's birthday is set at six o'clock this afternoon, and the place is at the New Century Hotel.Zhang Qian also told her about this after having a love affair with Cheng Rou'er in the morning.Of course Cheng Rou'er wanted to participate, but if Zhang Qian didn't invite her, she wouldn't dare to make the decision on her own.

After Zhang Qian considered the meeting, he still invited Cheng Rou'er to attend.After all, since he regards her as his own woman, how can there be any reason not to let her participate in grandpa's birthday?But before school, he still made a three-pronged agreement with her. It was fine for Cheng Rouer to attend grandpa's birthday, but she was only going there as an ordinary friend of Zhang Qian, not really his girlfriend.It's not that Zhang Qian doesn't want to admit the relationship between Cheng Rou'er and him. It's because the two of them are too young, they are both in the third grade of junior high school. No matter how you say it, they can be regarded as puppy love. Under this kind of social relationship, it is impossible for a puppy love to be supported by the elders. If you want to avoid trouble, you might as well hide your relationship.

Cheng Rou'er naturally agreed when she heard it, but she also asked Zhang Qian to accompany her to pick out clothes after school in the afternoon. After all, it was the first time to participate in such a big event of the Zhang family, so she felt sorry for not wearing more formal clothes. .Although Zhang Qian felt a little troublesome, he readily agreed in desperation.On the surface, they don't expose the relationship between the two, but the more dazzling and prominent Cheng Rouer's performance is, doesn't that imperceptibly increase his face?

Therefore, Zhang Qian had asked Cheng Rouer to wait for him at the school gate before the end of the third class in the afternoon. Since the fourth class was a class meeting, he asked the class teacher for leave early and left alone.

When he came to the gate of the school, the black high-end Mercedes-Benz car was naturally very eye-catching. Zhang Qian smiled and strode over.Before he could get to the car, the door of the driver's seat of the Mercedes-Benz was already opened, and the person who stepped out was wearing a black lace long-sleeved bottoming shirt, a black miniskirt, and brown sunglasses with loose hair Cheng Rouer.

The nickname Widowmaker is really not for nothing. The fashionable and beautiful Cheng Rou'er has very rosy skin. Wearing it with black clothes often has a strong visual impact and indescribable allure.The black silk bottoming shirt not only has a deep v-neck to set off the fullness of her chest, but also the long sleeves are made of lace translucent tulle. The white and tender skin on the slender arms is shown through the black tulle, which looks like a It also adds a bit of charming color.

Looking at such a beautiful and moving stunner, and looking at his casual and ordinary appearance, Zhang Qian sometimes really wonders how he is so lucky to be favored by such a beautiful beauty?

"Zhang Qian, here!" Seeing Zhang Qian standing in the same place in a normal school uniform, Cheng Rou'er stretched out her slender hand and beckoned to him sweetly, "Come here!"

Zhang Qian recovered from his wild thoughts, and quickly trotted to the side of the Mercedes-Benz with a smile on his face, and got into the co-pilot's seat without hesitation.

Looking at Cheng Rou'er's white and tender slender legs stretching into the car under the black miniskirt, he couldn't help but greedily glanced at Cheng Rou'er who entered the driver's seat unscrupulously, revealing a wolf-like possessiveness in his eyes* *.When he thought of this beautiful face and this perfect figure, he was crazy in bed with him until dawn last night, and fought for several rounds in the early morning, he almost couldn't control his inner urge to move again.

Cheng Rou'er took off her sunglasses and glanced at Zhang Qian with her beautiful eyes, only then did she realize the strangeness in him, she couldn't help but glared slightly shyly and said, "I haven't seen enough last night, look at your eyes... it seems It's as if you want to eat people..."

"Hey, no matter how you look at it, you can never get enough of it in your life." Zhang Qian smirked and stretched out his hand to grab Cheng Rouer's plump and firm pair of jade rabbits, but was stopped by Cheng Rouer's little hand.

"Don't make trouble... We still have to go shopping and attend your grandpa's birthday..." Cheng Rou'er suddenly opened her red lips slightly, and said shyly, "My husband, I will be yours for the rest of my life." Woman... If you want it, I can give it to you every day..."

Hearing Cheng Rouer's coquettish and seductive voice, Zhang Qian almost lost his soul, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses and smiled wryly, "It's over, it's over, you crazy girl, it looks like I'm going to die in my life You have it."

"Giggle..." Cheng Rou'er couldn't help laughing, and started the car and drove forward, "Okay, then I'll fascinate you every day, and let you fall under my pomegranate skirt forever, what do you think?"

Zhang Qian was taken aback, he suddenly seemed to find that Cheng Rou'er seemed to be slightly different from before.But he really couldn't tell what the difference was, it seemed to be just a feeling.Perhaps after a night of lingering, the two confirmed the reason for their relationship. Today, Cheng Rou'er has been nourished by rain and dew, and after becoming a real woman, her temperament has faintly changed. She seems to be more mature and more attractive. In the past, she The silent quietness on her body seemed to have weakened a lot.

Of course, this is just Zhang Qian's feeling. As for whether Cheng Rou'er will be so enthusiastic about outsiders, then he doesn't know...

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