Peach Fortune

Chapter 183 The Black Silk Goddess

"Mr. Zhang? Mr. Zhang, wait for me!" Ji Shengchong walked out of the watch shop, and hurriedly caught up with Zhang Huan, who was very angry and just wanted to leave this ghost place as soon as possible. After taking a breath, he said, "Zhang Young master, don't worry about this with that kid, let him be proud for a while. Don't worry, you will take care of him sooner or later."

Zhang Huan had a gloomy face, and gritted his teeth after half the salary, "Ji Shengchong, as long as you deal with this smelly security guard in the future, no matter what I can help, just say hello!"

Just as Ji Shengchong was about to nod, his eyes lit up suddenly.Isn't that kid Zhang Qian and Yan Qing getting together and wanting to get that real estate project?If they really pose a threat to the Gannan Gang, they can make good use of Zhang Huan if they don't mind.

Thinking of this, Ji Shengchong couldn't help but smirked and said, "Young Master Zhang, don't worry, it's not easy to give this guy a hard time? As long as there is a chance, we will join hands and make sure he can't eat it!"

"Okay!" Zhang Huan sneered, and said with a hint of ruthlessness, "Zhang Qian, new and old grudges, we will end sooner or later!"

"Sneeze!" Zhang Qian, who was leaving the watch shop, couldn't help but sneezed, and Cheng Rou'er next to him couldn't help laughing, "Husband, your sneezing is so loud, I don't think someone wants to hurt you, it must be Someone misses you, could it be that Miss Zhao that Zhang Huan talked about?"

When Zhang Qian heard this, he immediately knew that Cheng Rou'er was a little jealous.That's right, being called a mistress by others for no reason will definitely not make you feel very comfortable.He hastily explained, "Rou'er, listen to me, the matter is not as Zhang Huan said, in fact, Zhao Anru and I..."

"You don't need to explain, I can see that Zhang Huan should like that Miss Zhao. It seems that you probably made trouble in it, which made him hate you so much, right?" Cheng Rou'er said with a sweet smile , "Then Zhao Anru, Ms. Zhao is pretty, right?"

"It's okay, it's okay..." Zhang Qian laughed twice, and said honestly with some helplessness, "I work as a security guard in a high-end residential area on weekends, and when I went to the house of Miss Zhao to collect property fees, I met Zhang Huan , he was pursuing that Ms. Zhao, but Ms. Zhao was so quick-witted that she..."

"Just use you as a shield, deliberately say that you are her boyfriend, and leave Zhang Huan in anger?" Cheng Rou'er chuckled and said, "Isn't this plot too bloody?"

"But that's the truth. There's no way I'll be hated by Zhang Huan for no reason." Zhang Qian shook his head speechlessly, and said worriedly, "Rou'er, that Ji Shengchong was fighting with the Gannan Gang recently. It's so hot, it should be because of cooperation. Today I saw him colluding with Zhang Huan again, I always have a bad feeling."

Cheng Rou'er suppressed her smile, nodded seriously, "Indeed, my father has also noticed the ambitions of the Gannan Gang. He knows that the weather in Andu County is going to change recently, so he wants me to come and watch, and report the situation here to you at any time." He reported. If the Gannan Gang wants to gain a firm foothold in Andu County, it is inevitable to cooperate with Ji Shengchong. It depends on what tricks they want to play. My father has been busy dealing with the infighting and traitors in the Pinghai City Gang recently. I really don't have time to take care of Andu County, once he finishes handling the matter in Pinghai City, he should come over in person."

Zhang Qian pouted and did not reply.Actually, even if Cheng Xiongtian came over, what's the use?The key now is not to let the Gannan Gang get the real estate project, let them and the Ji family collude together and gain a firm foothold in Andu County!

"Forget it, there's no need to think so much now, let's hurry up and pick up the clothes to pick up grandparents." Zhang Qian knew that there was no rush for this kind of thing, and it would be true to organize grandpa's birthday first.

Cheng Rou'er nodded, and led Zhang Qian to continue picking out clothes.After the two walked out of the watch shop, they took out the couple watch and put it on their hands. Zhang Qian changed into brand-name clothes and added this valuable platinum couple watch. Obviously, he changed from short and poor to tall immediately. On the face, there is quite a bit of local tyrant's momentum.

Even the waitresses who entered the women's clothing store looked at him with obvious respect and enthusiasm.Zhang Qian couldn't help sighing that his identity and status depended on money.

"Zhang Qian, do you think this one looks good?" Just as Zhang Qian was lamenting the charm of money, Cheng Rou'er who came out of the fitting room caught his eye.

What Cheng Rou'er wore on her delicate body was a chiffon silk long-sleeved dress with lace and lace.The translucent lace neckline design under the snow-white neck reveals the charming collarbone, and the tight skirt highlights the perfect alluring figure. The plump breasts and round buttocks undoubtedly show the perfect lordosis and bulge. .That loose black hair and pretty face, coupled with the sexy black stockings wrapped around the beautiful legs under the dress and the high-end black high-heeled shoes on the jade feet, is simply a perfect black silk goddess!

Beautiful, so beautiful!Zhang Qian nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "It's really beautiful, Rou'er. No one can match your beauty when you wear black."

Cheng Rou'er was praised by Zhang Qian, and a blush suddenly appeared on her beautiful face, she looked very happy and sweet.Also, how many girls would not like to be praised by the man they love?

Since Zhang Qian said she was beautiful, and she seemed to like this outfit quite a bit, Cheng Rou'er just put it on like Zhang Qian and paid for it.

Zhang Qian didn't see the price of this skirt, but it should be expensive.After such a calculation, he couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. Cheng Rou'er had already spent hundreds of thousands of dollars just for grandpa's birthday, so that's probably the effect of spending a lot of money, right?

Carrying big bags and small bags, Cheng Rou'er took Zhang Qian's hand and went to the gold store in the shopping mall, picked out a heavy gold medal with the birthday character for Grandpa Zhang Qian, and swiped the card calmly and gracefully under Zhang Qian's shocked eyes.

Zhang Qian really wanted to refuse, but he really couldn't refuse.Indeed, grandpa's birthday gift is undoubtedly the most important and precious, if you don't buy more, how can you do it?Looking at the packaged golden birthday card worth nearly 15 in his hand, there was no way for him to refuse Cheng Rou'er's kindness.

After shopping, the two left the mall and walked towards the parking lot.Along the way, wearing a black dress, the beautiful and seductive Cheng Rou'er undoubtedly became the most beautiful scenery. In addition, she specially put on some light makeup today. She is not at all the age that 17 years old should be, but more like 20 years old lady.Pedestrians on the road were either knocked into the electric pole by her, or they hurriedly took out their mobile phones and cameras to shoot.

This Cheng Rou'er really looks like a big star...

After getting in the car, Cheng Rou'er saw Zhang Qian's preoccupied look, and she couldn't help but smile coquettishly, "What's the matter, husband? Today is your grandpa's birthday, you should be happy."

Zhang Qian said helplessly with a frowning face, "Yeah, I was very happy at first, but when you bought these things, I was worried to death. It cost nearly 40 in total. How do you think I should pay it back? What about the Year of the Monkey?"

"Who told you to pay it back? Look at you. With this personality, can I, as your girlfriend, buy you something?" Cheng Rou'er started the car, and said with dissatisfaction in reverse, "Your grandpa , isn’t it my grandfather?”

"I didn't mean that. Anyway, I will find a way to pay back the money." Zhang Qian knew that it would be meaningless to talk too much, and it might make Cheng Rou'er unhappy, so he changed the subject, "My aunt lives in the Bauhinia Garden , do you know the way?"

"I don't know, but I can navigate." Seeing that Zhang Qian didn't mention money, Cheng Rou'er smiled again, and began to enter the address into the navigation.Soon, after setting up, she stepped on the accelerator and drove the Mercedes-Benz towards her destination.

The Bauhinia Garden is in the Xincheng area, and it takes only about 10 minutes to drive there.After parking the car, Zhang Qian took Cheng Rou'er to the building where the little aunt lived.

Compared with the Sunshine Coast where Chen's family lives and the Gold Coast where he works as a security guard, this Bauhinia Garden naturally has no comparison.However, if this place is compared with the residences in the old city, it is undoubtedly much more comfortable and upscale.As a well-off family, the little aunt naturally has such conditions to live in such a community.Zhang Qian walked on the turntable avenue in this community, looking at the surrounding buildings, he couldn't help feeling envious.

One day, I will definitely let my parents and sister Zhang Lin live in such a community!Zhang Qian secretly swears in his heart that he may not be able to afford a multimillion-dollar villa like the Chen family, but buying a house in Bauhinia Garden still has great hopes for him at present.

My little aunt lives on the fourth floor of Building 8.When Zhang Qian knocked on the door, he saw the elderly grandpa who came to open the door.The vicissitudes of the years and the hard work in the countryside have made his skin dark and yellow, and his white hair is full of wrinkles. Grandpa undoubtedly looks older than before.

"Grandpa!" Zhang Qian called to his grandfather with a smile, "I'll pick you up to the hotel."

"Zhang Qian, hehe, I've seen you, kid. You haven't come to see grandpa for two or three months, right?" Grandpa Zhang Qian couldn't help showing an old smile when he saw Zhang Qian. Just as he was about to continue speaking, he saw him. Cheng Rou'er next to Zhang Qian.

"Hi, Grandpa... I, I am Zhang Qian's friend, Cheng Rouer." Seeing her grandfather looking at her, Cheng Rouer hurriedly introduced herself, her pretty face blushing a little nervously.

"Hey, this girl is so beautiful, and she looks really juicy. Zhang Qian, you and her..." Grandpa Zhang Qian looked at Cheng Rou'er admiringly, and soon began to doubt the relationship between the two.

"Grandpa, Cheng Rou'er is my friend. Today she said she was sending me to pick you up to the hotel, so I asked her to help me get out of the car." Zhang Qian didn't want to get entangled with grandpa on this, so he changed the subject with a smile, "Grandpa , we won't go in, you let grandma come out, I'll take you to the hotel first."

"Oh, so... that's fine. We're all ready, and I've got new clothes on." Grandpa nodded and said this, then turned and shouted into the house, "Old lady, grandson Zhang Qian is here to pick us up." , you come out, let's go!"

"Got it, I'll come out after I change my clothes!" Grandma's kind and familiar voice came from the room, and Zhang Qian couldn't help feeling nostalgic.

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