Peach Fortune

Chapter 19 The Unexpected Temptation 2

In the short moment when the evening dress fell off, Zhang Qian had already seen Chen Zitong's whole body from top to bottom.At this moment, an evil idea suddenly appeared in his mind, if the black last line of defense can also be removed, how wonderful it would be...

"Ah!!!" Before Zhang Qian could react from his nasty fantasies, Chen Zitong couldn't help screaming again. He quickly reached out and covered her mouth again, and hurriedly lowered his body to hold her in embarrassment. He lifted up the corner of the evening dress for her.

With a blushing face, Chen Zitong hastily pulled the evening gown back to her collarbone to wrap her entire delicate body. Without any hesitation, she slapped Zhang Qian with her beautiful eyes full of tender anger!

"Come again?" She had already been slapped when she accidentally kissed her in the alley last time, and now she is coming again, Zhang Qian will definitely not do it.He fixed his eyes on Chen Zitong's small right hand that was waving towards him, and immediately slowed down the speed of the slap, and directly dodged his face to the side, and dodged the slap just right.

" rascal, you bastard, you bully!!" Seeing that his slap was avoided, Chen Zitong could feel the embarrassing blushing pretty face, and tears of grievance welled up in her beautiful eyes.She obviously blamed Zhang Qian for all her faults.

"Hey... I admit that I was wrong for entering your boudoir by mistake, but it's obviously caused by your dress being too big, isn't it my fault?" Zhang Qian felt that he was more wronged than Dou E. Kissed Chen Zitong's small mouth in the alley mistake. He got addicted to his mouth anyway, blame it, but today, although he got addicted to his eyes, it is indeed not his problem, but the problem of clothes, why he missed it Blame him again for no reason?

"You are wrong, you are wrong! You, you are a big villain, you are a big villain!!" When a woman gets angry, she usually doesn't ask right or wrong at all, let alone such a beautiful school belle?So no matter how Zhang Qian thinks about theories, he is probably going to take this wrong.

In desperation, Zhang Qian shook his hand and broke the jar, "Okay, okay, even if I'm wrong, I'm wrong, okay? So what? What happened has already happened, how should I solve it? I read it, But are you going to pluck out my eyeballs just because you saw it?"

Chen Zitong was obviously taken aback at this time, obviously she didn't know what to do for a while.Indeed, Zhang Qian showed her body, but what can she do with this bad guy in front of her?Eyeball digging?She wanted to, but it was impossible!

Silence, nothing but silence.Not knowing what to do, Chen Zitong sat on the sofa next to her, her pretty face full of loneliness.If it were any other girl, it would definitely be in a bad mood if her body was seen, and Chen Zitong was no exception.

Seeing her so lovely and pitiful appearance, Zhang Qian couldn't help feeling a little soft-hearted for a while, and said helplessly, "Student Chen, it was indeed an accident just now, it was a problem with the clothes, and it was also a matter of coincidence in time. It's the same as what happened, it's all..."

"You still say!" Hearing Zhang Qian mentioning the accidental kiss with him in the alley, Chen Zitong couldn't help being angry again, she was a little speechless, "Why did I meet you at the same table, you, You said, why do you...every time..."

"What?" Zhang Qian was at a loss.

"I don't know! Hmph!" Chen Zitong was trembling with anger, turned his face away and didn't want to talk to him anymore.However, at this time, she seemed to suddenly think of something, turned her head and said, "Zhang Qian, you haven't said why you appeared in my boudoir and my house? If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, then You're just breaking into a private house, you're just following me!"

"Hey, my classmate Chen, I admit that you are very beautiful, you are a recognized school belle, and you have the capital to be obsessed with. But I, Zhang Qian, have not been obsessed with you to that extent, following you? Are you kidding me? I don't have that much time to spare." Zhang Qian smiled and said, "I came here to accompany my father to find your father."

Speaking of this, Zhang Qian was taken aback suddenly, and he suddenly thought of a question.Chen Zitong is Chen Xuwu's daughter, and after his father Zhang Hailong took responsibility, Chen Xuwu and Zhang's family had made a baby kiss, so wouldn't this baby kiss be him and... and the Chen Zitong in front of him?

Wow!This matter has become a big mess, and Zhang Qian actually has the opportunity to marry Chen Zitong? ?It's as unbelievable as a fairy tale.

"You said that you accompanied your father to find my father? So... your father knows my father?" Chen Zitong blushed and said with obvious puzzlement, "Why didn't my father tell me?"

"Your father didn't tell you a lot of things." Zhang Qian calmed down, rolled his eyes and said, "Our fathers used to be good friends, but something happened, so your father left Ann. Duxian, now that I’m back, my father wants to come over and see your father. By the way, where is your father now? Can you take us to find him? When you find him, you will naturally I know whether it's true or false."

Seeing Zhang Qian's unquestionable expression, Chen Zitong nodded after hesitating for a while, "Okay, I will take you to see my father now, if it is true as you said, then you are indeed my guest, but if you You lied to me, I will definitely let my father take care of you!"

"I'm so scared, so what are you waiting for, classmate Chen, please?" Zhang Qian stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation, he wished someone would take him and his father to see Chen Xuwu, so that he could explain things clearly in person.

"This... I have to wait, I, my clothes..." Chen Zitong held the back of the dress tightly with his little hands, and said with some embarrassment, "I, I have to fasten this dress with a pin, otherwise At once……"

"Is it the same as before? Okay, where is the pin? I'll look for it." Of course Zhang Qian knew that the dress was one size bigger, otherwise he wouldn't have seen such a sexy scene just now.

Hearing what Zhang Qian said, Chen Zitong's pretty face flushed red again, and she said with a little anger in her shyness, "Don't worry about it, my servant will bring it for me, if you didn't break in suddenly, I thought it was a cow Auntie's words... Ah, Aunt Niu!!"

Chen Zitong didn't realize until then that his servant was looking for a pin, and he will be back soon!And now there is a real big man sitting in her boudoir, how should she explain this?

"Dong dong dong, miss? I found the pin. You are not changing your clothes, are you? Can I come in?" Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, Aunt Niu's voice sounded outside the door, and Chen Zitong jumped up from the sofa in fright!

"Aunt Niu...don't come in! I, I'm getting dressed, I'll let you in, come in again!" Chen Zitong shouted to the door, then hurriedly grabbed Zhang Qian who didn't know why, and hurried to the closet, Pointing at the closet, she whispered, "Now, get in right away! Don't let Mrs. Niu know that you are in my room, or I won't be able to tell you how many mouths I have!"

"I... drilled into the closet?" Zhang Qian pointed to himself, and he really didn't understand, "Why? Let the old lady see it and see it. We have nothing to do. Besides, I'm your classmate, can't I come and see you? ?”

"Zhang Qian! What time is this? I'm not in the mood to play tricks with you. This is my boudoir. How can I let a man sneak in? You are shameless and I want shame! Can you get in? If you don't, I won't." I took you to find my father!" Chen Zitong really felt on the verge of anger, although he tried his best to keep his voice down, he could still hear that she was about to go berserk.

Zhang Qian curled his lips, under Chen Zitong's intimidation, he could only get into the closet reluctantly.Soon, the door of the closet was closed by Chen Zitong, and at this moment, he just discovered that besides some dresses and clothes in the closet he got into, there were all kinds of clothes in the corner next to him. It's the underwear Chen Zitong is wearing!

Red, green, blue, purple, these colorful underwear made Zhang Qian feel a little excited, but what made him even more dumbfounded was that in this closet, there was actually... sexy underwear!

Although Zhang Qian has not yet fully understood women, has he never eaten pork or seen a pig running?He can clearly tell the difference between sexy underwear and ordinary underwear.This lace hollowed-out one-piece underwear is completely sexy underwear!Staring at the thin ribbon-like triangle at the bottom of the underwear, he instantly fantasized about Chen Zitong's alluring appearance in this underwear, and suddenly it was difficult to breathe...

"I didn't expect that Chen Zitong, who looks pure like an angel, would wear such sexy underwear. It's really unbelievable..." Zhang Qian couldn't help but sighed, and found out this secret. If Chen Zitong found out, I'm afraid she Feeling shy again and don't know what to do?

At this time, Chen Zitong was opening the door for Aunt Niu, how could she know that Zhang Qian had made new discoveries in the closet.Now she is praying that Aunt Niu will not find Zhang Qian hiding in the closet, and the others obviously don't care too much.

Aunt Niu who walked into the room quickly fastened a few pins on the dress, and now Chen Zitong was finally able to wear the evening dress on her body.She couldn't help complaining, "Aunt Niu, tell my brother later that he will never buy clothes for me again. What, the big ones really killed me!"

Aunt Niu smiled inexplicably, "Isn't it fine to fasten it with a pin? Why did it kill you?"

"No, it's nothing..." Chen Zitong didn't dare to say that her clothes slipped off and Zhang Qian looked all over her body. After she stuttered, she looked at the closet and said with a guilty conscience, "Aunt Niu, this dress should be fine. Go down and get busy first, I will go to the yard later."

After hearing this, Aunt Niu was puzzled and said, "Miss? Didn't you say you want me to help you go down together? Your evening dress has tails, so you have to be extra careful when you go down the stairs. I still..."

"No need, I can do it by myself, you go first." Chen Zitong groaned secretly in his heart, it wasn't that I wanted to go down alone, it was because there was someone hiding in the house, so I had to drive you away first...

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