Peach Fortune

Chapter 192 Golden Birthday Card

"Of course, I have long heard that the county magistrate Wang is a beautiful county magistrate, and now I see that she really lives up to her reputation, and I have admired it for a long time." Seeing Zhang Qian's introduction, Yan Qing seemed to have regained her thoughts, and hurriedly stood up. Standing up, he raised his glass respectfully and smiled at Wang Zhiqing, "Mayor Wang, I would like to offer you a toast. My husband Xu Wu and I will be in Andu County in the future, and I hope you will support and help us a lot!"

Naturally, Wang Zhiqing knew that Yanqing was Chen Xuwu's wife, and she also knew what Yanqing meant by helping, so she stood up and raised her glass with a smile, "President Yan, you are welcome, as long as it is for the benefit of the people, I will naturally help you." Will be more than willing to help.”

The wine glasses collided together in the air, and the red wine in the glasses shone with crimson brilliance under the light, and slowly entered the red lips of the two beauties respectively.Although Yanqing is not as beautiful and charming as Wang Zhiqing, she still has the charm of a successful woman, and watching them drink is simply a kind of enjoyment.Zhang Qian couldn't help sighing, a beauty is a beauty, even the movement of drinking is so beautiful.

"Mr. Yan, Zhang Qian told me about you. Originally, you are qualified and have a legal company that can carry out real estate construction. As long as the price is right, it should not be too difficult to get the bidding for real estate projects." After taking a bite of the dish, Wang Zhiqing frowned slightly after thinking about it, put down her chopsticks and said seriously, "But I still want to remind you, don't relax your vigilance until you get the bidding. I always feel that this bidding will be complicated. Zhang Qian and As I said, did you have a competitor when Xu’s company acquired it? If the other party is really interested in getting this project, and there are people behind it, I’m afraid there will be a struggle.”

Hearing this, Yan Qing nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, in fact, I also know that this bidding will not be easy to win, but the arrow has to be launched, and at this time I have to bite the bullet. County Magistrate Wang , I hope the government..."

"If the government can help me, I will definitely help to the end, and try my best to fight for the government's decision-making power on the Standing Committee. After all, the government-led project investment and the final developer selection still need to be studied and discussed by the Standing Committee." Wang Zhiqing said Here, after thinking about the meeting, he said, "In the case of an even match, it depends on whose price is more competitive. You have to be mentally prepared."

Yan Qing's expression was a bit uneasy. Competitiveness obviously made her lower the quotation, and lower quotation would naturally mean a decrease in income, so she would definitely not feel very comfortable.But thinking of the consequences of the failure of the bidding, she seemed to have returned to normal again, gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I'll go back and check the budget to see if I can lower the price."

The words of the two women were spoken in front of everyone at the main table. The members of the old Zhang family saw that Zhang Qian seemed to be acting as a middleman, and they couldn't help being secretly surprised and even more delighted.They figured it out, this Wang Zhiqing was not the one who valued Zhang Qian in general.This kid is young but has the ability to control a deputy county magistrate, that's just a word, bull!

Zhang Qianniu is naturally the old Zhangjianiu.Zhang Qian's grandfather couldn't close his mouth when he smiled. He undoubtedly had a very happy birthday today.What else can be more enjoyable, more joyful, and more comfortable than seeing one's originally useless son and his family raise their eyebrows and feel good for the last time?

After thirty days of drinking, the birthday banquet will soon come to an end.At this time, the three aunts and uncles who had been staying at the second table suddenly came to the grandfather at the main table at the same time.

My little aunt Zhang Yanmei first took out the red box from her bag, handed it to grandpa with a smile, and said, "Dad, look, this is the wild ginseng that my family bought for you from the north. It's a great tonic. Eating it can prolong your life, tens of thousands of dollars, it is very precious, I wish you a happy birthday."

"Dad, this is the electric gun that Long Hai and I bought when we went abroad this year. Don't you always have sore legs and feet? If you use this massage frequently, you will definitely feel much more comfortable. It costs thousands of dollars. I wish you You are in good health and live a long life!" Aunt Zhang Yanhua hastily took out the gift and handed it to Grandpa.

At this time, the second aunt Zhang Yanfeng also smiled and said, "Dad, what I gave you is Dendrobium officinale, which costs several thousand dollars. Remember to eat it often, so that your body will become healthier."

Grandpa received the gifts from the three aunts. Although there were gratified smiles on his face, he didn't seem very interested.At this moment, Zhang Yanmei glanced at Zhang Hailong with some contempt, and said with feigned surprise, "Hai Long, you will not forget to buy a birthday gift for your father's birthday, right? You, you, such a high-end hotel has already held a banquet. Still can't afford a decent birthday gift? It's not me talking about you, it's really a bit too sloppy and rude. The old Zhang family is so beautiful now, your son is even related to the county leaders, and he doesn't care about you. As for such a gift, right?"

As soon as Zhang Yanmei said this, Zhang Hailong was suddenly embarrassed and didn't know what to do.Originally, Zhang Qian told him about this hotel temporarily. Where did he get the money to buy some expensive gifts for grandpa?But the three aunts had already given presents, so it would be unreasonable if the old Zhang's family didn't give them presents.

Zhang Qian frowned at this time, he naturally knew why his little aunt would scold his father in front of so many people.In fact, she just wanted to vent her dissatisfaction with being kicked out of the main table just now.In front of so many leaders, she can't directly yell at the old Zhang's family, she can only use this method to sneer at the old Zhang family, maybe this way she will feel better in her heart.

It's just that no matter how well the little aunt Zhang Yanmei's calculations are, she may only end in disappointment.

Cheng Rou'er glanced at Zhang Qian lightly, and immediately took out the heavy gold birthday card from her handbag and handed it to Zhang Qian.Zhang Qian stood up from the chair, and walked directly in front of Grandpa with the heavy gold birthday card.

At this time, he deliberately glanced at the aunts and uncles on the side, raised the golden birthday card in his hand, and smiled respectfully at his grandfather, "Grandpa, our old Zhang family has nothing to sell. What a good ginseng, let alone any health care products. After much deliberation, our whole family unanimously decided to make a gold birthday token for grandpa as a souvenir. We wish grandpa good health, all the best, and happiness like the East China Sea , Shoubi Nanshan!"

The birthday card made of gold was lifted up by Zhang Qian. Under the light of the restaurant, it reflected a dazzling golden luster, making people dizzy.Glittering gold has always been a symbol of great wealth and wealth. This golden longevity token fell heavily not only into the hands of grandpa, but also in the hearts of those aunts and uncles present who were somewhat dissatisfied!

Such a large birthday card is worth more than 10,000 yuan just by visual inspection. Don't look at what Zhang Qian said, what kind of ginseng, what kind of dendrobium, what kind of honey, how can there be gold?These days, gold is equal to money, even more valuable than money!Because money will depreciate, but gold almost always appreciates! [-]+ gold, this big money and the little gifts from the aunts put together, which is better, who should feel ashamed and who is not ashamed is clear at a glance!

The little aunt Zhang Yanmei who originally wanted to take advantage of the problem immediately turned pale when she saw the golden birthday card. It was ugly, green and red, as if she had suffered a great humiliation.Face slap, Zhang Qian, this is naked face slap!Such a precious golden birthday card was not given away sooner or later, but it was only taken out after she let go. Isn't this a slap in the face of her old Zhang Yanmei?

What Dendrobium officinale, what Chinese medicine, what wild ginseng, under the golden birthday card, naturally dimmed in an instant, this is not a birthday gift at all!

At this time, not only my little aunt Zhang Yanmei felt embarrassed and ashamed, but even the other aunts felt ashamed.Zhang Qian's golden birthday card is tantamount to satirizing their past arrogance and their past actions!

Looking at the dejected aunts who turned away without saying a word, Zhang Qian did not continue to say any excessive words to stimulate.After all, grandpa is currently staying at the house of his aunts for the time being. Besides, they are also members of the old Zhang family. After all, they are blood relatives. It is not a good thing to turn their faces and make the relationship too rigid.At the same time, he was also secretly rejoicing that Cheng Rou'er was fortunately not prevented from buying the golden birthday token, otherwise these aunts might really give one to them during the birthday present.

Sometimes, face is more important than the sky, although living like this will be very tiring, but looking at the satisfied and happy expressions of his father and grandfather, Zhang Qian feels that everything is worth it!

The perfect ending of today's birthday banquet is tantamount to announcing to all the relatives of the old Zhang family that the poor and backward old Zhang family in the past is gone forever, and the old Zhang family can finally feel proud and elated, and never again. Will be looked down upon by any relatives!

"Smelly Zhang Qian... bastard Zhang Qian... I hate you so much!!" Chen Zitong waved the cane from somewhere in his hand, and as he walked, he pumped the trees around him as if venting, his pretty face flushed red, his beautiful eyes Full of dissatisfaction.Maybe she was a little tired, she leaned on the stone pier beside her in a daze, stared blankly at the starry night sky, and for a moment, she couldn't help but she couldn't help but roll down the tears.

"I...what's wrong with me...why should I be sad, why should I be unhappy...I have no reason to be sad, and I have no reason to be angry, why did I become like this..." Chen Zitong muttered to himself, choking Speaking of this, her little hands tightly covered her chest, and the tears couldn't stop flowing down like a kite with a broken string, "But... my heart really hurts, I really feel so sad, so sad ...Woooo...why, why is this happening..."

Chen Zitong was crying sadly alone, leaning against the landscape stone next to the gate of the community, letting herself vent, trying to wash away all the grievances and pain in her heart through tears.Such a beautiful and lovely person is crying in such a sad state, anyone who sees it will definitely feel extremely distressed.

Suddenly, Chen Zitong seemed to remember something, her beautiful eyes revealed an unbelievable look, and her whole delicate body trembled as if she had been shocked by an electric shock, and she froze completely in place.After half the payment, she murmured in disbelief, "Could it be... I, I really fell in love with... him?"

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