Peach Fortune

Chapter 199 The Snitch Who Doesn't Love Money

Thinking of this, Zhang Qian hastily got up subconsciously to take a look, only to find that his limbs had not been tied up, and no hands or feet had been touched on his whole body, he couldn't help being surprised and puzzled.

According to common sense, if someone breaks into a house to rob or kidnap the owner, shouldn't they use a sneak attack to stun and then bind them to restrict their personal freedom?Why didn't the gangster tie his hands and feet for him after he fainted?Wasn't he afraid of running away or calling the police?

"Yes, call the police!!" Zhang Qian realized that the situation was urgent. Since he could move freely, the first thing he did was to call the police!Kidnapping is not a joke, it is possible to kill and silence!Notified the police, at least the outside world can know the crisis here.

However, after searching for a long time, he didn't find his mobile phone in his pocket.Zhang Qian soon realized that his mobile phone should have been confiscated by the gangster.In desperation, he turned his head to look at Zhao Anru who was still in a coma, and hastily and lightly began to push her up, trying to wake her up.

Zhao Anru was only wearing a silk nightdress, and she was probably hijacked by gangsters while she was still sleeping, so she didn't even have a chance to change clothes.At this time, Zhang Qian finally understood why Zhao Anru, who is also gentle and refined, would be so angry at him and want him to leave here. It turned out that she had already been held hostage by gangsters at that time, and she didn't want him to come to this muddy water too!

"Wake up...Miss Zhao Anru..." Zhang Qian didn't dare to shout loudly. He knew that if the gangsters had plans, they wouldn't just knock them out and leave. The Gold Coast's security is so strong that ordinary thieves can't It is impossible to enter the community, that is to say, it is definitely not an ordinary thief who is holding Zhao Anru hostage, so it is very likely that the gangster is still in the living room outside the bedroom, so it is best not to attract her attention.

Zhao Anru was gently pushed by Zhang Qian, and the pair of plump jade rabbits in front of her delicate body swayed like waves, making Zhang Qian's heart beat faster again.

On the bed of the female anchor, watching the female anchor who only wears a nightdress freely in front of me, the undulating and plump jade rabbit, the slender legs that are messy and wrinkled and cannot be concealed, this kind of ambiguous scene is almost as sexy as it is. How fragrant and gorgeous, as ambiguous as possible.If it weren't for the possibility that the gangster was right outside the door, Zhang Qian might really be unable to restrain himself from secretly eating some tofu.No way, who made Zhao Anru so beautiful and charming?

Zhang Qian gently pushed Zhao Anru's body, and resisted letting his eyes go to those sensitive and attractive parts.Not long after, Zhao Anru finally woke up leisurely.When she dazedly opened her beautiful eyes and found Zhang Qian sitting in front of her, she trembled in fright, she opened her pink lips in panic and wanted to scream!

"Hmm..." Just when Zhao Anru was about to yell out in shock, Zhang Qian hastily reached out his hand to cover her small mouth, and said softly, "Miss Zhao, shh... don't make a sound, I It's Zhang Qian, I'm not a bad person!"

Gradually, Zhao Anru also seemed to wake up. After looking carefully at Zhang Qian's face, she seemed to stop struggling and nodded to him. She should have reacted.Only then did Zhang Qian gently remove his hand from her lips, frowned and pointed to the door, and said in a low voice, "How many gangsters are there who knocked us out? Are they trying to steal something from your house, or are they trying to steal something from your house?" Have a picture?"

"I don't know. After I woke up in the morning, I found someone appeared in front of my bed. I was knocked out just as I was about to struggle." Zhao Anru said with an ugly face, "They ransacked my house as if they were looking for something. , Not long after I woke up, you rang the doorbell, and she forced me to open the door. I wanted to drive you away at that time, and I didn't want you to take risks, but I didn't expect you to come in anyway, and the bad guy would do it to you There's only one gangster, and, moreover, a woman."

"What??" Zhang Qian's eyes widened, and he said inexplicably, "You said the gangster who knocked us out was just a woman?"

"Yes, don't underestimate this woman, she moved her hands so fast and ruthlessly, she knocked me out before I could finish my words a few times." Zhao Anru looked at the freely moving limbs, her expression was not much Good looking, "Look, she didn't even tie us up alone, which proves that she thinks she can subdue the two of us, and there is no need to restrict our limbs at all."

After Zhang Qian heard this, his expression gradually relaxed.This arrogant female snitch seems to be full of absolute confidence in her skills, even if the hostage is not tied, she is really strong!However, because of her miscalculation, Zhang Qian felt that his chance had come!Perhaps other people would not be the opponent of the female snitch, but he, Zhang Qian, was undoubtedly capable.

Why?With his special ability, he has never been afraid of anyone one-on-one!As long as his special ability doesn't suddenly fail, Zhang Qian is confident that he can take care of that female snitch!

"She...should be outside right now?" Zhang Qian got off the bed, quietly went to the door and leaned over to listen. Sure enough, there seemed to be a sound of searching in the living room, and he couldn't help but nodded to Zhao Anru, "Still Outside, it seems that we have no time to talk to us for the time being, do you have a phone in your room? Call the police immediately!"

Zhao Anru shook her head helplessly, and said in frustration, "It's useless, she took all the phones away, and the phone bus was disconnected. There are no communication tools in this room, unless she is restrained, otherwise we will There is no way to communicate with the outside world."

Zhang Qian frowned and said, "What is this female snitch looking for? You don't know anything about it?"

"I really don't know." Zhao Anru said helplessly bitterly, "She hasn't said a word to me until now, she just looks for things on her own. Look at my bedroom, she has gone through it all in a mess. , but I haven't seen her take anything valuable, and she didn't even look at the gold and silver jewelry when she found them."

"This is weird..." Zhang Qian was a little puzzled, "If it wasn't for the money, why did she break into the house and kidnap you? Could it be that there is something more important than money in your place?"

Zhao Anru didn't speak, obviously she didn't know what this female snitch wanted.After thinking about it, Zhang Qian said to her, "Don't worry, since she didn't restrict our freedom, I have the confidence to meet her. No matter what she is looking for, breaking into a private house is a crime, and I will definitely Stop it with all your strength."

"You?" Zhao Anru clearly revealed a trace of disbelief in her beautiful eyes, and said worriedly, "Zhang Qian, it's not like you haven't seen how powerful she is. It's impossible to be her opponent. It's better not to be impulsive."

"She knocked me out by surprise just now. If we confront each other head-on, I believe I have the ability to resist." Zhang Qian said confidently, "At least, I can resist her for a while. Ms. Zhao, you forgot that the migrant workers made trouble that day , Who rescued you? Don't worry, if I'm really not sure, I won't do anything."

After Zhao Anru was stunned, he nodded his head and said, "Okay, then, then you should be careful."

"Well, you stay in this room first, wait until I open the door and go out to see the situation." Zhang Qian actually said it lightly, but in fact he was extremely nervous.If he really fights with the female snitch, he will have to rely on his special ability to help, but this special ability has failed, which makes him a little less confident.

God knows if that special ability will also fail at this juncture?The words Zhang Qian and Zhao Anru said were more like cheering him up.

Quietly opened the bedroom door, Zhang Qian glanced at the living room through the crack of the door, but did not see the figure of the female snitch, and then quietly slipped out.Although Zhao Anru's house is just a single apartment, the layout of this Gold Coast house is very spacious. In addition to the bedroom and living room, there is also a small study.Looking at the rummaged items in the living room, Zhang Qian tiptoed towards the study.

The female snitch had finished looking for the bedroom and the living room, so naturally her next target was the study.

Sure enough, before Zhang Qian approached the study, a woman's whisper came from the study.He hastily leaned against the wall and slowly came to the door of the study. After eavesdropping quietly, he realized that the female snitch in the study was on the phone.

"No. 1, we have searched inside and outside the room, and there is nothing we want. It seems that the old guy didn't put anything with his daughter. What the hell, if the organization knows that our operation failed, we can I'm in trouble!" In the study, the female snitch's voice seemed a little anxious and dissatisfied, and it was accompanied by the sound of the book falling to the ground.

"I know, I've searched all over and it's true. I followed him all the way to Andu County, but he escaped smoothly. I thought I found his daughter's address, but I didn't expect him to be there. I have a hunch , the old guy was probably rescued by some guys from the anti-organization, or captured by a secret force of a certain country, anyway, he must not be in Andu County anymore. Okay, I know, wait until I ask his daughter , if there is still nothing to ask, then I will take her away. Regardless of whether it is valuable or not, at least we can be regarded as an account to the organization!"

Hearing this, Zhang Qian was obviously filled with shock.He didn't know what this female snitch was looking for, and he didn't know the exact meaning of what she said on the phone, but at least he understood that this female snitch wanted to capture Zhao Anru and take her as a hostage!And the reason for being a hostage is very simple, because the old guy in the mouth of the female snitch, her scientist father, escaped!

No, you have to rescue Zhao Anru quickly!After Zhang Qian thought about it, he hurried back to the bedroom and closed the door.

"Zhang Qian? You're back? Is the Snitch... gone?" Zhao Anru didn't expect Zhang Qian to come back so soon, and couldn't help asking excitedly, "Is the Snitch already gone?"

"No, she didn't leave. On the contrary, she will come to arrest you immediately and take you as a hostage." Zhang Qian said anxiously, "Now is not the time to talk. You will go out with me later, and I will restrain her. You must escape from this building desperately, and then go to the security office to find a security guard named Wu Liuyi, and let him protect you!"

Zhao Anru's beautiful eyes were full of shock, she obviously had too many doubts, why did the female snitch want to arrest her?What kind of hostage is she going to be?But before she could ask, Zhang Qian grabbed her arm roughly, and rushed towards the bedroom door!

"Bang!!" Unfortunately, before the two of them reached the door of the bedroom, the door was kicked open by an extremely strong force!Under the nervous gaze of the two, a slender and sexy figure gradually appeared from outside the door, and it became clearer and clearer!

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