Peach Fortune

Chapter 22 The Promise Once

"Xu Wu! What are you doing? There are so many people watching, please pay attention to the influence!" Just as Chen Xuwu was about to make a move, there was a sound of stopping from the side. Zhang Qian turned his head and saw that it was Chen Xuwu's wife who came over. .

"Yanqing, I haven't seen you for many years." Seeing Chen Xuwu's wife coming in front of him, Zhang Hailong had to smile and say hello, "You were a flower in the supply and marketing cooperative back then, and now you are still young and beautiful after all these years. That's great, Suzhen can't compare with you."

"Hehe, Brother Zhang, long time no see, you were joking, Suzhen's sister-in-law is much prettier than me. I didn't notice it just now, it was Xu Wu who told me that I knew you were here, I'm really sorry for neglecting you... "The wife of Chen Xuwu, Yanqing, also replied politely, while giving Chen Xuwu a wink to tell him not to do anything.

Chen Xuwu snorted and closed his hands, and said loudly, seemingly without any scruples, "I, Chen Xuwu, have been a soldier all my life, went to the battlefield, returned home from a narrow escape, and lived a bumpy life all the way up to now. It is precisely because of this that I have such a small achievement today. Brat, according to what you said just now, if the past is ignored casually, will I still be called Chen Xuwu? I will simply call Chen Wuxin and forget it! "

Facing the coercion of his father, Chen Gang didn't dare to speak rudely anymore, so he could only say to his mother Yanqing with some grievances, "Mom, I didn't mean that, Dad misunderstood...I, I just Not worth it for my sister..."

Although his voice was getting smaller and smaller, Chen Xuwu still heard him, and he couldn't help saying angrily, "What's not worth it? What's not worth it! If it wasn't for your Uncle Zhang back then, would your sister Zitong be alive today? You’ve already starved to death! Your life-saving grace is greater than the sky, and you dare to say it’s worthless? Then tell me, what’s worth it!”

As soon as Chen Xuwu's words came out, there was an uproar in the audience.Many people knew that this was a private matter between the Chen family and the Zhang family, but most of them did not choose to avoid it.Naturally, many people would like to have a look at the secrets of the director of the Construction Bureau.But soon, the fat county magistrate Ji dispersed the crowd. After all, it was a family matter. As the saying goes, family ugliness should not be publicized. Naturally, the fewer people who know about it, the better.

Soon, except for the county magistrate Ji, the temperamental beauty queen deputy magistrate, and the two bureau chiefs, everyone consciously avoided this side.Because Xu Tiesing had a good relationship with Chen Gang, he kept his face and didn't leave. Naturally, he also wanted to see what the relationship between Chen Zitong and Zhang Qian was.

"Dad? You, what are you talking about?? What kind of life-saving favor? Why can't you survive now?" Chen Zitong's beautiful eyes widened, completely unable to understand what his father meant by this.

"Xuwu... don't tell Zitong about this, I'm afraid she won't be able to bear it, let's talk about it later!" Yanqing is a smart woman, and she can't see that her husband is already excited to tell the truth , couldn't help but hastily grabbed his arm, shook his head and whispered, "It's better to contact the Zhang family first to get in touch, and see what they think of this matter, okay?"

"What's so interesting? It's a good thing, and it's not a bad thing. Is there anything that shouldn't be known to others?" Chen Xuwu seemed to have made a decision in his heart. After replying firmly to his wife, he turned his head and turned aside. Zhang Hailong said, "Hai Long, don't worry, I, Chen Xuwu, am not an ungrateful person. I guarantee that what happened back then will still be valid, and what I said back then will also be valid!"

When Zhang Hailong heard this, he nodded excitedly and said, "Okay, Xu Wu, just saying this to you is enough to prove that I didn't make you my friend for nothing!"

"Xu Wu, you..." Yan Qing obviously didn't expect her husband to be so stubborn in dealing with this issue, she couldn't help but didn't know what to do.It can be seen that there is a big difference between Chen Xuwu and her thinking.

"Dad...Mom...why can't I understand what you are talking about??" Chen Zitong couldn't help being puzzled again at this time, "What happened back then, you should always tell the truth tell me?"

After Chen Xuwu took a look at Chen Zitong, he took a deep breath and said, "Zitong, you have grown up. For so many years, Dad has been pressing something in his heart. It's time to tell you. It's okay, take advantage of it. On your birthday, you should also understand your destiny."

"Xuwu, do you really want to say it? Have you ever thought about Zitong's feelings? If you do this, you will hurt her!" Yanqing said excitedly, "It's better not to say this for now, the Zhang family If you have any requirements, you can talk about it, why should we..."

"Why? Because of the promise back then! Chen Zitong is my daughter, and she should know what happened back then if she has the power! I have made up my mind, so you don't need to persuade me anymore!" Chen Xuwu made up his mind, and said to Chen Zitong, "Zitong, then It happened when you were just born. Although I was working in a supply and marketing cooperative, my living conditions were still very difficult and there was a shortage of supplies. Your mother was short of milk for you to drink. It happened that Chen Gang was seriously ill and had to use milk powder to replenish his body. As soon as I came here, my monthly living expenses were completely insufficient, and there was a serious shortage of milk powder tickets. The palms and backs of my hands were full of meat, and I was unwilling and unwilling to give up any of them. And you, Uncle Zhang, were the deputy director and supervisor of the warehouse management department of the supply and marketing cooperative. In desperation, I had no choice but to ask him for the entire warehouse supplies, and after the two combined up, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and steal milk powder from the warehouse, and let you survive first."

Chen Xuwu seemed very reluctant to bring up this incident back then. Such a disgraceful past happened to an official, obviously it was a very bad memory.He sighed deeply and said, "It was precisely because of this mistake that I harmed my good friend. There was an error in the milk powder inventory in the warehouse, so naturally I couldn't hide it from the sky. It didn't take long for the matter to be exposed, and your Uncle Zhang was investigated. During the investigation In the middle, your Uncle Zhang actually took it all by himself, explaining that the reason for stealing milk powder is to let Zhang Qian have milk powder to drink. In this way, I will not be affected, but he was dismissed and fired from the supply and marketing cooperative. It can also be said that if this incident did not happen back then, it is very likely that my current position belongs to your uncle Zhang Hailong! And you are also very likely to be seriously ill or weak until you die due to malnutrition. You say, are you Shouldn't I thank you, Uncle Zhang, do you owe them life-saving grace?"

After listening to Chen Xuwu's words, County Magistrate Ji and Deputy County Magistrate Wang next to him both showed their original expressions, and Chen Zitong beside him was also moved with tears in his eyes, choked up and said to Zhang Hailong, "Uncle Zhang, thank you...I, I didn't even know there was such a thing, my life was really saved by you, you are my savior."

"Don't listen to your dad's exaggeration. Even if I don't get fired, I definitely won't be in your dad's position." Zhang Hailong waved his hand and sighed, "People in that era were miserable, let alone nutrition. Even fruit is good enough to eat, and there was a milk shortage in the year you were born. Many children died because of lack of milk powder. If I stole other things, maybe I wouldn’t be punished so severely. I will be expelled directly. Maybe, this is life, and you don’t have to believe it.”

"Hai Long, if I didn't have you back then, I don't even know if I would have survived, and my Chen family would definitely not be where it is today. I will definitely remember this kindness and righteousness in my heart, and it will never change for the rest of my life!" Chen Xuwu Having said that, he turned to Chen Zitong who was next to him and said, "Zitong, when this happened, I blamed myself and felt guilty. It was me who caused you, Uncle Zhang, to be deprived of his position and kicked out, but I At that time, I was poor and empty, and I didn't have any ability to repay my favor, so I could only come to the door to make an apology...Here, here you...I made a baby kiss for you..."

"Wow..." As soon as Chen Xuwu's words came out, everyone present was in an uproar.Doll pro?What this means, as long as a normal person understands, that is to say, Chen Xuwu had already betrothed Chen Zitong to someone when he was still a weak crown!In other words, Chen Zitong is a girl with a marriage contract!

Chen Zitong's beautiful eyes widened, and what was completely revealed in his eyes was inconceivable.Not to mention her, even the other people next to her couldn't believe it, let alone her as the protagonist.

"Zitong, you have to understand your father... I know, this is very difficult and unacceptable for you, but my father really had no choice at the time..." Chen Xuwu said guiltily, "Our family owes the Zhang family, really. It's too much, if I don't repay them, I, Chen Xuwu, will feel very sorry!"

Tears rolled down her pretty face silently, Chen Zitong stared straight at his father Chen Xuwu who questioned him with red eyes, and then choked up after half the time with a blank expression on his face, "That is to say...Dad... You treated me like an item, gave, sold me, didn't you?"

"Zitong! Look at what you said, your father loves you so much, how could he betray you!" Yan Qing hurried to Chen Zitong's side, hugged her distressedly, and comforted her, "Good boy , don't take such words to heart, your parents will never sell you, the Zhang family is indeed kind to us, but we can repay it in other ways, and this marriage contract will not take effect."

"What are you talking about? Yanqing, what you say is water that is thrown out. Now that you have made a promise, you must fulfill it for many years! Without the Zhang family, there would be no Chen Zitong. Let her be the daughter-in-law of the Zhang family. What item, what to sell, Chen Zitong, if you really want to think so, then I can’t help it, your father couldn’t save you back then!” Chen Xuwu seemed determined to fulfill his promise back then, even if he ignored his daughter Chen Zitong. How much you will hate him!

From beginning to end, Zhang Qian did not say a word.At this time, he looked at Chen Zitong's lovely and pitiful appearance, but he couldn't bear it.From the very beginning, he had no intention of making Chen Zitong his fiancée.Although Zhang Qian's family is very difficult and poor, he still has arrogance as a man. If Chen Zitong is to become his woman, he must pursue it openly and win her heart, not by relying on such things. Disgraceful means to force it!

It's just that it's not Zhang Qian's turn to speak at this moment. Chen Xuwu has already spoken so seriously. If he refuses at this moment, wouldn't he just slap Chen Xuwu in the face?

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