Peach Fortune

Chapter 253 The Horn of Attack

Zhang Qian looked at the endless blue sea in front of him, let the sea breeze blow his face, and stood there motionless.A day ago, the plane landed smoothly at the airport of this Pacific island country, and the group of them quietly took a transport ship to the island closest to the uninhabited island for rest.

"Master, the uninhabited island we are going to this time is in the sea more than 1000 kilometers to the southeast." Wu Ziyan pointed to the sea ahead and explained to Zhang Qian, "That is an uninhabited island. The part exposed to the sea is not large, and there is no fresh water. The secret headquarters of the organization is located under the water of the island. The living system is very advanced. There are more than 100 genetic warriors and seven to eight hundred guards on this island. Apart from going to other places to do missions, the genetic warriors generally live on this island. As for the organization's No. [-] The leader, no one knows his whereabouts at present, and it is not certain whether he is in this island."

After Zhang Qian nodded to express his understanding, he said lightly, "Zi Yan, are the equipment and personnel ready?"

"Everything is ready. We will take a camouflaged thousand-ton fishing boat close to the waters of the uninhabited island, and then use diving equipment to enter the headquarters of the organization. I got a way to enter the organization through the rebels who cooperated with the inside and outside. This time we The probability of successfully rescuing Dr. Zhao Xueguang is about [-]%." Wu Ziyan said confidently, "As long as the plan goes well, it will definitely succeed."

After hearing Wu Ziyan's resolute voice, Zhang Qian said calmly, "Ziyan, is your internal response reliable?"

"It should be reliable. At least he disclosed a lot of private information to us. If he hadn't sincerely trusted him, he might not have given it so directly." Wu Ziyan said after thinking about it, "I trust him. After all, he There is no reason not to be our internal response. He is also a genetic soldier, and he will also have a node outbreak and finally die, and only the master is his savior."

Seeing what Wu Ziyan said, Zhang Qian was a little relieved, nodded and said, "Okay, then let's go!"

"Good master." Wu Ziyan nodded and waved to the hundreds of soldiers behind her.The soldiers with live ammunition lined up and began to neatly walk into the thousand-ton fishing boat moored by the bay not far away...

The thousand-ton fishing boat set off, heading towards the uninhabited island at a speed of fifteen knots.No one knows whether the uninhabited island they are about to go to will bring them death or new life.Everything can only be known after they can live and leave there.

After days and nights of ups and downs, Zhang Qian was woken up by Wu Ziyan from his sleep and walked out of the cabin on a pitch-black night.He quickly saw the faint appearance of the island not far away through the moonlight.Soon, under the order of No. 1, each genetic warrior led his team and put down one kayak after another.And when Zhang Qian got on the kayak along the rope, the dozen or so kayaks quietly started heading towards the uninhabited island!

The closer the distance, the clearer the outline of the uninhabited island.Zhang Qian found that this uninhabited island is really not big, and it may only take about 10 minutes to walk around it.Due to the darkness of the night, it is not obvious whether there is vegetation on it.But thinking about it, an island without fresh water is unlikely to have a wide range of vegetation.

The kayak drove carefully along the uninhabited island, and no one made any sound.Before coming here, the plan of attacking here has been rehearsed countless times. The responsibilities of each team have been analyzed very clearly, and each has its own division of labor. After they dispersed, they began to wear diving equipment.

The uninhabited island is close at hand. Zhang Qian has put on the diving suit that Zhang Qian took from Wu Ziyan. After putting on the diving goggles and snorkel, under the protection of No. 1 and Wu Ziyan, he gently jumped into the seawater In the middle, although he felt a little cold, he plunged down and swam towards the underwater facilities on the uninhabited island.

The organization is indeed very powerful. Being able to build an underwater base in such a place is enough to show how terrifying the organization's financial and human resources are.Zhang Qian swam in the dark water for a while, and faintly saw bursts of faint lights coming from the bottom of the uninhabited island.Guided by the light, they all began to move towards the direction where the lights flickered.

Not long after, when everyone approached the bottom of the uninhabited island, Wu Ziyan took Zhang Qian's hand lightly and swam to a cliff. After searching a few times, she quickly found a place hidden under the algae. After pressing the switch button and entering the password, a small door about the height of a human body suddenly opened from the cliff, and the lights scattered inside quickly illuminated the sea area.

Wu Ziyan gave an instruction to enter, and a soldier beside him rushed in without hesitation.In fact, he also knew that he was experimenting with life.Fortunately, he passed the door smoothly and motioned for others to come in.

After entering the secret passage and sealing the small door, the automatic pumping system started, and the water level dropped rapidly and was emptied.At this time, everyone took off their swimsuits one after another, opened the waterproof bag, and took out standard guns and ammunition from it.

"This is the secret escape route of the organization's headquarters. Usually, no one will find out. As long as you know the password, you can enter and exit quietly." Wu Ziyan explained to Zhang Qian, "This is also one of the flaws in the security system of the organization's headquarters. , but the base is tightly guarded, and hundreds of cameras are monitoring the monitoring room, so next, I will send a team to occupy the monitoring room first."

Zhang Qian nodded. He closed his eyes and sensed through mental power, then said, "I tried to sense the chemical crystals, but it seems that the distance is still too far. There is only a little vague response, probably in the southeast direction."

"Okay, then the big troops will move in that direction." Wu Ziyan pointed forward, and a dozen small teams quickly dispersed to start their own security and control tasks.

After all the teams had left, Wu Ziyan and No. 1 waited for another 5 minutes before leading Zhang Qian towards the southeast.Zhang Qian walked in the aisle, and he looked around the organization's headquarters.It has to be said that just from the complexity of this headquarters, it can undoubtedly reflect how much ability is needed to build this place.

Sensing the direction of the chemical crystal, Zhang Qian kept trying to make contact.As the distance got closer, his feeling became stronger.

"Squad No. 3 found an obstacle ahead, please clear it." Just as the three kept moving forward, a request from Team No. 3, who was on guard ahead, sounded in the earphones.

Wu Ziyan glanced at Zhang Qian at this time, frowned and replied, "Don't startle the snake, let's take a detour and carry out plan b!"

Soon, each team began to make rapid adjustments. They had already expected this situation before coming here, and the transition was very fast. Zhang Qian quickly walked to another channel under the leadership of Wu Ziyan.

"Has your insider not appeared yet?" Zhang Qian felt a little strange. "It stands to reason that the security in this base should be quite strict. Why did it take so long to meet the enemy? Where are the guards?"

"Master, this area is the area under the jurisdiction of the internal response. He knew we would come, so he evacuated everyone in advance. Next, when we go to the central area of ​​the headquarters, there will be many guards in the way, and they need to be cleared in a targeted manner. Just do it." Wu Ziyan's words made Zhang Qian understand, no wonder he hadn't seen anyone for so long.

Gradually, with the passage of time, Zhang Qian obviously felt that the speed of action began to slow down.The various teams encountered obstacles from the guards and eventually launched a clean-up operation.In order not to be discovered by the organization that someone has invaded, it is necessary to make a quick decision as much as possible, and not to make a sound to alert the opponent.

Although the progress is slow, it is still moving forward after all.Zhang Qian could feel that the chemical crystal was very close to him.He couldn't help but said, "Hurry up, I can already clearly feel that the chemical crystal is right in front of me!"

"Front? Are you sure?" Wu Ziyan was a little surprised, and said strangely, "No...the front is the headquarters hall, not the laboratory. Could it be that Dr. Zhao Xueguang is in the headquarters hall? What is he doing there?"

"What is the headquarters hall?" Zhang Qian asked curiously, "Is there any problem here?"

"The hall of the headquarters is the hall where the headquarters discusses and issues orders. It is impossible for ordinary scientific researchers to appear there. I have been in the organization for so many years, and I have never seen Dr. Zhao appear." Wu Ziyan asked a little strangely, "Is it There are chemical crystals in the hall, so you can sense it?"

"It's possible, so shall we go?" Zhang Qian asked here, a little funny, "Look at me, I forgot in a hurry, there are no other clues to look for except chemical crystals, it seems that we have to go if we don't go." went."

Wu Ziyan nodded, and quickly issued an order, "All teams pay attention, and start to gather in the hall of the headquarters."

Under Wu Ziyan's order, all the various units of the Thunder Squad began to gather in the hall of the headquarters.However, at this moment, the alarms in each aisle suddenly sounded!

Zhang Qian was visibly stunned by the harsh siren, and he said in surprise, "What's going on? Why did the siren sound suddenly?"

It was clear to everyone that once the alarm sounded, the target had been exposed.From this moment on, they will have to face the organization's crazy counterattack!

"Hey, it seems that we have finally been discovered. Master, we have to speed up." Wu Ziyan's complexion changed, she sighed and began to issue orders, "Attention all teams, stick to the periphery of the headquarters hall until the retreat order is given!"

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