Peach Fortune

Chapter 30 The Casino 1

This punch was almost a full blow from Yu Wei.You know, he has learned some kung fu since he was a child, and his skills are already very good. In addition, he is full of rich experience in fighting outside these years, and his moves are very sharp and very fast.The fist he swung was not only powerful and fast, but also had an indomitable momentum and the belief that he was sure to hit. These factors combined together made this not an ordinary punch. To avoid such a fist, it is really difficult for ordinary people Disaster.Even if Yu Wei is allowed to defend the fist he swung, I'm afraid even he doesn't know if he can catch it.

The same target was the left cheek, but this punch was undoubtedly much faster and more powerful.In the blink of an eye, Yu Wei's fist had already arrived in front of Zhang Qian, so close!

Faced with this swift and powerful blow, Zhang Qian's eyes widened sharply. The enlarged fist in his eyes slowed down in vain at this moment, and he looked at the oncoming fist again like slowing down the camera. Slowly approaching bit by bit, slowly like a turtle crawling.There was a faint smile on the corner of Zhang Qian's mouth. After his head suddenly tilted slightly to the right calmly, the sound of breaking through the air rang in his ears, and Yu Wei's fist finally missed his face again. any contact.

"'s impossible!" Yu Wei withdrew his fist in surprise. This time he finally felt an unprecedented shock. He looked at Zhang Qian who was still calm and said blankly, "Why can you hide so quickly? I, I I didn't even see clearly how you dodged my fist, how did you do it?"

Facing the astonished Yu Wei, Zhang Qian smiled and said, "How about it, do you still suspect that I can't fight this underground boxing? I believe that as long as my reaction is fast enough, no boxer can fight!" Hit me."

Yu Wei's face became serious again, he glanced at Zhang Qian, and said seriously, "If you can get rid of such punches every time, it can only show that you can remain undefeated, but you must know that the attack of underground boxers You will only be taller than me, and you will be lower than me. What's more, even if you can dodge their fists, how to knock them down is a big problem. They often fight in the ring, and the body's ability to resist blows is not covered. Your shot Can you knock them down?"

"So this is the second reason why I came to you. You are very skilled, and you can teach me some simple ways to knock down opponents." Zhang Qian also said seriously, "As long as we join forces, do you think there is no chance of winning?" ?"

"Hehe, it looks like you really came prepared." Yu Wei said a little excitedly, "At first I really thought you were joking, but now... you can really try it. Come on, I'm now I'll teach you some basic offensive methods, if you can't satisfy me, you won't be able to beat those underground boxers."

Obviously, Yu Wei saw the hope of victory, and finally took Zhang Qian's proposal seriously.He didn't know what happened to Zhang Qian, but if Zhang Qian could really defeat those underground boxers, then he could already see countless money beckoning.

With the temptation of money, Yu Wei taught Zhang Qian some simple fighting techniques, which became obviously very hard, how to fight back after the opponent attacked, how to use the hard parts of the body to actively attack, and how many parts of the opponent are most likely to be attacked in the first place? to severely injured joints, acupuncture points that can cause opponents to faint in a short period of time, and so on.

Yu Wei is worthy of being a veteran with rich fighting experience, and possesses a certain amount of strength in kung fu. This teaching naturally gave Zhang Qian a feeling of enlightenment.Zhang Qian started to improve rapidly from a rookie in fighting. Although it was only some basic elements, he still learned with great joy.And Zhang Qian is different from others, he has an excellent memory, first-rate reaction ability, and he learns very effectively and quickly.

Often after a few demonstrations, Yu Wei was surprised to find that Zhang Qian had mastered some key points proficiently, and even he had to deal with it carefully during the battle experiment.After all, Zhang Qian himself has an innate advantage that prevents the opponent from attacking, and he is already in an invincible position. As long as his offensive methods are richer and more powerful, there is no reason why he cannot defeat the opponent?

The two were discussing and guiding in this abandoned construction site, from noon to sunset.Zhang Qian's progress is obviously huge, which makes Yu Wei more and more confident.He wiped the hot sweat from his forehead, smiled and patted Zhang Qian's shoulder and said, "That's right, Zhang Qian, why didn't I realize that you have this talent before? Just train a few more times at this speed." God, wait until next Sunday night, not to mention fighting the invincible fighters in the entire underground boxing ring, at least you can meet someone who is not very strong. You should try it!"

Zhang Qian looked at Yu Wei with a smile and said, "Yu Wei, I have always thought that this matter has a chance. Now that you have taught me these fighting skills, I am more confident. But... there is a reality before our eyes. You also know my family situation, I don’t have any money to place bets at all, I only have 100 yuan at most, and this is saved from living frugally..."

Yu Wei frowned, and said helplessly, "This is indeed a problem. Even if you can play, you have to have the capital to place a bet in order to win a lot of money. Although there is a bonus for winning the game, the bonus is not high at the beginning. It needs to be accumulated It’s okay. But a team like ours that has no influence behind it and just wants to fish in troubled waters is better off running away after making money. You should also know that underground boxing is a lot of underworld manipulation behind the scenes. If you often hang out in it, something will happen sooner or later .They will do anything to win money."

"I know this, so I don't plan to hang out there for a long time." Zhang Qian said bitterly, "So now we still have to solve the problem of the betting money. Without the betting money, no matter how high the odds are, I'm afraid it won't be a good idea. "

"I still have a thousand or so dollars on me. If you lose ten, you will only win the game with more than 1. It doesn't make any sense to divide the points between the two." Yu Wei seemed to have made a bold decision when he said this, " Zhang Qian, since we've reached this point, how about... let's try our luck?"

"What do you mean?" Zhang Qian didn't quite understand.

"Take this money and go to gamble, let the money make money!" Yu Wei said excitedly, "If you lose all, it proves that you have no luck, so let's stop going to the underground boxing, but if you win, then Isn't there a bet? When you go to the competition, the odds will be doubled by more than ten times, and it will be so exciting."

Hearing this, Zhang Qian said with a speechless smile, "Yu Wei, let me tell you what to say about you. Is it true that you are a gambling addict? How much money can you make? That’s not a drop in the bucket.”

"What a small fight, this time I plan to go to a good place." Yu Wei said seriously, "Let me tell you, in our Andu County, the biggest gang force is the True Dragon Society, and the True Dragon Society controls it." The biggest industry is the gambling industry. On the site of the True Dragon Club, there is the largest secret underground casino in the county. The amount of gambling there is very huge. If I manage my 1000 yuan well, it will not be a problem to win tens of thousands. But if you’re unlucky, you’ll naturally be in vain.”

"Oh? Is there such a big casino in Andu County?" Zhang Qian asked with some doubts, "What kind of gangster is the True Dragon Club?"

To be honest, a junior high school student like Zhang Qian doesn't know much about gangsters. At best, he only knows about gangsters who often hang out around the school. The real gangsters are beyond his reach.

Yu Wei glanced at him, then smiled and said, "Zhang Qian, you don't even know about the True Dragon Society? Well, then I'll introduce you. Let's put it this way, in Jiangnan Province where Andu County is located, oh no, In other words, in the entire south of Huaxia Kingdom, there are four big gangs in total, and the True Dragon Society is one of them. As early as more than ten years ago, the True Dragon Society has been in full swing, and there are many gangs in various regions of Jiangnan Province. The branch exists, and the True Dragon Club in Andu County is just a small branch. However, recently, it seems that because of the internal split of the True Dragon Club, the True Dragon Club has been seriously injured, and it has begun to act in a low-key manner. Of course, the specific inside story I don’t know, anyway, I know that in the entire Andu County, there is no other gang that is better than the Zhenlonghui. So when you go to the casino later, you must keep a low profile, and it is very troublesome to fight against the Zhenlonghui matter."

Hearing this, Zhang Qian was a little worried and said, "Since the real dragon is so powerful, why don't you just forget about it? You have no chance of winning in gambling. 1000 yuan is money, so don't lose it all in the end." Net, it’s boring like this. Besides, it’s impossible for the casino to let you win a lot. You haven’t seen those movies. The casino monitors everyone all the time. If you win too much, it will immediately pay attention to you. The real dragon will be so powerful , wouldn’t it be troublesome for you to be targeted?”

"That's right, but if we don't go to that kind of place to gamble, we don't have the money to play underground boxing at all?" Yu Wei said helplessly, "If we don't want to fight, it's better to go home and rest early Don't dream of getting rich. How can I say that you have to have tens of thousands of funds? The gamblers at the bridgehead told me that the casino will open tomorrow, how about it? Are you going?"

Seeing what Yu Wei said, Zhang Qian thought about it too.Without capital, even if he wins a game, he can't make much money, so why take such a big risk?You must know that there are people monitoring the casino, and there must be people monitoring the underground boxing. If you really disrupt the deployment of those big dealers, one round is fine, two rounds and three rounds will see if they will trouble you.

"Then... well, tomorrow morning, let's go and have a look first, and if you are unlucky, leave quickly." Zhang Qian also thought of Yu Wei, after all, 1000 yuan in his hand is not a small sum for him , Even if you eat and drink, it’s better than gambling all of it, right?

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