Peach Fortune

Chapter 4 My sister is a beautiful woman

Gradually waking up from a coma, Zhang Qian sat numbly against the wall, quietly looking at the denim backpack and the mysterious item that looked like a thermos that he threw away on the ground.

Rubbing his eyes vigorously, Zhang Qian, who came to his senses, finally breathed out secretly after making sure that there was nothing unusual about his body.He could vividly remember the scene of the yellow light shooting into his body, but now he didn't find any abnormalities except for the wounds from being bumped and beaten.

What is in this bottle?What was that yellow light shooting into him?All of this is obviously a mystery to Zhang Qian, but he can't stay here any longer, if Wang Peng finds him again, he will really be in a hurry.

Since the man didn't want the backpack, let's keep it by himself for the time being.Thinking of this, Zhang Qian hurriedly stuffed a few things back into his backpack and hung them on the bicycle. He rode on the bicycle and quickly left this narrow alley where no one passed by.

In fact, the distance between Pailing No. 10 Junior High School and his home is not very far.It takes about [-] minutes to get there by walking through small roads such as Hutongs and Longtangs.There are a total of three junior high schools in Pailing Town, the county seat of Andu County, among which the first and second junior high schools are located in the old city, which is the earliest developed area of ​​the county.Speaking of which, Zhang Qian's family can be regarded as real old city people.His father was an educated youth sent to the countryside and was the deputy director of the warehouse management department of the supply and marketing cooperative.You know, the supply and marketing cooperatives were extremely popular units back then. In the era of the planned economy, private individuals were not allowed to open shops, and the sales of goods were all relied on by the supply and marketing cooperatives. They said that they could work in the supply and marketing cooperatives, which was comparable to being an official. .

However, Zhang Qian's father was forced to leave his job because of some incidents when he was a baby, and then returned to live in the county town, becoming a painter and decorator with no social status.Perhaps because of this, due to the frequent exposure to dust from painting the walls, he suffered from severe dust disease and later developed into emphysema. Now he can only stay at home to recuperate from his illness and has no ability to work anymore.My mother works in a brewery in the old town. It used to be fine when the brewery was profitable, but in the past two years, the market has not been good, and the wages have been getting less and less. It is about to close down.In desperation, the family is currently relying on his sister to work in a beauty salon to supplement the family income and support his education.

When mentioning his sister, Zhang Qian's heart is filled with only pride and warmth.Because in this old neighborhood with neighbors, almost no one does not know how beautiful the daughter of the Zhang family is, she is a full-fledged beauty.Her name is Zhang Lin, she used to be the same as Chen Zitong, she was not only beautiful but also had excellent grades, she has always been a well-deserved beauty in the school.However, she did not have such a good fate as Chen Zitong, being born in such a poor family.

In order to continue to maintain the life of the family, she had to graduate from high school and gave up the opportunity to go to college. She dropped out of school and went to work in a beauty salon.In fact, sometimes, it's not that Zhang Qian doesn't want to study, but he feels that studying will only continue to provide a burden for his family. He just wants to graduate early and work in society to earn money, so as not to make his sister and mother so hard.So for him, there is actually not much difference between the vocational high school entrance examination and the general high school entrance examination. If his father hadn't expected too much of him, he might not even want to go to high school at all!

Without the motivation to study, how could Zhang Qian's academic performance improve?He already wants to finish his studies early, even if he is a genius, his grades are unlikely to improve, it will only get worse and worse.

In his opinion, studying cannot save this poor family.Even reading can't save his father's body.It may be the most correct choice to make money early and make more money.

"Yo, Zhang Qian is back? Hehe, I have good news for you. Didn't you ask me to help you find a part-time job? I found it for you!" When Zhang Qian passed by the food store outside the community, the boss asked Uncle Wang stopped him and smiled, "I've told your sister about this too, but isn't my cousin the security captain in the luxury community Gold Coast? He said he has a part-time job until the end of the month Don't do it, if you want to be able to go to work at the end of the month, you can work on weekends, and you will get a salary of [-] on four weekends in January, would you like it?"

"Really? Thank you very much, Uncle Wang. I am willing, of course I am willing!" Zhang Qian nodded happily, "Okay, then I will work as a security guard from Saturday at the end of the month, so that I can also work and earn money Already!"

"Hehe, it's fine if you agree. Thank you. Your father has been in a relationship with my best buddies for many years. Now he is not in good health and you are living in difficulties. Of course I should help. But being a security guard is hard work, you can You have to work hard, and don't be dismissed by the boss." After teaching Zhang Qian a few words, Uncle Wang waved at him and said, "Go back quickly and tell your dad about this news, listen his opinion."

"Come on, I'll talk about it now, ha ha." Zhang Qian is really happy. He has always wanted to make money to support his family, and he doesn't want to use his family's money all the time. No, if he can have a summer job, then he can be regarded as a family member. It's a great sense of accomplishment for him.

Riding a bicycle, Zhang Qian soon came to this dilapidated community.The house here was allocated by his mother's brewery a long time ago, but because his mother is just an ordinary worker, the house is very small, and until now he can only share one room with his sister.Looking at the house in front of him, Zhang Qian secretly thought, if he could change to a bigger house at some point, he would be really satisfied.

"Boom, boom..." Just as Zhang Qian was feeling emotional, a roar of a sports car's unique engine roared from a distance, and soon a yellow Audi TT sports car drove past him in style, A quick brake stopped the luxury sports car downstairs steadily.Andu County is not a developed and wealthy county, so there are very few sports cars, except for a few wealthy bosses, it is extremely difficult to see them.But now, it is really surprising that this sports car has come to this kind of community decades ago.

The old buildings with blackened and faded walls are in stark contrast with this brand new luxury sports car, as if there is a strong visual gap between two objects from different centuries.In such an old community, there is such a cool modern sports car, which will undoubtedly cause many passers-by to stop and watch.

Of course, Zhang Qian was no exception. He was very curious about who was sitting in the sports car and why he appeared here.Curious, Zhang Qian pushed his bicycle to the sports car not far away. At this time, a young man with a big belly and very fat got out of the driver's seat of the sports car. He came to the co-pilot seat of the sports car. Outside, he took the initiative to open the car door.

The car door was opened, and the first thing Zhang Qian saw was a pair of extremely seductive and sexy slender legs wrapped in flesh-colored stockings, and black high-heeled shoes under the beautiful legs.Immediately afterwards, a beautiful figure with a perfect figure, wearing a blue female professional dress, and her black hair coiled up came out from the car.

The slightly pointed melon face, the delicate nose, the slightly moist red lips, the dark eyes like black pearls, and the curved willow eyebrows are full of the ultimate charm of femininity.The fair and tender skin was taut and slightly powdered on the face, and the sweet and temperamental smile was hanging in the middle, she was absolutely a stunning beauty!Such an appearance is like a star in a movie or a beauty in a painting!

But in fact, the pretty woman who got out of the car is not a beauty in a painting, nor a movie star, she is Zhang Qian's sister Zhang Lin!It was precisely because of this that Zhang Qian was stunned now, because he didn't understand why his sister would go home in this high-end sports car?

"Thank you for your kind pick-up, Mr. Ji." The beautiful Zhang Lin put her bag on her shoulders, and said politely to the fat man in front of her with a sweet smile, "Thank you so much today. Please take me home, in fact, I can take the bus..."

"Xiangche sends beauties, that's what it should be. Ms. Zhang is so young and beautiful. If I go to squeeze the bus, I'm worried that some bad guys will come to harass me. Besides, my mother is also a frequent visitor to the shop where you work. , it can be seen that she likes your beauty skills very much, so it is reasonable for me to send you to express my gratitude." The fat man named Mr. Ji took off his sunglasses, looked up at the dilapidated building not far away, She couldn't help showing a strange smile, "Miss Zhang, it seems that your family's living conditions are not very good, and I also heard that... your father is seriously ill and seems to be in urgent need of a medical fee?"

"Mr. Ji? How did you know so many things about our family? And why did you inquire about my family situation? Yes, my father is not in good health, and the family's income sources are limited. However, this has nothing to do with Mr. Ji " Zhang Lin didn't seem to want to talk about this topic, she restrained her sweet smile, waved her hand at Mr. Ji in front of her, and said coldly, "Then I won't bother Mr. Ji, goodbye."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Lin turned around and prepared to walk into the black-painted corridor downstairs.

"If... I can help Ms. Zhang's father to carry out a comprehensive treatment and completely eradicate the patients... I don't know, would you like to be with me?" Before Zhang Lin left the car for a few steps, Mr. Ji suddenly said , "I have the ability to make you live a comfortable life, and I also like your beauty. You are a woman who makes my heart beat."

Zhang Lin turned her head to look at Mr. Ji in surprise, and stood there for a while but didn't speak.Of course, it's not that she doesn't know how to speak to Mr. Ji, but her beautiful eyes just happened to see Zhang Qian, her younger brother, who was holding a bicycle not far behind Mr. Ji.

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