Peach Fortune

Chapter 43 Leader Inspection 1

"Oh, Director Liu, what kind of wind brought your phone call, it's really rare, rare..." The principal, who was pretending to be serious and aloof just now, immediately changed into a wretched expression with a flattering smile when he answered the phone. This huge contrast caused the teachers present to widen their eyes in amazement.

However, the headmaster at this time obviously didn't care about the expressions of the teachers present. After hearing the words of Director Liu on the phone, the flattering smiling face restrained a little, and said with surprise and excitement, "You, you mean you are coming to our school. Inspection? And just in the afternoon? Yes, yes yes yes... I know, I will not disappoint Director Liu, yes, don't worry, I will definitely show the best mental outlook of Pailing Junior High School! What? ? You are already in the car? Oh, good, I will take the teachers to the door to greet you, thank you Bureau Liu, thank you, goodbye."

Under the watchful eyes of many homeroom teachers, the principal's smiling face disappeared instantly, replaced by majesty and excitement.He stood up suddenly and announced loudly to all the teachers present, "Teachers, I just received the news that Director Liu of the Education Committee and his team will come to our school for inspection. This is the first inspection this year. It is directly related to the school. For the honor and future of our school, everyone please get up to speed immediately. Teachers who have no classes in the first period of the afternoon will go to the school gate to welcome them immediately. Teachers who have classes will immediately go to the office to inform other teachers. , let them make sure not to make any mistakes during the inspection, I can't spare anyone who has a problem!"

"Yes, Principal!!" The teachers realized this and left the conference room one after another.In fact, there were not many teachers who did not have class in the first period in the afternoon. Apart from the dean of discipline, only Ye Wenhua and two homeroom teachers from the second and first grades were left. Under the leadership of the principal, a group of four hurriedly Then he walked towards the school gate.

Of course Ye Wenhua knew in his heart that the reason why the headmaster valued the leader's inspection so much was because of his official career.This Director Liu is the top leader of the Education Committee, if he is appreciated, then the principal will be in the Education Committee as soon as possible.It's no wonder that he is so proactive and behaves like a grandson.

"Principal, director, the leader's inspection is so sudden, so we decided to deal with Zhang Qian just now..." Ye Wenhua couldn't help but said while walking, she was a little worried, "The leader is here to inspect, we will punish the students, I'm afraid this will not have a good impact on our school, right?"

When the principal heard this, he nodded in agreement and said, "That's true. It will make the leaders misunderstand that there are too many poor students in our school. Let's postpone this matter until the leaders' inspection is over. Director Qian, you plan to announce the decision tomorrow." Bar."

"Okay principal, no problem." Director Qian of the Discipline Office smiled obsequiously and agreed.

In the parking lot next to the flower bed next to the playground, several black cars slowly drove into it.At this time, the principal and Dean Qian took a few homeroom teachers out of the teaching building and waited outside the parking lot.

Seeing those figures coming down from the car one after another, the principal's smile became more intense, and at the same time, he became obviously more dignified.Ye Wenhua also knew that the more people got on and off the car, the more grand the inspection and investigation would be.If there is no accident, it is of course a good thing, but if the hospitality is not good, the problem may become bigger.

"Oh, Director Liu, welcome to our school to guide you!" Soon, the principal saw the potbellied Director Liu of the Education Committee get off the car, just as the principal walked towards him with a smile on his face, However, he was a little surprised to find that Director Liu didn't mean to walk towards the principal, but instead stood beside the car, as if waiting for something.

At this moment, in the black car in the front row, a beautiful purple figure appeared by the door.Wearing a purple female professional suit, with slender legs wrapped in flesh-colored stockings, her perfect and attractive figure makes others envious.The jet-black hair that was coiled up high, matched with the beautiful face with a unique cold and arrogant temperament, formed a stunning beauty of national beauty and heavenly fragrance.

And it was the appearance of this beautiful woman that immediately froze the smiling face of the principal, revealing a nervous look of shock and panic!

Surrounded respectfully by a group of men and women, this beautiful woman in a professional uniform stepped on black high heels and walked towards the principal. The woman is very young, but she is at the forefront of a group of middle-aged male and female officials. Doesn't it mean that this beautiful woman's official position is even higher than that of Director Liu of the Education Committee?

Such a strange phenomenon, if it is not surprising, then there is a ghost!

"Principal Li, hello." The beautiful woman came to Principal Li, showing a rare faint smile and stretching out her slender white hands, "I kept you waiting."

"Gudong..." Principal Li swallowed hard, and then he recovered from the shock. He nervously held the beauty's little hand with both hands, and said in a trembling voice, "Wang... County Magistrate Wang , What kind of wind actually brought here, I, I am really surprised! No, wait, wait, you can visit Pailing Junior High School, then, that is the glory of our whole school!"

Magistrate Wang! !As soon as Principal Li said this name, the teachers were immediately shocked.Soon, a class teacher quietly said to other colleagues, "I remembered, this should be the deputy county magistrate who has just been transferred to our county and is in charge of cultural, educational and health work. Her name seems to be Wang Zhiqing. I heard that she is only 25 six At the age of [-], she is a beauty as beautiful as a flower! Looking at it now, she really lives up to her reputation. Tsk tsk, such a beautiful and young woman actually became the deputy county magistrate, I really don't know how she became so..."

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!" The class teacher said this in a low voice, and the director Qian next to him hurriedly gave him a glance and reprimanded him in a low voice, "If County Magistrate Wang hears this, no one can save you !"

The teacher turned pale with fright, hurriedly lowered his head submissively and dared not speak again.At this time, Ye Wenhua couldn't help but feel a little strange. This Pailing Junior High School is not considered a key school among the three major junior high schools in the county, and it is an old junior high school in the old city. Even the officials of the Education Committee rarely pay attention to it and rarely come to inspect it. , but why even the deputy county magistrate in charge of education came today, obviously she couldn't figure it out.

Of course, don't say she can't figure it out, even Principal Li, who is now accompanying the smiling face, is also at a loss.Director Liu was already very pleasantly surprised that he could come to inspect, but he didn't expect that county magistrate Wang would also come.

Facing Principal Li's respectful and nervous expression, Wang Zhiqing withdrew her little hand and waved it, "Principal Li, don't be surprised. I'm the new deputy county magistrate, and I don't know much about the school. It is only on paper. If you want to actually understand the state of education in our county, you must personally inspect and investigate it. So, today, I will arrange to come to Pailing Junior High School with Director Liu of the Education Bureau. Look, principal Li, please take us away?"

"No trouble, no trouble. County Magistrate Wang has worked hard for the cause of education and practiced it personally. This is an example that we need to learn from in education. I am honored to cooperate with the work of County Magistrate Wang." They led Wang Zhiqing and a group of officials from the Education Bureau behind them to walk out of the playground and into the teaching building to introduce Pailing Junior High School.

When entering the third floor of the teaching building, Principal Li introduced happily, "Mayor Wang, this floor is the third grade of our junior high school. There are ten classes in total, all of which are in the classrooms of the teaching building on this floor." In the middle, there are ten rooms from left to right. Among the ten classes, Class [-], Class [-], Class [-], Class [-], Class [-], and Class [-] are all medium classes, and Classes [-], [-] and Class [-] are slightly It is worse, but our third and fourth classes of junior high school are the best and most outstanding classes in the whole grade. The three major junior middle schools take the same exam, and two of the top three students are from the third and fourth classes of junior high school. I am grateful for our school. We are proud of such a class, why don't we go to the third and fourth classes of junior high school?"

Wang Zhiqing listened to Principal Li's excited introduction, but her beautiful eyes stayed in front of the third and sixth classrooms not far away.She smiled at Principal Li and said, "Principal Li, the best class can't reflect the advantages of your school. I don't think you should start with the best class or the worst class when doing research. Let’s start with the class, let’s start with the middle class, close to the principle, let’s go, let’s go to the third and sixth classes of junior high school.”

Before Principal Li could react, Wang Zhiqing walked towards the classrooms of Class [-], Grade [-], which caused a flash of surprise and surprise in his eyes, but soon, he hurriedly winked at Ye Wenhua, and followed She turned to Wang Zhiqing and smiled, "Mayor Wang, teacher Ye Wenhua, the head teacher of the third and sixth grades of junior high school, is here, so let her tell you about the situation of the whole class."

Where did Ye Wenhua have the experience of reporting work to the deputy county magistrate, this blind cat was pushed to the front of the stage like a dead mouse, she could only bite the bullet and said nervously, "Wang, county magistrate Wang, I, I am the junior The head teacher of class three and six is ​​Ye Wenhua, who teaches Chinese. We, our class has 54 students, among them, there are eleven top students, and more than 30 middle..."

"I don't want to hear this kind of report. Let's go, take me into the classroom to chat with the students first." Before Ye Wenhua finished speaking, Wang Zhiqing interrupted her words and walked into the classroom directly.

At this time, the math class was being taught in the classrooms of the third and sixth grades of junior high school. When such a beautiful county magistrate with a glamorous temperament walked in the door, the math teacher was almost stunned.At this time, when Principal Li walked in, he turned to the math teacher and said, "Mr. Wen, the county magistrate Wang is here to inspect, why don't you express your welcome!"

The stunned Teacher Wen hurriedly woke up, and he immediately bowed nervously to Wang Zhiqing, "Hello County Magistrate Wang."

"Everyone stand up, welcome to the county magistrate Wang to inspect the work." The class leader Chen Zitong was the first to stand up and set a demonstration for the students.At this moment, the whole class stood up and bowed loudly, "Hello County Magistrate Wang!"

"Okay, students, please sit down." Wang Zhiqing said with a smile. After sweeping the whole classroom with her beautiful eyes, she quickly set her eyes on Zhang Qian who was sitting next to the monitor, Chen Zitong.There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of her mouth.

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