Peach Fortune

Chapter 45 The Truth Comes Out

Wang Zhiqing glanced at Principal Li beside her, with an intriguing smile on her face, and said calmly, "It seems that Principal Li disagrees with Zhang Qian's words, and I don't know much about what Xu Tiexing said. , It’s not easy to say anything. But Principal Li, I want to ask you something, do you have any conclusive evidence that Zhang Qian deliberately released snakes in the morning to cause chaos?”

"This..." Principal Li's face flushed with embarrassment, and he hesitated, "At present, I'm afraid...not yet."

"In the absence of conclusive evidence, how can you be so sure that Zhang Qian must be the culprit in the morning meeting incident?" Wang Zhiqing was a little puzzled, "Could it be that you are a god, can pinch and count?"

Principal Li stared blankly at Wang Zhiqing, not knowing what to say for a moment.However, at this moment, Zhang Qian said again, "County Wang, today I used the time at noon to secretly investigate all the pet shops near Pailing Middle School. There are only three or four pet shops in the old town. The investigation found that there was only one pet shop that sold small snakes. According to the proprietress, a male student wearing a Pailing Middle School uniform went to her shop yesterday afternoon to buy some small snakes. The proprietress described in detail The appearance of that person is said to be that the male student has an obvious mole on the lower left corner of his face. And when he was talking, he found that one of his front teeth was crooked. Combining these two characteristics, I found that only one student fit this characteristic, this one Man is Zhu Shi in our class!"

As soon as Zhang Qian's words came out of his mouth, the eyes of the whole class fell on Zhu Shi, who was at the same table beside Xu Tiesing!Zhu Shi's face turned pale from fright, and he kept looking at Xu Tiexing beside him with nervous expression, but Xu Tiexing didn't even look at him with a livid face.

"Zhu Shi, be honest, have you ever bought a little snake?" Although Ye Wenhua was full of shock, he quickly asked, "Tell Teacher Ye honestly, did you deliberately let the snake go in the morning meeting?" snake!"

"Ms. Ye...I, I..." Seeing that Xu Tiesing didn't look at him, Zhu Shi stood up from his seat in a panic, and stammered, "I, I..."

"What about me? Tell the truth, is it you?" Ye Wenhuaguang was basically sure from Zhu Shi's flustered expression that Zhang Qian's words were true. Right now, he really felt angry.If the guy who released the snake was really Zhu Shi, wouldn't the principal and teachers have been deceived by this guy and wronged Zhang Qian?However, county magistrate Wang intervened in this matter, which will put Pailing Middle School in shame!

Zhu Shi lowered his head and kept fumbling his clothes with his hands nervously. Under the tremendous pressure, he could only open his mouth tremblingly and said, "I, I just bought a few small snakes and raised them. I want to raise them. Morning." Yes, the snake at the morning meeting... no, it's not..."

"Zhu Shi, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, I will make you have to admit it!" Just before Zhu Shi finished speaking, Zhang Qian interrupted with a sneer, "You didn't expect that, I learned from the playground I picked up the corpses of those little snakes and showed them to the proprietress at noon. The proprietress said that judging from the pattern of the snake, it was the little snake she sold. This kind of little snake is a non-poisonous common Water snakes have unique patterns and can be easily distinguished, that is to say, you Zhushi bought these little snakes from the proprietress, I see how you can argue!"

Zhang Qian's words immediately caused the whole classroom to cry out in surprise, and Zhu Shi's face immediately turned completely maroon.His eyes were tense and flustered. Facing Zhang Qian's aggressive evidence, he had no choice but to say in fear, "I, I didn't really want to set the snake, I, I just got dizzy for a while, thinking it was fun and exciting..."

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as being fun and exciting, is it?" Zhang Qian took advantage of the victory and pursued. He knew that Wang Zhiqing was here, so he could definitely get to the bottom of it and point the finger at the real culprit behind the scenes!He glanced at Xu Tiesing and said, "I have no grievances with you, why do you want to deliberately frame me? I think there are many problems in this, Xu Tiesing, what do you think?"

"You asked me why, I... I didn't know that Zhu Shi would do this." Xu Tiesing's eyes were erratic, and he hurriedly wanted to get rid of the relationship, and frowned at Zhu Shi, "Student Zhu Shi, you really let us I'm so disappointed, how could you throw little snakes and cause chaos just because of the momentary fun and excitement? You, you, you should be severely punished!"

Xu Tiesing knew that the general situation was over, and now he just wanted to blame Zhu Shi for everything, and distance himself from it.However, is Zhang Qian such an easily fooled opponent?Others respect me one foot, I respect others one foot, come and go without being indecent, Zhang Qian is not a fuel-efficient lamp!Now you know how to retreat?late!

"Oh? You don't even know that Zhu Shi did this?" Zhang Qian didn't give Xu Tiesing any chance at all, and pretended to be surprised, "How could it be? I seem to remember that during the investigation, you proved it repeatedly and saw it with your own eyes. Zhu Shi didn't let the little snake go, but why didn't he know it at this time? What you said is really a bit of a bull's head, isn't it?"

As soon as Zhang Qian's words came out, the students began to whisper. Obviously, many students had heard Xu Tiesing's words on the playground at that time, and it was impossible for them to be stupid.Xu Tiesing's face suddenly turned blue and red, and he hesitated for a long time and was speechless.

"There is no 300 taels of silver here, student Xu Tiexing, you really put on a good show. It seems that you and Zhu Shi are obviously on the same team, and you just want to frame me deliberately, right?" Zhang Qianke didn't give a damn. Xu Tiesing spared no face, and said straight to the point, "Now let me see what else you can do to wrong me!"

"You..." Hearing Zhang Qian's naked provocative words, Xu Tiesing almost got angry for a while, but what can he do?Things have taken a turn for the worse, he can't protect himself now, let alone have any way to frame this guy.

"Xu Tiesing, Zhu Shi, the two of you must give me an explanation!" Principal Li's face softened a little, as long as the real culprit who set the snake was found, then the matter can be successfully concluded. In this way, his dereliction of duty Undoubtedly, the responsibility will be much smaller, and Zhang Qian will not speak out against the school, and finally he can temporarily calm his frightened mind.So at this moment, of course he had to hold on to this matter and not let it go, to show Wang Zhiqing a play, so that she could divert her attention.

Zhu Shi was taken aback by Principal Li's words. After he glanced at Xu Tiesing, he bit the bullet and finally gritted his teeth and tremblingly said, "Snake, the snake was set by me, and it has nothing to do with Xu Tiesing. Throwing it out when he was not paying attention, he and I have a better relationship, just thinking, trying to say something nice for me, and didn't really see me release the snake... Principal, Teacher Ye, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong It's..."

"You know you're wrong? It's too late! Humph, Zhu Shi, just wait for the school to deal with you!" Principal Li calmed down a lot when he said this, and he said to Xu Tiesing, "Student Xu Tiesing, do you sympathize with your friend?" Wrong, but you have to see clearly who is right and who is wrong, you have to take this as a warning, sit down."

As soon as Zhang Qian heard Zhu Shi's words, he knew that the matter seemed to have to end like this.Although he hated Xu Tiesing for not knowing what kind of threat and pressure he had brought to Zhu Shi, and let him bear it all by himself, but he had to say that with Xu Tiesing's identity, the Xu family's donation to the school and the feelings of the school's leaders, Even if this matter really happened to him, it probably wouldn't have much effect.Money can turn ghosts around, not to mention that this is just a trivial matter for the Xu family?

However, Zhang Qian was not discouraged because of this. He knew that the future would be long, and one day, he would be able to justifiably let Xu Tiesing fall into the abyss and be unable to turn over!After this incident, the two have formed a deep hatred, and it is almost impossible to resolve it.That being the case, Zhang Qian has already made up his mind to get rid of that bastard Xu Tiesing as soon as possible!

"Now that the truth has come to light, the students who should be dealt with must still be dealt with according to the school's rules and regulations." Seeing that the matter had come to light, Wang Zhiqing concluded aloud, "Principal Li, although this matter is over, your school must We must also conduct a deep self-criticism, and we must pay attention to the way we work in the future, and we must not blindly wrong the students, you know?"

Principal Li hurriedly nodded and said, "Yes, yes, we will definitely remember the teachings of the county magistrate Wang. This time it is indeed our carelessness that wronged Zhang Qian. In the future, we will definitely learn from experience and not wronged a student."

"Well, this is something that the school must do, and I believe Pailing Junior High School can do it." Wang Zhiqing nodded, then smiled slightly at all the students in the classroom, "Okay, students, I will not I interrupted your studies, I hope you can work hard in the last year of the third year of junior high school, and strive to get good grades in the senior high school entrance examination, goodbye."

"Goodbye, County Magistrate Wang!" The whole class replied in unison. At this time, Zhang Qian cast a grateful look at Wang Zhiqing, and Wang Zhiqing blinked at him secretly, which obviously meant that she understood.

Yes, the reason why Wang Zhiqing came to Pailing Junior High School for research work was actually because of a phone call from Zhang Qian at noon.Originally, Zhang Qian took the dead snake to find the proprietress with the mentality of trying it out, but he didn't expect that he could be sure that it was the snake that Zhu Shi bought.With these evidences, he already has confidence, but he is very clear that the school leaders will not overthrow the judgment he has made for no reason. Even if Zhang Qian has sufficient evidence, they will not accept it.Therefore, it is necessary to find a strong person to deter them, so that they can have a slight chance to successfully destroy the trap that Xu Tiesing set for him.

Ever since, Wang Zhiqing became the biggest rescuer Zhang Qian moved.To be honest, whether Wang Zhiqing will come, whether he is willing to come or not, Zhang Qian has no idea at all. He just gritted his teeth and tried to dial the number she left behind. Unexpectedly, Wang Zhiqing not only agreed to help after listening, And it was not to say hello, but to bring the leaders of the Education Bureau to mobilize the crowd to support!

Zhang Qian was very moved by this friendship, and it was also firmly remembered deep in his heart.Although the two had only met twice, Wang Zhiqing helped her without hesitation. Until this time, Zhang Qian really regarded Wang Zhiqing as his god-sister.

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