Peach Fortune

Chapter 71

However, no matter what, Ji Shengchong is not willing to lose like this.Although he didn't know why Xu Tiesing wanted to help Zhang Qian, but he absolutely didn't allow things to get out of his control, making him lose face!

"Xu Tiesing, you don't have to worry about Zhang Qian's bail, I will deal with it. I have already reported your matter to Director Wang of the police station. It is unlikely that there will be any major incidents. If there is nothing wrong, go with your parents first." Let's talk another day." Ji Shengchong obviously issued an order to evict guests, and wanted Xu Tiesing to disappear here immediately, so he shouldn't help Zhang Qian out.

When Zhang Qian heard this, he naturally refused. He glanced at Xu Tiexing who was not far away, and said coldly, "Xu Tiexing, help me pay the bail, you can decide for yourself! I can tell you, if you After leaving like this, I don't know what I will do!"

"This..." Xu Tiesing was caught in a dilemma for a while. The parents around him obviously didn't understand what happened, but they could still vaguely see that this Zhang Qian was obviously not as simple as Xu Tiesing's classmate.

After thinking about it, Xu Tiesing still walked up to Ji Shengchong's side, and whispered something to him.Zhang Qian knew without thinking that Xu Tiesing was explaining to Ji Shengchong what he was forcing him on, in exchange for Ji Shengchong's understanding.

When Ji Shengchong heard it, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.He glanced at Xu Tiesing and said with disdain, "Xu Tiesing, Xu Tiesing, thanks to your cleverness, you will be confused for a while! Zhang Qian used this kind of excuse to force you, but you were really bluffed by him. I really don't know what to say to you!"

Xu Tiesing was stunned, and said in surprise, "What? Am I being tricked?"

"Of course!" Ji Shengchong glanced at Zhang Qian with a sneer, and said contemptuously, "Xu Tiesing, what is your identity, and what is Zhang Qian's identity? You were brought to the police because you and I got separated. The police station, but there is my relationship, this kind of thing that has no evidence at all, do you think the police will really have nothing to do to investigate for you? Please, there are at least hundreds of people locked up in the police station tonight. Your identity is sensitive, and there are many important people. The police are already busy with gang fights, so they will go to great lengths to investigate a student like you? You believe what Zhang Qian says, you are not confused What is it?"

After hearing Ji Shengchong's words, Xu Tiesing suddenly felt relieved after thinking about it.That's right, let's not talk about other things. The focus of the police's investigation is to investigate and arrest members of the underworld. It is impossible for them to be willing to waste their energy on him, a third-year junior student. Without direct evidence, it is impossible for the police to do such a thankless job!What's more, with Ji Shengchong's relationship with the high-level police station, let alone the investigation, I'm afraid he doesn't even bother to take care of it!

Xu Tiesing was also fooled by Zhang Qian for a while. He always thought that the incident would end badly if it got big, but he never thought that it would be impossible for this incident to become a riot, because the police would never deal with it in a high-profile way!

Zhang Qian's expression changed. He knew that Ji Shengchong had directly uttered his words to fool Xu Tiesing, and Xu Tiesing came to his senses.Just as he was about to speak, he met Xu Tiesing's cold and angry eyes.

"Okay Zhang Qian, what the hell are you playing me like a monkey! Okay, you're kind enough! I'll write down this grudge, and you can kill yourself in the police station!" After Xu Tiesing came to his senses, although he hated I understand Zhang Qian, but this is the police station after all, he has no way to retaliate directly, he can only keep this hatred in his heart, turn his head and say to his parents, "Dad, Mom, let's go, don't give this bastard any bail gold!"

Xu Tiesing's parents must have been able to understand the relationship between their son and Zhang Qian from the conversation between the three of them now, so it is naturally impossible to help Zhang Qian apply for bail, and soon left the lounge with Xu Tiesing.

Watching Xu Tiesing leave helplessly, Zhang Qian understood that his bail money had become a problem again.Although the bail money of a few thousand yuan is not much, it is obviously difficult for my sister to take it out, and my own money is with Yu Wei, so it is unrealistic to ask him to come and pay him now.Not to mention that my sister Zhang Lin felt a little disgusted and misunderstood Yu Wei, so asking him to pay back the money would obviously make me unable to explain it to my sister.He can't tell his sister that he won 10,000+ in boxing in front of Ji Shengchong, right?

At this time, Ji Shengchong looked at Zhang Qian who was frowning with pride, and couldn't help but say, "Zhang Lin, as long as you ask, I can hand over your brother's bail right now, and all your brother's money will be paid in the future. I will take care of tuition and living expenses. Isn’t your father seriously ill? I can also pay all his medical expenses so that he can receive the best treatment in the county. In Andu County, I will definitely make you and your family popular How about a spicy drink?"

Zhang Linqiao showed a painful hesitation on his face. Zhang Qian on the side tightly held his sister's little hand, looked at her seriously and said firmly, "Sister, believe me, I will definitely bring hope to this family. Ji Shengchong This kind of guy is not worthy to be your man! Sis, I don’t allow you to ruin yourself like this, didn’t you say it? Poor also needs to be poor and have backbone!”

"But... Zhang Qian, you, you must be released on bail, otherwise... I really can't explain to my parents..." Zhang Lin's voice was obviously choked up when she said this.A penny is hard for a hero, let alone a helpless woman like her.

Zhang Qian knew that her sister's decision was a kind of painful torment for her. She just wanted to help her get out of here. For her family, this beautiful woman was willing to give her everything.But the more he saw his sister giving desperately, the more he couldn't let her really do this!If Zhang Qian really made his sister Zhang Lin into Ji Shengchong's woman, then he would hate himself for the rest of his life!

A real man can have his head broken, his blood can flow, and let his beloved sister become someone else's plaything. Is this still a man?Does he deserve to be Zhang Lin's younger brother?Zhang Qian gritted his teeth, he had already made a decision, even if Yu Wei came here to pay the bail for himself, Ji Shengchong would never be allowed to get his sister!

"Hey, what's going on in your lounge No. [-]? Can't you be quiet? What are you doing so noisy? This is a police station, not a vegetable market!" Just as Zhang Qian was about to tell his decision, Suddenly from the door came the reproachful words of the policewoman Spend Qian Yuxin.Soon, Qian Yuxin appeared in the lounge with the documents in hand, her pretty face clearly revealing a trace of dissatisfaction.

As soon as Ji Shengchong saw Qian Yuxin, the shocked look on his fat face quickly put on a smile, and he said respectfully and embarrassingly, "Hehe, isn't this Yuxin? I heard that Uncle Qian said you entered The police station is on duty, long time no see, but you are getting more and more beautiful."

The policeman Qian Yuxin glanced at Ji Shengchong, who didn't seem to have a good face, and snorted softly, "Sheng Chong, why did you appear at the police station at this time? Why, is it another cronies who came to bail you again?" ?”

Ji Shengchong coughed twice in embarrassment, as if he didn't dare to continue to say anything.But at this time, Zhang Lin, the elder sister beside Zhang Qian, whispered in disbelief as her beautiful eyes were full of surprise, "Yu Xin? It's really you? You, why are you a policeman?"

At this time, Qian Yuxin turned her head and looked towards Zhang Qian. When she saw Zhang Lin, she was obviously taken aback, and said with some joy, "Zhang Lin! Oh, my old deskmate, long time no see, why did you show up here?"

Different from his indifference towards Ji Shengchong, when Qian Yuxin saw Zhang Lin, she immediately walked over excitedly and happily, holding Zhang Lin's little hand tightly and was very happy.It could be seen that Qian Yuxin was very excited to see Zhang Lin.

Old deskmate?So, my sister and this beautiful policewoman are classmates?Zhang Qian quickly figured out the relationship between the two, and felt that there was some fate for him to meet an acquaintance here.

"I haven't seen you for a few years. You have changed a lot. I can hardly recognize you in this police uniform." Zhang Lin was undoubtedly very happy, and after looking at Qian Yuxin for a few times, she said with emotion, "You read I transferred to another school after the second year of junior high school, I wrote you a letter, but you don’t seem to have replied.”

"It's not that I didn't reply. It's that I moved after I transferred school. Of course I couldn't receive the letter you wrote. I went to your original home to find you a few times, but you also moved. Then I went to Police academy, I have no chance to find you when I am away all the year round, and I thought I would never see you again in this life!" Qian Yuxin said happily, only then did she seem to notice the Zhang Qian, who was beside Lin, thought for a while and said in doubt, "Zhang Lin, why are you here at the police station today..."

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you, this is my younger brother Zhang Qian. I came to the police station to pick him up." Zhang Lin seemed to think of something and said anxiously, "Yu Xin, you are here. Is it the police? Then you have to say something good for my brother, he is very honest and will definitely not do anything bad, I can guarantee this."

"Ah? Is he your brother??" Qian Yuxin looked at Zhang Qian in surprise, a little confused, "You really don't look alike, I didn't recognize it for a while. But your brother's business is my fault. He took over, he has no major problems for the time being, can't he leave already?"

Zhang Lin blushed pretty, and said in embarrassment, "But... But the police station wants me to pay bail, I, I can't afford so much money at once..."

Qian Yuxin finally understood when she heard this, and said with a wry smile, "This is a bit difficult. Although your brother hasn't found anything wrong for the time being, he is a suspect who was arrested from the scene after all. If it is found that there is something wrong with him The problem still needs to be investigated. Therefore, for such a suspect, the only way to get bail and let him leave temporarily is to pay bail, and I can't make an exception to this rule. However, if you have some difficulties at hand, I can help you pay the bail first. Pay me back when you have something, it's fine."

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