Peach Fortune

Chapter 91

"Okay, I'll just say this to you, and take it as a joke!" Zhang Hailong drank another sip of wine, then he glanced at Chen Xuwu, smiled bitterly, and said, "Actually, I also know that you still treat me badly." Just like the brothers of the day. It’s just Yanqing and Chen Gang, but they don’t think so anymore. In fact, I already understood that day at the Chen family. Xu Wu, your son Chen Gang is not very good, but this daughter Zitong has a good character .”

Chen Xuwu's complexion darkened, and he said helplessly, "Chen Gang was spoiled by his mother Yanqing. He didn't learn well at a young age, and always hang out with those rich and powerful boys and buddies. Yanqing didn't object. It’s not the same. I recently invested in a real estate project of a teacher’s home, but I encountered many difficulties. I found out later that Yanqing also poured a lot of money from her company into it. Hey, it’s up to them, and I will I can't help it."

Zhang Qian felt a little strange and said, "Uncle Chen, I don't understand, aren't you an official? Didn't you say that the relatives of the children and relatives of officials cannot do business?"

"Hehe, yes, the country has this regulation, but the regulation is dead, and people are alive." Chen Xuwu said helplessly, "The company registered by my wife Yanqing and the legal representative are all in the name of her mother. And Chen Gang is affiliated with his friend's company, it's just a capital investment, and it's written in the name of Yanqing's younger sister. In this way, it's natural to play a side ball. Obviously everyone understands it in their hearts, but there is no problem. .”

"So that's how it is... This is an example of what officials say is there are policies and countermeasures?" Zhang Qian suddenly realized that this officialdom is indeed a very strange place.

"Zhang Qian! What nonsense are you talking about? You are also in charge of your Uncle Chen's house? Go, go back to your room and do your homework." Zhang Hailong was afraid that Zhang Qian's question would make Chen Xuwu feel uncomfortable, so he couldn't help but glared at Zhang Qian An eviction order was issued.

Zhang Qian curled his lips and left the dining table helplessly.In fact, he really liked listening to what Chen Xuwu and his father were talking about, and wanted to know more about their past life and anecdotes.But there is no other way, and now he can only obediently go back to his room to do his homework.

"Dong dong dong... Sister, have you changed Chen Zitong's clothes? I'll come in and do my homework." Zhang Qian came to the bedroom shared with his sister Zhang Lin and knocked on the door, faintly suppressing the excitement in his heart. Try to speak out smoothly.

"Come in, Zitong is changing clothes, she should be ready soon." The voice of her sister Zhang Lin came from the room, Zhang Qian took a deep breath, opened the door and walked into the room.

There is a faint movement in the plastic sheet around the simple changing room of sister Zhang Lin. It should be that Chen Zitong is still changing clothes.In the hollow lower part of the dressing room, Zhang Qian could clearly see Chen Zitong's smooth and tender calf, which was exposed without any cover.

Zhang Lin saw that her younger brother was a little dumbfounded, she couldn't help but smiled angrily and stretched out her hand to wave in front of him, Zhang Qian suddenly came to his senses, blushed hurriedly with some embarrassment, and turned his head to sit at the desk next to him Pretend to read a book.

"Zhang Qian, you are here to read and wait for Zitong to change clothes. I'll take her clothes to the bathroom to wash and blow them up. It shouldn't be long before they dry." Zhang Lin said and took the wine soaked clothes The wet white dress left the room.

Hearing the sound of changing clothes from the changing room, I thought of the seductive scene of Chen Zitong changing clothes inside. Zhang Qian, who is full of blood, is now full of impulsiveness and desire, reading?How could he possibly see in!

Cursing secretly that he was not strong enough, Zhang Qian tried to distract his attention from the book several times, but it seemed that there was always someone against him in his heart, and his attention would be shifted to the changing room again unconsciously. side to go.

The lonely man and the widow are living in the same room, and what's more terrible is that the widow is a beautiful woman, and she is still changing clothes under his nose at this time!Even if Zhang Qian didn't see anything, the atmosphere was ambiguous enough.

"Hiss..." I don't know how long it took, but Zhang Qian only heard the sound of a plastic zipper. Chen Zitong obviously changed his clothes and came out of the changing room!

Zhang Qian, who didn't dare to turn his head to look at it, pretended to look at the textbooks on the table, deliberately pretending to be tall and calm.Sometimes, people are like this. They have already thought about it, but they still have to pretend to be themselves.Zhang Qian is naturally not exempt, whether you call him a hypocrite, or call him a fraud, but sometimes, such a performance can at least ease the embarrassment between each other, such as the current scene.

"Zhang Qian, is this your bedroom... or your sister's bedroom?" Just when Zhang Qian didn't know how to turn around and strike up a conversation, Chen Zitong spoke first.

Relieved, Zhang Qian finally had a chance to look up, he turned his head and looked in Chen Zitong's direction.

The snow-white dress she was wearing had already been taken by Zhang Lin to be cleaned. Zhang Qian thought that Zhang Lin would definitely give Chen Zitong some of her ordinary clothes to change. Unexpectedly, Chen Zitong who appeared in front of him at this time What she was wearing was Zhang Lin's purple lace nightdress!

Zhang Lin's height is about the same as Chen Zitong's, but in terms of figure, because Chen Zitong is still in the development stage, she is naturally much thinner and younger than Zhang Lin, so the seductive and sexy nightdress worn by Zhang Lin is on Chen Zitong's The body does appear to be a little loose, with a bit less sexy nakedness, but a bit more fluffy and sometimes hidden temptation, which looks unique.

Being stared straight at by Zhang Qian like this, Chen Zitong felt a little embarrassed and unnatural, blushed and stretched out his hands to protect his chest, and said coquettishly, "You, what are you looking at..."

Zhang Qian was awakened by Chen Zitong's voice, and then he recovered from his indulging in admiring the beauty, and hurriedly laughed awkwardly, "Ah, what...hehe, I just think that my sister's nightdress is wearing You seem to be a little big."

"I think so too, but I can't wear your sister's dress. Anyway, the clothes will be dried in a while, and it's convenient to change into nightdresses, so I can just let it go." Chen Zitong saw that Zhang Qian's words were very open and honest, and still Thinking that he misunderstood that he was peeping, he couldn't help but regained his composure, and came to his side and said, "I just asked you, is this room your sister's or yours?"

Feeling the scent of fragrance she brought when she walked over, Zhang Qian tried to pretend to be calm and replied, "This is the bedroom shared by my sister and I. We grew up here since we were young. There is no way. room."

"Oh my God..." Chen Zitong covered her mouth in surprise, her eyes widened in disbelief and said, "That, did you and your sister sleep together like this?"

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with it. It's okay for my siblings to sleep like this?" Zhang Qian said casually, "My sister and I are used to it, so it's okay."

"Oh... I'm just curious. My brother and I have slept in separate rooms since we were young, so I'm just a little surprised." It seemed that Zhang Qian's self-esteem was hurt by his words, so he hurriedly changed his words and replied.Seeing that Zhang Qian was looking at homework, she couldn't help but change the subject and said, "What homework are you doing? Did you do the exercise paper I sent you before school?"

"No, I just had a good meal, how can it be so fast." Zhang Qian shook his head at her, but seeing Chen Zitong looking at his desk with strange eyes, he turned his head and felt ashamed.It turned out that the textbook placed in front of his desk was turned upside down. Fortunately, he had been pretending to be serious while reading the book just now, and now it's good... It's completely fake.

Chen Zitong had the urge to laugh, but he restrained himself in the face of the flustered and embarrassed Zhang Qian.In order not to embarrass Zhang Qian, she offered to ask, "Zhang Qian, is there anything you don't understand? I'm bored at your house now, so I will explain it to you and review your homework."

Seeing that Chen Zitong didn't laugh at him, Zhang Qian finally regained his composure. Although his face was still flustered, his movements were not slow, and he quickly opened the math problems, showing some of his mistakes to Chen Zitong. explain.

Chen Zitong is worthy of being a good student with excellent grades. Not only did he explain well, but he also didn't find it esoteric at all, making it easy to understand.Unconsciously, Zhang Qian was brought into the ocean of knowledge by her, and the embarrassment and embarrassment just now gradually disappeared without a trace.

"Zhang Qian, this question should not be solved in this way, but should be used according to this formula. Your method is stupid, and the error rate is high after a long time. You should use it in the future..." Chen Zitong taught Zhang Qian a few things After the problem, let Zhang Qian try to correct the mistakes by himself, but seeing that he was still calculating the problem according to the complicated and stupid method, he couldn't help reaching out and snatching the pen in his hand, leaning forward and starting to write on the blank paper. .

At this moment, Zhang Qian smelled the fragrance from her body, and was pulled back from his thoughts by the touch of her soft and delicate body leaning against him.Since the two were close to each other at this time, and the distance was very close, Zhang Qian couldn't help but looked at her delicate body from the corner of his eye.

This is not good at first glance, because Chen Zitong completely forgot that she was wearing Zhang Qian's sister Zhang Lin's nightdress. This nightdress is slightly larger than her original fitting clothes, and this silk nightdress The front design itself has a relatively large opening, and it is accompanied by translucent lace. Now, as her delicate body leans forward, her chest is completely open in Zhang Qian's field of vision!

The white flowers are tender and plump, and the plumpness that is not too big is as delicate and elastic as bamboo shoots.The strong visual impact brought by such a pair of jade rabbits completely stunned Zhang Qian...

"Zhang Qian? What's the matter with you?" Chen Zitong, who was writing and explaining, of course, hadn't realized that she had let herself out. It wasn't until after explaining a topic that she looked up that Zhang Qian wasn't thinking about the topic at all, so she couldn't help asking. Voice.

But at this time, Zhang Qian's gaze was still fixed on the pair of plump, white, smooth and delicate jade rabbits!

Seeing Zhang Qian's dull gaze, Chen Zitong suddenly realized something!Looking down at her chest, her pretty face instantly turned red, she hastily stretched out her little hand to cover her chest tightly, and pulled up the open front of her nightdress in a panic, finally barely covering her chest. Live the great spring in front of my chest...

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