Principal's Law

【005】seat, table

The next day, the rain was still falling. Yang Yimin checked the weather forecast on his mobile phone. It has been raining for the past few days. It’s strange that it didn’t rain a few times during this year’s holiday. However, it’s raining happily when school is about to start these days. I got up at 08 o'clock, and at 30:[-], I rushed to the conference room on the third floor of the bureau to participate in the county-wide school opening work meeting.

There are doors at the front and back of the meeting room. Yang Yimin walked into the venue through the back door. The monogram and banner are very eye-catching. The rostrum is more than 30 centimeters higher than the participants. There are already many people inside, but none of the leaders on the rostrum has arrived.

He didn't know where he was sitting because he knew very few people. Principal Fan of No. [-] Middle School, who was still under his leadership, saw him yesterday morning, "Yimin, Principal Yang Yimin, your seat is here."

Yang Yimin saw that except for the last few rows, every front row had the name of the school. His position was in the back row of No. [-] Middle School, just in front of Principal Fan and behind him.

Yang Yimin walked over quickly, held Principal Fan's hand, and said, "School Fan, I was supposed to come over to report to you in person yesterday, but I didn't come because it was a bit late. I'm sorry."

"Don't say that, Yimin, congratulations, your work will be straightened out in a few days, and the school will specially arrange a farewell party for you."

"Fan school, forget it, it's not a big deal, I don't know why it's like this."

"Yimin, no matter what, you are also a person who left No. [-] Middle School. It's not a big deal. It should be. I will call you personally in the next step."

Yang Yimin suddenly felt very moved. Why didn't he think that Principal Fan still pays so much attention to friendship before?

Seeing the deputy director come over, Principal Fan whispered something and turned around to greet the deputy director.Yang Yimin looked at the seats. The arrangement of the seats is very characteristic. The first row is the middle-level cadres of the bureau and the heads of the directly affiliated institutions. The second row is arranged in turn for the county high school, county no. After the directly affiliated school, the seats are arranged from far to near, from junior high school to elementary school, so as the last person in the junior high school directly affiliated school, Yang Yimin sits in the third row.

Many people do not know Yang Yimin, but Principal An of the County Middle School and Principal Du of the County Vocational Middle School all came over to say hello to Yang Yimin. Principal An knew Yang Yimin because the County High School and County No. [-] Middle School are both ordinary high schools, and the two sides have formed a quality competition in the county. , The headmaster knows the situation of the other party's teachers very well. This year's third year of high school is the best one in the No. [-] middle school exam. He naturally knows who the leader of the grade is.

Principal Du, who was in the vocational school, had little contact and almost never met, but he came to Yang Yimin and chatted for a full 2 ​​minutes. It took Yang Yimin a long time to think of the reason.

Because Shimen Middle School is the only junior high school in the original Shimen area, more than 100 junior high school students graduate every year, and the people here must try to get out of the mountains.Junior high school graduates are not old enough to work. If they want to go out, many of them have to study, because there are not many people here who are admitted to key ordinary high schools, and more students choose to go to vocational schools.

More people just ignore him, and Yang Yimin is also happy to be quiet. Seeing that there are more and more people, the deputy director has come. The seat next to Yang Yimin is the seat of Renmin Road Kindergarten, a kindergarten directly under the county. The person who came is a woman. About ten, she looks very good, giving people a feeling of special temperament, and her gestures show elegance. She looked at Yang Yimin with a little surprise on her face. Yang Yimin knew that there must be another person in the last meeting.

Yang Yimin looked at her and nodded in a friendly manner. Anyway, we will spend more time together in such meetings in the future. The man asked in a low voice, "Are you new here? You haven't seen them before."

Yang Yimin nodded, and Principal Fan in front of him turned his head and greeted with a smile: "Miss Lin, you just came, let me introduce you, this is Yang Yimin, Principal Yang, an outstanding talent from our school."

"Oh, you are Teacher Yang Yimin, I'm sorry." Director Lin showed special enthusiasm and immediately reached out his hand.

Yang Yimin stretched out his hand and shook it, with a smile all over his face, "Principal Lin, I'm sorry, I only taught in the past, and I don't know many people."

"No, Principal Yang, it's me, it's my fault, but I'm a little pity. Since then, No. [-] Middle School has lost an excellent physics teacher." Principal Lin expressed emotion.

Yang Yimin felt comfortable. At least, his teaching achievements were recognized by many people, and he was not as unpromising as Xu Manli said. However, he couldn't say much at this time, and said with a smile: "Principal Lin, I'm overwhelmed."

"No, really, Principal Yang, Lin Junhao still remembers that he is my brother's child. He often says good things about you in front of us and admires you very much."

Yang Yimin nodded, Lin Junhao's grades are good, among the top few in Xiaoyingcai, the physics score of the college entrance examination is said to be a perfect score, "Remember, he is your nephew? Congratulations, this kid has good grades, Director Lin, he passed the exam Nankai University, right?"

"Yes, my nephew said that the physics test must be a perfect score. He came down and checked the answer. Principal Yang, thank you."

"Principal Lin, as a teacher, don't you want your students to do well in the exams? This is also the result of his own hard work."

"Wow, the level of physics you teach, everyone you know is good, Xiao Yang, what is your phone number, I will remember one, so I can contact you conveniently."

Yang Yimin gave the number, and took out his mobile phone, saving the phone number of Director Lin. The full name of Director Lin is Lin Juan, and he has been the director for six years.

The meeting time was very long. Yang Yimin had never listened to the content of the meeting so carefully since he was working. Each leader was responsible for a part of the work, and each leader arranged things. From the first item to the last, they were all practical requirements. Yang Yimin dared not miss out drop one of them.

His appointment document was read out by Director Li Xinghui at the end. After summarizing the work of the previous school year, he made requirements for this year's work, and also made requirements for the newly appointed school-level cadres during the holidays.

At noon, the bureau arranged a unified lunch at the Education Hotel not far from the Education Bureau. There were five tables in total. The leaders of the bureau happened to be five people. A middle-level cadre, a person in charge of a directly affiliated institution, and the others are the heads of the seven schools farthest from the county seat. Yang Yimin was surprised to find that his position was arranged on the left side of Li Xinghui.

Wine is indispensable. The bureau leaders stood together and Li Xinghui made a few brief toasts. Everyone raised their glasses and drank together. Li Xinghui toasted everyone at this table. He said that this table was the farthest from the county The school leader of the school came here to accompany you today. I hope that everyone will be as close to me as today, and work together for the education of Pingchuan County. He also introduced Yang Yimin, saying that he shoulders a heavy responsibility and is a very good teacher It is necessary for him to work hard to bring out the characteristics of the school he used to work in.

The people at the table were very moved. Needless to say, Yang Yimin, his understanding of the director has gone a step further. Thanks to Li Xinghui's light, no matter the middle-level cadres of the bureau or the top leaders of the school would come to toast the director, so Yang Yimin became their incidental director. With his super memory, Yang Yimin remembered their names, positions or schools.

After the meal, the other principals walked in twos and threes. Yang Yimin knew that he was going to play cards for entertainment. Principal Fan smiled and whispered to Yang Yimin: "Yimin, I want to play cards with the bureau leader. You can arrange it yourself. We will play cards in the future." Play together."

Yang Yimin nodded, and left quickly. He didn't want to be entangled in this kind of environment where he was looking for fun. He was no stranger to playing cards and mahjong, but he rarely participated, mainly because he spent his energy on computers after class. I was very interested, and felt that the teacher had to learn computers well, so that I could get twice the result with half the effort in teaching. Later, I fell in love, and I didn't have time.

He went to the bathroom, and when he went out, many people had already left, but he suddenly found that on the side of the garden, Secretary Lu of the Disciplinary Committee of the Bureau was talking to Lin Juan. It seemed that Secretary Lu wanted Lin Juan to accompany her somewhere to play, but Lin Juan obviously didn't want to.

Out of affection for Lin Juan, Yang Yimin rashly took out his phone and called Lin Juan as he walked. Lin Juan seemed to be looking for an opportunity. After looking at the phone, she immediately said to Secretary Lu: "Secretary, I have something to do at school and I have to go back."

Yang Yimin didn't speak, only heard Lin Juan say: "Is it a matter of charging? Okay, I'll be at school right away. Wait a minute."

Lin Juan said to Secretary Lu: "There is something in the school, I'm sorry, Secretary Lu, I'm going back to school."

Secretary Lu said helplessly: "Go, I will contact you later when I have time."

Yang Yimin was thinking in his heart, this Secretary Lu is almost fifty, this kind of action obviously has other ideas, but this is just a guess, dare not say, seeing Lin Juan left, he also hung up the phone.

Walking on the street, Yang Yimin thought to himself, he will go to school tomorrow, how can he be a principal without knowing anything, what should he do?

A car on the side leaned against him, which made Yang Yimin very angry. He gave way a lot, and the car leaned inward as if not letting him go. Damn, what do you mean?Yang Yimin became angry, and raised his head to reprimand the other party.

He raised his head, but saw that it was Lin Juan's car, who was waving to him with a smile, "Xiao Yang, get in the car quickly."

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