Principal's Law

【014】Tough night

Twenty or ten minutes later, all the people in the school had withdrawn to the town auditorium. The leaders of the town learned of this and rushed over specially. It was the first time that Yang Yimin met the leaders of the town.

Yang Yimin and two cadres came to an office in the auditorium, discussed the next emergency plan with the town leaders, and arranged for the police station, the town staff and the school to rush to the school to check the disaster situation.

Yang Yimin asked Director Ma and Director Luo to inform the school leaders, and checked the time himself. He sent text messages to Director Li, Deputy Director Xie and the Director of the Office of the Bureau of Education, notifying the situation and emergency measures, and reporting that there were no casualties. It was nearly twelve o'clock, and he was afraid of affecting the opponent's rest.

After only 2 minutes, Director Li called. After he asked about the specific situation, he said, "Xiao Yang, your handling is very good. You should implement the emergency plan first, and report to the bureau immediately after you understand the situation tomorrow. Send someone over to check."

After a while, Huang Ming from the bureau office also called. He asked about the situation, and he seemed a little dissatisfied when he learned that Director Li had called.

The mayor, the staff, the police station instructor, and several policemen came over. Yang Yimin walked to the school with them, but he couldn't find where to put the umbrella. He was so upset that he had to go out in the rain. He felt that someone was pulling him, and when he looked back, it was Fang Xiaoyu, who was holding an umbrella in her hand and handing it to him.

Yang Yimin paused, took the umbrella, said, "Thank you!" and went out.

More than a dozen people investigated the situation of the mudslide. The problem was not particularly serious and did not continue to extend into the school. It was the first time for the mayor and an instructor of the police station to meet Yang Yimin. After Director Ma talked about what happened tonight, he admired Yang Yimin even more and praised him repeatedly, because if something really happened and caused heavy casualties, not only the school, the Education Bureau, but also the local government would also be implicated.

Back in the auditorium, Yang Yimin asked each of the teachers to look at a few students, let them rest, and sat on a chair to think about tomorrow's arrangements.

Ren Chengfa came here after all the arrangements were over. His home is not far from here. Smelling his alcohol, Yang Yimin guessed who he was drinking with. Sure enough, Director Liu of the Teaching Office and Director of General Affairs Du Qiang also came over after a while. , It seems that after the school work arrangement ended, they went to drink somewhere again. It was probably because they drank too much, and the three of them drank at the same time, so it was difficult to come here. Later, they heard that the problem was serious, so they rushed here.

The situation really surprised them. After greeting Yang Yimin, they avoided Yang Yimin to see the students. Yang Yimin knew that they were afraid that they would see their flushed faces and breath of alcohol.

Looking at the students lying in the auditorium, some of them were also drenched in the rain, and some of the quilts were also wet, but everyone was terrified and had no time to take care of these problems. Yang Yimin found Du Qiang and asked: "Director Du, can the canteen workers be found? "

"Yes, the person in charge is here." The two walked quickly to a slightly fat man, he was the person who contracted the canteen, surnamed Zhong, and Yang Yimin said: "Master Zhong, many of the students were caught in the rain today, and they were tossing and tossing." After so long, many people may not be able to bear it, please arrange someone to cook a pot of ginger soup right away, is there any problem?"

"No, Principal Yang, I'll do it right away." The contractor surnamed Zhong has already learned that his contract fee will not increase this year, and he is very happy. At this time, he also knows in his heart that this matter must be done. Small, I feel distressed when I look at it.

An hour later, the ginger syrup was carried over in two thermos buckets, and the teachers gave each student a paper cup, requiring each student to drink a glass.

Although it was not good, everyone drank it after the teachers said the significance. Yang Yimin made every teacher drink a cup, and he was no exception.

This was the most difficult night since work. Yang Yimin repeatedly thought about the problems that might arise the next day, leaned on the chair and fell asleep in a daze.

Yang Yimin was woken up by the cold. When he woke up, it was already dawn, and he could not hear the sound of rain outside, so he ran out quickly. Sure enough, the rain had stopped, and it was sunny. Yang Yimin smiled wryly. Tian was testing himself on purpose. When he walked out of the auditorium, a gust of cool wind blew in his face. He shivered, and suddenly felt his whole body was hot. He touched his forehead, and sure enough, he had a fever. It seemed that God still didn't let him go.

Come on, Yang Yimin calmed down. He walked out of the auditorium and walked towards the school. There were already people walking on the street, and his heavy footsteps attracted the attention of passers-by.

When he came to the school, he suddenly found that there were people in the guard room. He knocked on the door. Sure enough, the guard came out. The guard surnamed Wang, in his 40s, was a formal school worker. Came here early."

Yang Yimin asked, "Why didn't you leave?"

"It's far away from the mountains, so there's danger in time. If there's no one in the school, I'm afraid that the things in the school will be stolen. Although this town is small, there are still many petty thefts."

Yang Yimin was a little moved. He didn't think of this. At that time, he only cared about the students. These employees are so responsible. Why can't the school manage well?

After entering the gate, Yang Yimin quickly came to the scene of the accident. The student dormitory was completely destroyed, and the sand was already close to the teacher's dormitory and the cafeteria opposite. Today, there are new students reporting for duty, so accommodation arrangements have become a top priority.

Director Ma of the office ran over, and Yang Yimin said, "Director Ma, find a camera and take a photo of the disaster situation and the situation of the students in the auditorium. It can be regarded as a commemoration."

Director Ma immediately went to find the camera, and Yang Yimin called Ren Chengfa and asked him to come to the school immediately to discuss today's work.

Ten minutes later, Ren Chengfa came to the school. The two discussed the most important tasks at present. One is the follow-up work of the mudslide, the arrangement of student dormitories and the inventory of damaged equipment, and the other is how to solve the problem of student accommodation immediately. This is very realistic. Today Students need accommodation.The third is how to carry out the registration work in an orderly manner.Yang Yimin discovered the reason why Ren Chengfa may not have been the top leader all the time, and he seemed to have few ways to make a decision, and he could not propose any solution to the student accommodation problem.

Yang Yimin saw that he couldn't negotiate a result, and saw Director Ma who was still taking pictures. He wanted him to notify the administrative meeting, but he thought that there must be someone guarding the town auditorium, and the administrator must be responsible there. He endured it and said: "This way Come on, Principal Ren, wait a moment, according to the decision of the administrative meeting last night to hold the start-of-term work meeting, the issue of the student dormitory will not be discussed for the time being, I will think of a way first, and I will notify you later."

Ren Chengfa really couldn't find a way to deal with this kind of emergency at this time. The situation where he opposed Yang Yimin's letting the students move out of the dormitory at the administrative meeting last night is still in front of him. The three people came over and made himself very passive. At this time, he also thought of some ideas, but he really couldn't think of a solution. He could only nod his head at this time and said, "Okay, how about asking the Bureau what it means?" .”

Yang Yimin returned to the auditorium, called Du Qiang, and asked him to inform the food group to make breakfast for all the teachers and students immediately. Because the students' lunch boxes were gone, the supermarket in the town went to buy paper lunch boxes to provide free breakfast for the students and teachers.

At 08:30, Yang Yimin called the director Li Xinghui. It was time for work, and the driver should have just picked him up. If he was in the car, he said it was the right time. Let the bureau arrange it at the first time.

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