Principal's Law

【020】strange feeling

When Yang Yimin came to the restaurant, Du Qiang was already waiting downstairs. He went upstairs, shook hands with everyone who came, and said, "Sorry, I'm late."

Secretary Fan held Yang Yimin's hand and said, "Principal Yang, understand, understand, sit down and eat some food." He suddenly touched Yang Yimin's forehead, "Principal Yang, your forehead is so hot, you must have caught a cold last night."

"It's okay, it'll be over in a while, but I can't drink with everyone at noon, so the principal Ren will toast for everyone on my behalf." Yang Yimin took advantage of the situation and pushed off the drink with everyone.

"Principal Yang, the leaders of the town are here today, and they are very supportive of the school's work. You are only here as the principal, and you should take the initiative to build a good relationship with the local leaders. I suggest you drink less to show your heart." Chief Tu of the Planning and Finance Unit said.

Tu Yuanming was very dissatisfied that Yang Yimin didn't come to greet him in person, because as a powerful person in charge of education and finance, wherever he went, which school didn't treat him as a VIP, sometimes his status was even higher than that of the deputy director of sports and health. Later, seeing that Yang Yimin was indeed busy, he couldn't say much.

At this time, as a leader, he criticized Yang Yimin, which he thought was appropriate, and Yang Yimin also heard his dissatisfaction, so he said: "Chief Tu is right to criticize," and then picked up the cup, which is one, two, five He poured a glass of wine from the left and right, and said, "The school suddenly encountered this kind of thing, and I am the new principal, and I have not considered many things carefully. This glass of wine is not only a crime, but more importantly, thanks. Secretary Fan, Mayor Yao, Section Chief Tu, and the leaders of the equipment factory, with your support, I believe that the difficulties will pass quickly. This glass of wine is in the best wishes of me and the school, and I will do it."

After all, he asked the few people who came to drink with him from the school to raise their glasses. He really did it, and Tu Kuang looked a little happy. His criticism made Yang Yimin reach this level, which shows that his words still have a great effect of.

Yang Yimin ate two bowls of rice, and sure enough, he received a call from Li Xiaoping, who connected, and the other party said that there was something to do in school, Yang Yimin looked at everyone a little embarrassed, and said: "Hey, there are so many things, don't worry about it, I will You just came, and you have to accompany the leader well."

"Principal Yang, eat something more. Go there. Now is the critical moment. It would be better if you were present." Secretary Fan, as the leader, feels completely different from other people. At these times, he handles it more rationally, while Tu People like the section chief are used to sitting in an office, and people who value themselves rarely feel this way.

Yang Yimin turned to Chief Tu and said, "Captain Tu, I'm really sorry that I can't accompany everyone."

Section Chief Tu knew in his heart that he couldn't care about it any more. After all, the school situation was still very troublesome, so he said, "Go and do your work. I've checked the school situation. I'll go back with the car from the equipment factory later, so don't worry about us." gone."

Yang Yimin walked towards the school and passed a pharmacy, which looked very formal and had a relatively large facade. He went in and asked, "Can you get me some medicine."

There was a little girl at the counter, and she said, "Wait a minute, I'll ask Sister Lu to get it for you."

After a few shouts, a woman came out, and both of them laughed. The woman was actually Lu Tingting, and the other party asked, "Principal Yang, what's wrong?"

"Boss Lu, today is a coincidence. I may have caught a cold last night, had a fever, and felt dizzy. Please give me some medicine."

The other party took out a thermometer, and after a few minutes, he said, "I'll give you two days' worth of medicine, but you'd better go to the hospital for an infusion."

"Let's make do with it first, I'm in good health, and I'll be fine with some medicine."

The other party looked at his appearance and smiled, "No matter how good your body is, you have to pay attention to it. If you are tired, it's your own body."

"Which class is your child in, and what's his name?" Yang Yimin asked.

"Class One, Zhang Xiaotian, please take care of the leader in the future."

"You're welcome, that's fine, thank you." Yang Yimin gave the money and left.

Back at the school office, Yang Yimin took the medicine, and finally he could sleep peacefully for a while. He was really tired, but the phone in his pocket was always against him. It was another strange call. It turned out that it was another I went to the unit that looked at the situation of the school and wanted to know the situation. After the situation was reported, the other party asked if there was any need for help. Yang Yimin briefly explained the situation. The other party was a group organization in the county. He said that they could help students live Supplies, such as students' lunch boxes, Yang Yimin thought it would be useful, so he agreed.

In order to express his gratitude to the society, Yang Yimin felt that it was necessary to post a post in the name of the school on the Internet. He wanted to express the school's gratitude to all aspects of society. Rest assured.

Yang Yimin typed out the post in a word document first, and in order to ensure seriousness, he called Li Xiaoping to come and take a look.Li Xiaoping came over within 3 minutes after receiving the call. Yang Yimin talked about his thoughts, and then asked Li Xiaoping to look at the content on the computer.

He purposely put the notebook closer to himself, sometimes he felt very strange, he had never been in a relationship before, never really had sex, he felt that although he was curious but he could control it, now that he tasted it, sometimes his thoughts were like I was poisoned, especially after I separated from Xu Manli, when I saw a beautiful woman, I felt an impulse in my heart.

At this time, he was holding the laptop closer to him with this strange idea, but Li Xiaoping seemed to think that he was too tired today, so he directly moved the laptop to his side, Yang Yimin smiled wryly, Why are you so bored in your heart.

But the mole on Li Xiaoping's breast in the morning really attracted him. He sometimes thought that it was in the same position as Sophie Marceau's mole.

At this time, Li Xiaoping had finished reading. Seeing his strange eyes, she asked, "Xiao Yang, what's wrong?"

Yang Yimin came back to his senses, "It's okay, what do you think?"

"Principal, it seems that I still have to learn from you. The writing is really good."

"Okay, this is your check, you have to be responsible for any problems." Yang Yimin smiled.

"Thank you for the leadership's trust." Li Xiaoping blushed suddenly and said such a sentence.

Yang Yimin started posting on the website, but Li Xiaoping didn't leave. She poured boiled water for Yang Yimin and asked in a low voice, "Principal, is your cold better?"

"It's much better, thank you for your concern, you can go back."

Li Xiaoping seemed a little unwilling, but also felt that it was inappropriate, so she left the office.

In the afternoon, I received several funding calls. In less than a day, social funding has solved all the students' problems, and the speed came quickly. The earliest batch of supplies will arrive tomorrow morning, which moved Yang Yimin very much.

In the afternoon, the completion of each department was reported to his office respectively, and Yang Yimin's class was also arranged. The physics class he took was the best class in the key class. Starting tomorrow, the second and third grades will start preschool education. The first-year junior high school students had simple military training, because there were no troops here, and few demobilized soldiers could be found, so according to the previous practice, the local police station was asked to send someone to give some housekeeping and safety education, and the physical education teacher was in charge of the queue training.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Yimin's meeting with the teachers was almost over. He called everyone together for a short meeting and talked about the county education bureau's affirmation of the school's work. Shimen Town came forward to clean up the situation of the disaster-stricken site, and the teachers knew exactly what Yang Yimin was busy with for a day. Everyone was very happy, because they felt that their school seemed to be valued by the society and the competent department.

At night, many boarding students did not have quilts. Fortunately, the weather was still relatively hot and they did not need thick quilts. Yang Yimin asked the class teacher and teacher to explain to the students how to overcome temporary difficulties, and at the same time report the news to everyone. Difficulties will be resolved quickly.

At 10:30 in the evening, he dragged his exhausted body back to the dormitory. As soon as he entered the room, his eyes lit up. Is this his dormitory? It was clean and tidy, even the sheets and quilts were put away, and my clothes were hung on a row of aluminum alloy hooks on hangers.

Lying on the bed, Yang Yimin felt as if he had given up a tree but owned a forest.

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