Principal's Law

[023] benefit maximization

After four o'clock in the afternoon, the boss of Jinrui Company brought two staff members and two trucks. According to Yang Yimin's figure, he added another [-] sets to the school. Yang Yimin specially asked the office to make a banner and held a donation ceremony Ceremony, after registering and registering the aided things, let the General Affairs Office distribute them to each class.

Yang Yimin took the boss Liu Jinrui and two staff members to visit the school. The school has changed a lot, but it is far from the school in the city. The other party looked at the sand being cleaned up and said: "The school is built here. Dangerous, I went to school back then, and there was this house, which was still a classroom."

After the visit, it was past six o'clock. In the school cafeteria, Yang Yimin arranged entertainment. When Director Ma asked who would accompany him, Yang Yimin only arranged for himself, Ren Chengfa and Ma Yongming. This arrangement also surprised others, but carefully When I think about it, it makes sense. Simplicity is the basic requirement. If it becomes a scene of drinking, the other party will definitely regret the donation.

The wine he drank was the best corn wine in this place, and it was also a local product. Although it was delicious, it was cheap. Liu Jinrui drank very little at first, but he felt that Yang Yimin was capable, low-key, and thoughtful, especially when he listened to the wine. When Director Ma talked about the situation that night, he immediately became interested and patted Yang Yimin on the shoulder, "Principal Yang, I admire you very much. It is very difficult to make up your mind in such a situation, especially you guys The leaders of the education system, there are many people in the upper and lower levels of management, it is difficult to make up your mind to do something, it seems that today I have to let go of drinking, brother, let's have a good drink."

In this way, he drank a lot of wine. Halfway through the wine, Liu Jinrui said to his two subordinates: "You should immediately implement two things when you go back. One is to count the height and size of the students in the school. We will give each student two sets of clothes. , buy another ten computers, donate to the school, and buy a laptop for Principal Yang.”

Listening to the words, Yang Yimin was very happy. Social support is often like this, and the boss can solve a lot of problems with a single word.These bosses who are engaged in the construction industry develop in the provincial capital, and playing cards can win or lose tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions. If they can form a good relationship, it will be very beneficial to the development of the school.

Yang Yimin decided to strike while the iron was hot, and made this sentence true, saying: "Mr. Liu, you are the lucky star of Shimen Middle School. Director Ma, you should come down and make good arrangements for the publicity work. You must report Mr. Liu's deeds, not only for donating today. Yes, there are still those who are ready to donate, let everyone get to know our glorious image of Mr. Liu."

Ma Yongming answered loudly knowingly, saying that the arrangements would be made immediately, and Liu Jinrui was even more happy.Doing charity, rich entrepreneurs want to do something, one is to repay the society, and the other is to expand their influence and establish a good image among the public.

It was only later that Ren Chengfa understood the reason why Yang Yimin ate in the cafeteria. Although his plan did not come true, it is indeed too simple to think about his own thoughts now.

On the second day, two consecutive reports about social funding of Shimen Middle School appeared on the portal website of the Education Bureau, and soon, it was reproduced on several large forums. The disaster situation of Shimen Middle School quickly aroused local attention. Pay attention to.

After Yang Yimin started to take classes, he found that there were many problems in teaching before. The students did not do well in passing the knowledge. In this way, they seemed to feel good when they were studying, but they could not cope with the problems and exams. The current education Although quality education is being promoted every day, when it comes to the assessment of students and schools, it is all exam-oriented education. Yang Yimin is in high school and knows the truth of it. He has entered the pass-through teaching since the first class.

Students didn't understand it during class and felt that the requirements were too strict, but after only one day, they knew the benefits of this, because they no longer flipped through the books while doing the questions when doing the questions, and could complete them with the passing knowledge in the classroom. Operation.

Back to the office after class, Ma Yongming brought a document, which was typed down from the bureau station. It was an advanced document for the selection of Teacher's Day awards. It may be that this incident has alarmed the leaders recently. Shimen Middle School gave two places for the first time.

This advancement is very important for teachers. Not only is there a material reward, but more importantly, this honor can be used for a long time. It often plays a key role in the evaluation and promotion of teachers. Any school that gets this thing, how to deal with it, Teachers often use the ruler to evaluate what kind of person the principal is.

Yang Yimin asked about the previous selection method. In the past, it was mainly recommended by the teaching and research groups, and then selected by administrative voting. In recent years, there have been many conflicts over this matter.

The biggest problem with this kind of recommendation is that people who do practical things are often excluded, and those who are smooth-mouthed and good at getting along with each other will take advantage of it. What’s more, some people will ask each other to get other people to vote for him (her) in advance. The latter step lays the foundation for promotion.

It is very difficult to break this situation, because both the administration and the teachers have relatively good relations, so justice is just a kind of balance, and it is impossible to achieve it completely.

Yang Yimin thought about it for a long time, and he also evaluated this advanced in No. [-] Middle School. Of course, it was because of his class teacher and grade leader, and the reason for the good grades of the classes he led. In high school, the quality of teaching plays a decisive role, so the outstanding ones can definitely be evaluated. But if it is not particularly outstanding, it is difficult to say, and it also involves letting, I can say that it is excellent every year, but there is only one selection, which also shows that this is a kind of balance.

Yang Yimin called Director Liu from the teaching office. He wanted a set of teachers' teaching and performance information for the past three years. He had to find a breakthrough in this area, otherwise, the improvement of teaching quality would break the rules here.

He also asked the Department of Political Affairs and Education to obtain the office of the head teacher for nearly two years and the data of each school evaluation, so that he had an understanding of the situation.

He asked Ma Yongming to come to the office and asked: "Director Ma, do you understand the opinions of teachers who have evaluated advanced schools in recent years?"

Ma Yongming thought for a while, and said: "The main problem reflected is the selection method, which often hurts the hearts of hard-working people. If it is cheap, they will say that people who have a good relationship with the leader, this is not the case. Once, there will be many such situations in the future. During the selection last year, the two principals had a conflict because they each had one person in their hearts. As a result, they had to vote administratively. Too bad it didn't pass and it turned out to be a joke."

Yang Yimin nodded and said: "This matter must be handled carefully. It is right for everyone to value this, but we must consider it from the perspective of benefiting the development of the school. We cannot focus on ourselves or people who have a good relationship with us. You Help me look at these data, is it reliable."

Ma Yongming took the data of the Political and Educational Office and the Academic Affairs Office and carefully looked at it. Ten minutes later, he said: "Most of them are fine, but it seems that the teaching performance of a few prominent comrades is different. The data is not good, because many of them are school assessments, but the overall difference is not big."

"Director Ma, what do you think of our school guard?"

"Guard?" Ma Yongming didn't realize what was going on, and said after thinking for a long time: "Old Wang is really good. He is good to people and students at ordinary times, but he is a little tolerant to students. I have watched him quietly release students several times. I went out, but after I got to know it, I realized that the head teacher was not there at the time, and the students were in a hurry."

Yang Yimin was moved by the fact that the guard was guarding the school alone that night, and he admired him very much.

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