Principal's Law

[038] Personnel arrangement

Being with Lin Juan made Yang Yimin completely relaxed both mentally and physically. The two cared about each other but never asked about each other's private life. Lin Juan took care of Yang Yimin even more, allowing Yang Yimin to enjoy the sexual pleasure that he had never had before At the same time, he unreservedly passed on his experience as the director of the garden to Yang Yimin. In fact, it is not so much an experience, but a rule. You have to do it in this way. One circle is excluded.

Some Yang Yimin realized it, and many Lin Juan only mentioned it. After all, the time was too short, and Lin Juan was looking for urgent things to say. Yang Yimin said her own method, and Lin Juan was generally satisfied, and praised him for his understanding. .

However, after Yang Yimin's high flood was vented, it seemed that there was no such urgency in this aspect. In recent days, he was relatively busy and did not chat with Li Xiaoping. After all, the two should reach some kind of tacit understanding. A few times when she saw her, she didn't dare to look directly at him, and her face turned slightly red. After seeing off Director Li in the afternoon, I plan to arrange individual conversations with several teachers, including Li Xiaoping.

Today, Director Li revealed two pieces of information during the individual communication with Yang Yimin. First, when Yang Yimin talked about rebuilding the student dormitory, he reminded that the school structure will be adjusted to a certain extent and will be considered in a unified way next year. This made Yang Yimin suffer a lot. Surprised, this means that the junior high school and the primary school may be merged into one in the future, and there will definitely be a competition for the position of the principal. Of course, there may be a compromise solution, but the competition is certain; the second thing is to Considering personnel, the Education Bureau may issue an internal control document on the age of school leaders next year. This matter is very likely to be beneficial to Yang Yimin. Ren Chengfa is over 50, and he may step down as soon as the document is released.

These two pieces of information were said in personal conversations, so other people didn't know about them. Talking about these, Yang Yimin felt that Director Li still had a lot of trust in him.

In the power struggle, Yang Yimin has no experience, but he knows it is very important. After more than ten days of listening to lectures and communicating with teachers, various problems and contradictions gradually emerged. To solve these contradictions, we must unite a group of capable and motivated people. However, the teaching staff cannot be artificially divided into several parts, which will bring resentment to other part of the people from their own decision-making.

So Yang Yimin planned to finish the personal conversation as soon as possible and help his own people up. This was the promise made by the administrative committee not long after the school started, and it was time to fulfill it.

Liu Zhiming, director of the Academic Affairs Office, is relatively old. It is impossible for him to improve the teaching quality, but his position cannot be adjusted for the time being. It is contrary to Yang Yimin's idea of ​​getting good grades quickly and getting good grades. Other departments As long as the enthusiasm is mobilized, we should be able to manage well.

In terms of personnel, the personal interests of school teachers are mainly reflected in two aspects. One is the distribution of bonuses, and the other is various evaluations and professional titles. Among them, professional titles are mainly concentrated on older teachers. Their overall teaching quality is not very high. But these issues are very important, and the ideas of young people are also very different. The point of view of money is getting more and more important, and the mood of laziness is very heavy.

If young people are simply considered in personnel arrangements, these middle-aged people will quickly gather around Ren Chengfa to oppose him. In the end, he will have to give in and consider older teachers too much. If there is no motivation, it will be difficult to implement new management concepts and teaching concepts, and it will be impossible to promote reform measures.

Instead of making concessions at that time, it is better to make concessions now. Yang Yimin decided to divide the personnel arrangement into two lines. The teaching and research team leader will be an older person who will be evaluated for professional titles in the past two years, and the grade team leader will be his real backbone. Let them control the teaching and the distribution of bonuses based on grades. This will not only effectively weaken the power of the teaching office, but also take care of people in all aspects.

More importantly, people who want to evaluate professional titles compete with each other on the platform given by Yang Yimin, which will inevitably lead to the improvement of school management and teaching quality, and will bring him an advantage. They will be in front of him. Show your good side, let alone follow Ren Chengfa. In this case, Ren Chengfa will become a lonely family.

Several principals of Shimen Middle School failed to break this stagnant deadlock because more than half of the people in the school pursue egalitarianism. Ren Chengfa has seen the mentality of these people. These people are nearby, and maybe they can do some second things. They work together to turn the school's various management regulations into a piece of waste paper when they are finally fulfilled. This vicious circle makes other teachers have to be content with the status quo. The school teachers have lost their motivation to make progress. How to talk about the development of the school? and improvement of teaching quality.

What Yang Yimin has to do now is not to change it completely, but to use some means to change everyone's focus, disperse everyone's entanglements, and find a way to improve the quality of teaching.

The conversation of the teaching and research team leader was very simple. He didn't say what he wanted them to be, but asked if he could make some efforts to improve the teaching quality of certain subjects. It is also to provide some conditions for them to evaluate their jobs in the future. These words made several people grateful to him. The female teacher surnamed Zheng who approached him for the evaluation last time was even more excited, and immediately said that she must listen to Yang Yimin. , work hard, and complete the heavy tasks assigned to yourself.

The choice of the grade leader is his backbone, and the last one to talk to is Li Xiaoping. Yang Yimin wants him to be the leader of the third grade group, and wants her to take an extra class of Chinese instead of working in the office.

Facing the woman sitting in front of him, she looked really moving at this moment, her face was slightly rosy, and she looked at him shyly, like a woman who just fell in love.

"Xiao Ping, the food that night was delicious, can I still eat it in the future?" This is an unavoidable topic, and Yang Yimin wants to get an affirmative answer.

Li Xiaoping blushed and said nothing, Yang Yimin smiled and said, "Anyway, I still want to eat, so invite me again later, okay?"

Li Xiaoping finally raised her head, "This is not good for you, nor is it good for me."

"Yeah, but I just can't sleep, what do you want me to do, can you come over on the weekend and take my sheets home and wash them for me?" Yang Yimin had to create opportunities for the two of them.

Li Xiaoping didn't understand what was wrong with it, and said, "Okay, I'll take care of it later." But looking at Yang Yimin's eyes, she understood other meanings, and she bit the corner of her mouth and said, "I'm the teacher on duty this weekend. I want to come and see the resident students." After speaking, her face was flushed again.

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