Principal's Law

[042] Who catches who

Riding in a car is very particular. If there are many people behind, sitting in the co-pilot with the first hand will give you more space and freedom, and there is no need to get too close to other people, especially if you don’t want to chat with some people. Of course, if there are only leaders or For two people who are very close to the leader, the leader should generally sit in the back, while the subordinate sits in the co-pilot.

Obviously the best seat at this time is the co-pilot. Yang Yimin gave up his seat as a kind of respect. He still remembered the seat that Ren Chengfa asked him to sit on the first day. After contacting him, he knew that it was Ren Chengfa's intention, but he felt that there was no need to worry too much about it. This kind of situation just exposed Ren Chengfa's heart and made Yang Yimin prepare in advance.

The two gave way for a while, and Yang Yimin still sat in the co-pilot. After a few people chatted for half an hour, they came to a farmhouse. There is a small reservoir, and this family should be the place to fish. Yang Yimin thought, maybe this family is also engaged in farmhouse entertainment.

But soon Yang Yimin realized that his judgment was wrong, because it was a couple and a student from Shimen Middle School who came out to greet them. It should be a student in the ordinary class of the third year of junior high school.

Yang Yimin felt that this was the most embarrassing thing for him. From the day he was teaching, he warned himself not to reach out to the students and their parents. That would not only hurt the image of the teacher, but also his own dignity. Situation, I don't know.

Yang Yimin was very unhappy and held back the discomfort in his heart. He greeted the student's parents in a friendly manner, and asked the student about his study. Encourage him while learning the situation.When the child's parents saw the principal chatting with the child in person, they were naturally full of joy, and they were busy asking the child's father to arrange for everyone to go fishing, while she accompanied Yang Yimin to talk.

Yang Yimin got up, and Liu Zhiming hurried over and said, "Xiao Yang, this is my student's son, and his father is my student."

Yang Yimin nodded and said, "This is really a good place, with mountains and rivers."

The child's father said: "Yes, Principal Yang, the environment here is good. It will be the weekend, and if you want to go out to play, come fishing."

Several people followed the child's father to the side of the reservoir. There is a special fishing platform on the side of the reservoir near the road. Yang Yimin can't fish, but Ren Chengfa is very familiar with it. He talked about the characteristics of the fish in the reservoir and how to use bait and fishing line.

Hearing that he is a student of Liu Zhiming, Yang Yimin felt that he must have come here for some reason, of course, it might not be for the student's business, but for the teaching office's business.

Yang Yimin was thinking about today's affairs, and he didn't concentrate on fishing. He never caught a single fish, but Ren Chengfa and Liu Zhiming each caught two fish, but they were not big.

The strange thing is that just after twelve o'clock, when the child's mother asked the students to invite everyone back to dinner, Yang Yimin actually caught a fish weighing three catties. The man worked for nearly 10 minutes, and when the fish was tired, he pulled the fish to his side and caught it.

Yang Yimin couldn't help sighing, "Principal Ren, we both have to work together to catch the big fish."

Ren Chengfa immediately understood the meaning of Yang Yimin's words, "Xiao Yang, you are right, don't worry, I will."

The three of them sat at the wine table, and the student's father accompanied everyone to eat and drink. The wine they drank was brought by Du Qiang today. Du Qiang brought two bottles of wine, which cost nearly two hundred yuan a bottle. Yang Yimin didn't know Why is Du Qiang so willing today.

The student's mother and the student were eating at another table, and Yang Yimin said, "Let's all come together, just a few people, and don't talk too much about the rules."

With the students present, everyone naturally paid more attention to what they said, and only talked about the situation of this family and the relationship between teachers and students with Liu Zhiming.

After dinner, it was past two o'clock, and the four of them drank a lot. They all sat on the sofa and drank tea. The special products are processed and sold to dry grocery stores, and provide fresh products to some restaurants in the county town. Although it is hard work, it can make money.

In the middle of drinking tea, the student's father said that he had prepared some good tea for Yang Yimin, and asked Yang Yimin to see if it was okay. Yang Yimin looked at him strangely, and followed him into a room where dry goods were piled up. The student's father took out an envelope from his arms , it can be seen at a glance that it is money, stuffed it into Yang Yimin's hand, and said: "Principal Yang, please take care of my child. Please accept this meaning."

Yang Yimin's face changed suddenly, and he said: "Brother, I feel embarrassed when I came to your house for dinner today. If you do this, you will not treat me as the principal, but as a corrupt official. I will not accept it. Please take it back. "Speak, put the envelope back, and quickly walk out of the room by yourself.

Back in the living room, Liu Zhiming was called to the back room by the parents of the students to talk about the matter. The more Yang Yimin thought about it, the more he felt that things were not that simple. When Liu Zhiming returned to the living room, Yang Yimin said to the students: "You go upstairs to study first, I will talk to your parents chat."

After the students left, Yang Yimin said, "Brother, you are Director Liu's student. I already know about this relationship. You might as well just tell me what's wrong with you."

"Principal Yang, today I mainly invited Teacher Liu and the school leaders to come and play together. It's just that in the past few days, the child came home and said that now the school has a new principal. Many students know that he teaches well. The quality of the school's teaching next year It will definitely improve, and many of them may be admitted to the key high schools in the county in the future, so the child nagged every day about going to the key class, and then went to Teacher Liu. He said that the principal is in charge of this matter, so I also want to ask you for help today .”

Yang Yimin glanced at Liu Zhiming, and then at Ren Chengfa and Du Qiang. The matter of the key class is not a big deal, but the injustice in it is caused by the school itself or some people intentionally. It often becomes the target of exchanging relationships, power and money , So after Yang Yimin came, he took care of this matter personally, and all the changes of students in key classes had to go through him.

This naturally cut off the vested interests of the teaching office and Ren Chengfa, and today, it may be a game they discussed. The behavior of the parents just now may have been initiated by themselves, and it is more likely that they were prompted, but no matter what, this I want to drag myself into the water.

In recent years, the quality of teaching in Shimen Middle School has been poor, so the parents who came to the key classes are not very enthusiastic, but this year it seems that there has been a change. Yang Yimin has received several groups of parents. He was taken care of by Yang Yimin.

Yang Yimin thought about it carefully and said: "Brother, I will go back and think about it carefully, and I will give you a clear answer." Then he said coldly to Liu Zhiming and others, "Okay, we have been bothering you for so long, what should we do?" gone back."

"Principal Yang, this is not a matter of your words, please." The student's father thought that Yang Yimin would definitely not agree, so he said such a sentence.

At this time, the students also came down from upstairs. He ran to Yang Yimin and said, "Principal Yang, let me go to the key class. I will definitely study hard."

Yang Yimin felt really uncomfortable. He really couldn't face the students' requests, especially in this situation. People often say that people can't talk softly. This is a vivid example.

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