Principal's Law

[045] Sowing

Many people say that after men and women indulge, men can only sleep, but Yang Yimin can't sleep. What happened this day made him know two things, one is Ren Chengfa's interest group, and the other is their way of doing things. After coming here, I have to be careful. If this embarrassing thing happens again, I must not compromise like today.

He suddenly thought of Li Yan. He said in the morning that he was getting an infusion. He didn't know what was going on now. He took out the phone. It was past ten o'clock. When he called, Li Yan answered right away, "Li Yan, are you feeling better now?"

"Boss, it's much better. The doctor told me to go for an infusion tomorrow. I don't want to go."

"Go ahead and try to get better soon."

"Boss, where did you go to play today?"

"Yes, I went fishing at a student's house today. By the way, Li Yan, I'll ask you a few words. Don't be angry."

"Tell me, why am I angry with you?"

"When you entered the elite class, did you know that your family was entrusted with you? How did you feel at that time, and what did you think of the school leaders?"

Li Yan pondered for a while, "Boss, that's why you went to the student's house today. Don't be angry if I tell you."

"Girl, I won't be angry with you, so tell me."

"At that time, my dad wanted to invite the school leaders to dinner, but I refused to let them invite them. At worst, I would not go to the elite class, but they still invited me without telling me. I didn't know about their treat until I came to the elite class. Later, I asked quietly. My mother, my mother told me, please eat dinner, and give everyone a red envelope, you know, I am so angry, you know, I am in school, I don’t dump those leaders and teachers at all, I look down on them .Boss, are you not angry?"

"No, go on, what about your studies? How about your studies?"

"Of course, the learning environment in Dayingcai is better. I just know that there is little hope, but I still work hard. I can't let my parents' money go to waste, but I am only interested in your class. Boss, I didn't give you my college entrance examination physics score. You are ashamed."

Yang Yimin pondered while listening, he had to understand the students' hearts, so that his decision would not hurt the students, so he told Li Yan what he did today, and finally asked: "Girl, teacher, what do you think of doing this?" how?"

"Boss, I am quite satisfied. You can only do this. Boss, you really don't want to take this kind of money. It's not worth it. I will make money. We will start a company together in the future. We will be together. I won't let You feel like a burden."

"Girl, it's too far away, go to bed early, and report to me tomorrow's condition early, do you understand?"

"Okay, boss, you should go to bed earlier."

On Monday morning, Huang Ming from the Education Bureau called. He was reporting on the school for the provincial newspaper. Reporters and superiors to the school.

After two classes in the afternoon, the school held a faculty union. Yang Yimin officially announced the personnel change decision of the administrative meeting last Friday, and asked the General Affairs Office to adjust the office according to the grade group. Let the leaders of other departments stay in other teaching and research groups.

What you haven’t heard before is the major changes in the bonus distribution plan. The first is the class hour allowance. It used to be three yuan per class, but Yang Yimin increased it to five yuan. The allowance has been increased accordingly.The second is the method and amount of rewards and punishments, which have changed too much, and the amount is very large. For example, if you are late for class, you will be deducted 5 yuan, and if you are late for class, you will be deducted 40 yuan. The authority, remedial tuition fees are no longer handed in, special funds are used for special purposes, and are only distributed to relevant personnel. The school also allocates special funds to reward subjects that have made progress in each superior assessment; the fourth is competition and rewards for the flexible quota of students in key classes The system allows teachers who do not attend key classes to have the opportunity to receive rewards.

The content is very detailed, but this decision was announced and voted by a show of hands at the temporary employee representative meeting held in the morning. Nearly a majority of the workers' representative meeting is administrative, and everyone already knows his intention. Today, I will share the first draft with everyone. After reading it, there were basically no objections. Many people had no time to read it carefully. Yang Yimin was quick to do things. He asked everyone to vote in less than 10 minutes, and the results were all passed. This is also an official document of the school.

After the meeting, he asked Ye Wenwen to come to his office. Lin Juan prevented him from developing her body, but it was still necessary to develop her work ability and enthusiasm. Work is usually fine. Put more burden on yourself. It is not only exercise, but also a burden for yourself.

When Ye Wenwen came to the office, she obviously had a kind of enthusiasm. She sat down across from Yang Yimin generously, and said, "School Yang, please tell me."

"Ms. Ye, you should worry about the school's publicity work in the future. You can write the article in the future. Now there is an urgent matter. You should combine the last publicity board of our school with the situation of Director Li's visit to the school. Reconsider The newly added content should be rich in both pictures and texts, combined with the content written by Mr. Li reported by the provincial newspaper, and carefully considered, the sooner the better."

The purpose of the call from the Bureau Office was obvious, that is to ask the school to add Director Li's concern about inspecting the school to it.

Ye Wenwen said, "Okay, I'll do it right away."

"Miss Ye, you can combine the content of the teaching reform I mentioned in the meeting this afternoon, and come down to discuss with Teacher Li. We can't avoid the past, we have to look forward to the future. Let us use our current actions to show that we are working hard. Change."

This content is really difficult to write, maybe Ye Wenwen also thought of this question, and she didn't answer it as happily as before, "Okay, Xiao Yang, I will show you as soon as I finish writing it."

The school's propaganda work is for everyone to see, there are no more than three types of people, one is the teachers and students who are in the school every day, the other is the parents of the students and ordinary people, and the third is the leaders at all levels.

The functions of these three types of people are completely different. For teachers and students, it is to organize and magnify the situations in their own lives, find out the bright spots in them, and let everyone understand or learn; Understand, trust in the school, only when you have trust can you come to study, you can be conscious when you pay money, and you can be at ease when you send students to study; while leaders at all levels or the media, it is to show the best side and let them recognize themselves The innovativeness, effectiveness and exemplary nature of the practice, sorting out phenomena into laws, summarizing measures into experience, and turning ordinary into uniqueness, so as to improve the social affirmation of schools, school leaders and teachers.

Of course, for the headmaster, doing so is whitewashing himself, setting up a monument for himself, and adding weight to his career.If you want to be promoted, you can't rely on this alone, and you can't do without these.

As soon as Ye Wenwen went out, Yang Yimin heard a knock on the door, looked up to see Teacher Zheng, and said, "Please come in."

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