Principal's Law

[060] Invitation from parents

At 05:30, Yang Yimin asked Li Yan to go home and eat quickly. Although Li Yan was unwilling, she had to listen to him. QQ was offline, and Yang Yimin also turned off the computer.

This computer is the laptop computer sent by Jinrui Company. With this computer, he asked the school administrator and computer teacher to move his desktop computer to Ren Chengfa’s office. Ren Chengfa is over 50 and hardly needs a computer. It is only used to read the news and play games on the Internet. It has no substantive significance, but it is a level. In the past, except for the principal and the teaching office, there was a computer, and the others were unified in the computer room of the school. Now there is Funded by Jinrui Company, the computer was handed over to Ren Chengfa, and he was naturally full of joy.

For the ten desktop computers, Yang Yimin let the office and the general affairs office work together, squeezed out an office as the school teacher's electronic classroom preparation room, and connected all the wired and wireless, so that he can use his laptop even in the dormitory.

It turns out that my laptop is in the dormitory, perhaps, it is my own private space, including the computer itself.

He wanted to go to the street to have some dinner, and felt that it was boring to be alone. He suddenly remembered that Ye Wenwen probably didn't go back today, because there was a meeting tomorrow, and if she wanted to go back, she would definitely ask him for leave. , and looked at the office of the Political and Education Department, and sure enough the door was not closed, and walked over to see Ye Wenwen writing something seriously.

Yang Yimin knocked on the door. Seeing that it was Yang Yimin, Ye Wenwen immediately got up and shouted, "School Yang."

"What are you doing, so serious."

"Writing a promotional draft, I just realized now that writing these things is too different from my previous ideas. I have to think about it, and sometimes I have to look it up on the Internet."

"Well, that's good, but it's time for dinner, come with me to dinner, I'll treat you, how about you modify it?" Anyway, I'm fine, and I really have to check the publicity.

"Okay, I was thinking about it, and I was afraid that if someone invited you to dinner, you would find me annoying."

"Why do you have such an idea?" Yang Yimin looked at Ye Wenwen, and the two walked out of the office.

"Xiao Yang, you value me so much. I know that many teachers are dissatisfied. Do you know that sometimes I am afraid of affecting you, so I work harder."

Yang Yimin was very happy with Ye Wenwen's thoughts. At school, especially after the National Day, Yang Yimin told her to pay attention to the distance between the two of them, otherwise it would be bad for everyone. Ye Wenwen seldom came to him later, but as long as As soon as he found her, he was naturally excited and provided thoughtful service.

As he became familiar with his surroundings, Yang Yimin's entertainment increased, and people from various departments in the town would meet for dinner from time to time. It was fine on weekends. Many school teachers knew that Yang Yimin usually did not return to the county, so they would invite him to dinner. Yang Yimin's principle Yes: eat at home, do not drink high-end alcohol.

This is completely different from Ren Chengfa's point of view, because Yang Yimin doesn't care about eating and drinking, but cares about communicating with everyone, so everyone will not be a burden. What Ye Wenwen said is that he is afraid that someone will invite him to dinner. If he brings himself, Give other people ideas.

At this time, Ye Wenwen felt very sweet in her heart, because at least Yang Yimin always thought of herself. When the two walked to the playground, Yang Yimin found a person standing at the door waving to him. He walked over quickly, very surprised, because this The person was Lu Tingting, the parent of the first-year junior high school student, and the proprietress of the pharmacy in the town.

"Yang Xiao, it's too difficult to get into your school. I told the gate guard for a long time, but they didn't let me in." Yang Yimin walked to the door, and Lu Tingting said loudly.

"Boss Lu, this is a good thing. The management is strict to minimize the impact on the students. Are you okay?"

Lu Tingting said: "I have something to do, I'm sorry, Xiao Yang, I wanted to call this morning, but I don't know if my husband can come back, so I came here specially at this time to treat you to dinner, no, I invite you, you and Secretary Ye .” Lu Tingting already recognized Ye Wenwen.

"No need, Boss Lu, is there something wrong?"

"Can't we get together if we have nothing to do? Really, it's already booked, let's go."

Three people came to a hot pot restaurant and walked into a private room. There were three people sitting in it, all of whom did not know each other. Lu Tingting introduced: "This is Principal Yang, this is Secretary Ye, two, this is my husband, these two It's a primary school teacher, my relative."

It is estimated that Lu Tingting was looking for relatives from the school to let everyone be together to enliven the atmosphere. Yang Yimin saw that there was nothing special about it, so he let it go. Everyone drank beer and bragged, of course he was the theme. Because Ye Wenwen followed him, she also drank a lot of wine.

It turned out that Lu Tingting was elected as the deputy director during the establishment of the school's principal committee. This can be described as a political status for her. She felt that her status was much higher than before when she walked in Shimen Town , because everyone on the street recognizes her, one is because she is beautiful, and the other is because she has the largest pharmacy in the town, and they will go there to buy medicines.

And now, everyone has some requirements from the school, and they may have to ask her, what an honor it is.She remembered that the establishment of a parent committee was Yang Yimin's promise when she first met Yang Yimin, so it was right to invite Yang Yimin to dinner today, for herself and her children.

Although Yang Yimin has a distinctive personality, he is very low-key and young, so he is very easy-going, and everyone is easy to talk to. The two teachers of Benye Primary School still have a psychological burden. Although they were invited to accompany them, after all, they are accompanied by the principal. , and unfamiliar, so I was very careful, but within half an hour, the relationship between everyone seemed to be very harmonious. Yang Yimin was also thinking, Director Li means that the two schools may merge next year. If he wants to be the leader, at this time Maybe you can learn about the school.

Ye Wenwen was surprised by Yang Yimin, she didn't expect him to get along with everyone easily, especially the two elementary school teachers, maybe they talked about their complaints about teaching in elementary school, and told Yang Yimin about his teaching situation. Complete outsider understanding.

When they left, it was almost eight o'clock. Lu Tingting pulled Yang Yimin aside, and the two walked to a courtyard inside. She took out a pocket from the bar and said, "Xiao Yang, my husband went to the north this time. , purchased a batch of Chinese herbal medicines, and bought a few good things, and gave you a few, please accept it."

Yang Yimin repeatedly refused, but Lu Tingting's words had to be accepted. Later, Yang Yimin thought about taking it, maybe it would be bad if he didn't accept it, because he didn't know what it was, and he didn't pay attention to how valuable it would be.

Lu Tingting didn't ask for other things, but she took out a box called moisturizing oil, and said: "This box of oil is a natural oil extracted from wild animals in extremely cold areas. It is extremely precious. Girls use it. Yes. The skin is so good, it is a treasure and can only be given to your girlfriend."

Yang Yimin nodded. Although he was not sure whether his girlfriend was Li Yan, at least he thought so now.Carrying the things, I went back to school with Ye Wenwen. Ye Wenwen said that she would go to the office to write something that was not finished in the afternoon. Yang Yimin let her go and reminded her to go to bed early.

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