Principal's Law

[064] kind reminder

After Yang Yimin ordered the meal, he was thinking about the arrangements for the evening. Although the principal of the elementary school asked him to have dinner together, which seemed to be respectful, perhaps this was also the meaning of the inspection team. The arrangement, how to arrange it, I don't know.

However, I have been the principal of the elementary school for more than four years, and I know the situation of the inspection team better than myself. I must have some experience in how to arrange to satisfy the other party, and I can just learn.

At six o'clock, Principal Li of the primary school called and said that the car would arrive at the entrance of the middle school soon, and asked Yang Yimin to go out immediately. When he got in the car, Principal Li looked not very happy. Yang Yimin guessed that the inspection team might have mentioned some problems, so he went straight to the The car came to Fang Xiaoyu's family's farmhouse. Recently, the farmhouse put up a big sign and named the farmhouse Minhua Farmhouse. The source of the people was Ren Chengda's family expressing their gratitude to Yang Yimin.

The dishes arranged by Yang Yimin for dinner avoided conflicts with lunch, so Chief Tu and Accountant Gao still ate very happily and praised the chef's craftsmanship. Naturally, they drank a lot of wine. She is in charge of the school kindergarten and knows how to drink, so the rhythm of drinking and the amount that Chief Tu drinks are naturally much more. At noon, Yang Yimin still uses corn wine, and in the evening, the primary school uses the wine brought, which is more than the wine at noon. Much more expensive.

Accountant Gao couldn't stand the persuasion, so he also drank half a glass of wine. Another staff member of the inspection team was very straightforward, and he didn't push a glass when drinking, especially at night because everyone didn't check the tasks, so he drank a lot.

At the last moment, principal Li of the primary school pulled Yang Yimin aside and said, "Brother, Chief Tu likes to sing and dance, and Accountant Gao likes to play mahjong. You are the eldest brother of Shimen Town Education. How do you think about the arrangement?"

"Principal Li, you are serious. You are older than me and I am older, and my qualifications are older than mine. How dare I be a big brother. You can arrange whatever you think is appropriate."

"But Shimen's conditions are limited, so it's hard to arrange, especially the accommodation. I found one, but it's far worse than the county seat."

Yang Yimin thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll contact you right away to see if there is a better place for accommodation. Our school will pay for the cost. You can arrange the entertainment in the evening. The main reason is that I don't understand. You can see if it's good."

The other party thought about it for a while, maybe they were thinking about it, and finally said: "School Yang, how about this, I will go to play with Section Chief Tu, and you will play cards with Accountant Gao."

Yang Yimin doesn't care too much about these things. He knows very well that next year, maybe Principal Li will work with him.

He called Wufu Teahouse, and the three best rooms in the accommodation department happened to be available. He thought about it, and arranged the section chief Tu and accountant Gao in the best room, and the other two in other rooms. He asked Principal Li to cancel the original accommodation.

After everyone drank, Yang Yimin, Principal Chen from the elementary school accompanied Accountant Gao and another member of the inspection team to play mahjong together in Accountant Gao's dormitory room in Wufu Teahouse. Principal Chen asked in surprise, "School Yang, We didn't know that Shimen had such a good accommodation, and you've only been here for a while, so how do you know?"

In fact, Accountant Gao and Section Chief Tu have also visited Shimen many times. Accommodation is the most troublesome thing. I don’t know about such accommodation. , I never knew there was such a good place to stay.”

"Gao Accountant, I did my homework to welcome the arrival of the leader. Only a few people in the town can book these rooms. It took me a lot of effort to find a way." Yang Yimin said this, of course, expressing himself He attached great importance to this inspection, and also showed that he had just arrived in Shimen, but he had already integrated into the highest circle of Shimen, and some things or secrets were impossible to say.

Everyone was amazed, but it was not easy to ask again. Accountant Gao was very comfortable to receive the inspection team under such good conditions, and he was very excited to play mahjong, but Yang Yimin said he could not play mahjong, which disappointed them. Accountant Gao said: " Yang Xiao, you have to hit, I will accommodate you, hit a smaller amount, five yuan, okay?"

It is impossible not to accompany, Yang Yimin has actually been prepared for a long time, four people play, Yang Yimin found that Gao Accountant is really letting him, many times he can play his cards but he does not play, including Principal Chen is the same.

In this way, after playing for three hours, at the end, Yang Yimin only lost [-], while Principal Chen lost more than [-]. After the end, everyone chatted for a while, and Yang Yimin arranged for everyone to rest.

Before leaving, Accountant Gao seemed to suddenly think of something, and said to the three people who had gone out: "Principal Chen, you go first, Principal Yang, I have something to ask, just wait a moment."

There were only two people left in the room. Accountant Gao took a sip of boiled water and said, "Principal Yang, judging from today's inspection, you are a hardworking person. I also admire you very much. You can quickly open up the school's situation. Checking your grades will definitely be at the top, I won’t say much about it, but let me remind you of one thing, it’s outside the checking, and it can be considered my concern for you.”

This kind of tone gives people the impression that it is quite serious. Yang Yimin nodded with a serious face, "Gao Accountant, I just hope to get your guidance. To be honest, I don't understand these things. I just hope for your reminder."

"Master Yang, your school's accounts appear to be glamorous on the surface and there is no problem, but if you carefully analyze the situation in the past two years, you will find that there are still problems, especially during the first half of the year and when you took over, I think someone may have Hands and feet have been tampered with in the accounting. Please pay attention to it. This is just my feeling. There is no other reason. "

Yang Yimin was really surprised. Firstly, he didn’t expect Accountant Gao to be so kind to him, and secondly, he didn’t expect such a big loophole in the school’s financial management. He nodded and said, “Okay, thank you, Miss Gao. Check it out, and if you find something, please help me to see what to do."

"It's actually very simple, Xiao Yang. It's fine if there is no problem with the books. The key is that these people can't hide it from you. Of course, if you know about this, I don't care about it. Because you are the new principal, you may not understand these things, and there are The span between the two principals, that's why I reminded you."

This incident really shocked Yang Yimin. Du Qiang had already expressed his determination to himself. Could it be that he still had something to hide from him?

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