Principal's Law

[069] The Secret of the General Affairs Office

Yang Yimin asked about the time in detail, and then greeted the other party not to mention this to anyone, and went back to school by himself.

In order to prevent his questioning from giving the appearance of being targeted, Yang Yimin first chose the school's audio-visual education and physics experimenter when talking about logistics, because this person prepared a lot of experiments for himself, and he knew it better, so the content of the talk was easy. In-depth, the second person is a librarian and a typist at the school. Because there are not many staff in the school, one person often takes multiple jobs in logistics. The third person finds the cashier, and it is already after the faculty meeting in the afternoon.

When Luo Mingli arrived at the principal's office, she was very good at doing things. She immediately poured water for Yang Yimin, and Yang Yimin was able to observe this woman carefully. Playing mahjong often sit still, people look fat, but it is much better than that kind of fat, if not so fat, maybe many years ago, she would have been a more beautiful woman.

Yang Yimin spoke first: "Sister Luo, I heard that you are very good at playing mahjong. I don't know how to play mahjong. Teach me when you have time."

"Xiao Yang, don't learn this. You are the one who does great things, and we are the ones who have no pursuit. If you want to fight, you have to fight with the leader."

Yang Yimin smiled and said: "Sister Luo, I have known you as a person, very loyal and upright, and you are responsible for all kinds of things at home. The school's cashier work is the same as the person in charge of financial power at home. You have to think about the use of the money, whether it is worth using the money, you are equivalent to the last level of the school's financial management, so I want to hear your thoughts on the school's financial situation in the past one or two years."

Luo Mingli looked at Yang Yimin, although her face was smiling, but her eyes were stern, which made her feel a little flustered, and said: "Principal Yang, I have nothing to say, the leader said the money, I will take the money out, listen to everything." leading."

"If the use of the money is wrong, will you take it out?"

"This, Yang Xiao, no way, how could the leader be wrong."

"Sister Luo, it doesn't make sense for us to go around like this. I just want you to report to me about the money that may not have been spent in the past two years. I don't understand finances, but people who know better than you do. What's more, I don't want to embarrass you. All the teachers in the school have seen it. You are the third person I want to talk to. This is deliberately arranged by me. The purpose is very simple. For your sake, I only need the truth, you He's a smart guy, it's not easy for us to work together, and I don't want our conversation to hurt you."

At this moment, Luo Mingli's face was pale. She was indeed a smart person, and she wanted to go around in circles with Yang Yimin, but Yang Yimin seemed to have conclusive evidence, and what Yang Yimin said was indeed carefully designed. It has been more than two months, and Ren Chengfa has never fought He, can he still fight over it?

Yang Yimin stopped talking, didn't make any notes, and looked at her quietly.

"Principal Yang, you, what do you want to know, I will tell you." She didn't know what Yang Yimin knew, so she asked tentatively.

"Sister Luo, what do I call you now? I think you know what it means. I hope that when you walk out of this office, I will still call you that. I believe you know better than me what you say and what you say. "

Luo Mingli burst into tears, and Yang Yimin ignored her coldly. It's hard to say whether this kind of person is pretending to cry, but he absolutely can't sympathize with him, let alone accommodate him.

Luo Mingli cried for a while, seeing that Yang Yimin didn't speak, and there was no expression on his face, knowing that today would be difficult if he didn't talk about it, and said: "School Yang, I'm sorry, some money should not be used. There was an accident at home at that time, and I had to think about it." I made some crooked ideas, issued more tickets, and mixed them with the school’s item purchases for reimbursement. It was really a special situation at the time, Principal Yang, please forgive me, I will return it, and I will return it to the school immediately.”

"How much money did you set up?"

"More than two thousand."

"Luo Mingli, but the data I have is much larger. Do you know that your amount is enough to go to jail, and going to jail will mean that you will be fired from public office, and do you still have the face to hang out in Shimen?"

Luo Mingli is a native of Shimen, and usually pays great attention to her image. Yang Yimin's words undoubtedly dealt her a heavy blow.

She burst into tears again, and finally, she said in an almost begging voice: "Principal Yang, I really only have that little money, please forgive me, okay, Principal Yang, as long as you keep it a secret for me, I will keep it secret." The money is paid back, tomorrow, no, I will go back immediately to find the money and pay it back, and, Principal Yang, if you don’t mind, I, me, you can do whatever you want.”

Yang Yimin looked at it coldly, and said, "Luo Mingli, I don't dare to say this last sentence, but maybe other people will, right?"

Luo Mingli looked at Yang Yimin with a pale face, tears kept flowing, and didn't know what to say, because Yang Yimin's words were too scary, and she seemed to know everything about her.

"Luo Mingli, what I want is everything. This is the standard to measure how I deal with you. The less I say, the more serious the treatment will be. I will not forgive a person who treats me like a fool in front of me."

Luo Mingli may have completely given up resisting and resorted to all her affairs.

Luo Mingli worked in the library. Later, when the job was adjusted, the school merged the librarian and the school typist. She couldn't type. As a result, she lost her job. Later, he went to the principal, and the principal said it was the responsibility of the school. Principal Ren, who was in charge of logistics, went to find Principal Ren, and Ren Chengfa was older than her, so after a while of weighing, she let Ren Chengfa vent on her once, and Ren Chengfa agreed to arrange for her to work as a cashier in the General Affairs Office.

When they arrived at the General Affairs Office, Du Qiang quickly learned about her and Ren Chengfa's situation. Although Du Qiang was dissatisfied at the time, he had no other thoughts. Until one time, Luo Mingli lost several hundred yuan playing mahjong, and was chased by her creditors. To pay back the money every day, she had to pay more than two hundred yuan more when she went to purchase school office supplies, but Du Qiang found out about it.

Du Qiang has been engaged in financial work for many years, and this situation must have been discovered soon. Du Qiang used a weekend afternoon to ask her to be in the office, said something, and brought up the problem. At that time, Du Qiang's idea was not to possess her, but He wanted the two to form a closer relationship and form a community of interests. Because of Luo Mingli's supervision, it would be difficult for him to claim more expenses.

But Luo Mingli, who did this kind of thing for the first time, was completely frightened and stupid. In order to keep Du Qiang from speaking out, she once again chose to pay the price with her body.

In the future, Du Qiang and her would often seek some benefits for themselves, but at the end of last semester, Luo Mingli's husband owed more than [-] yuan in gambling debts, and the other party threatened to break her husband's legs, so she had no choice but to take the risk.

That day she took the initiative to let Du Qiang take possession of her body, and then let Du Qiang think about it. After Du Qiang carefully considered this matter, he planned to take advantage of the management vacuum after the principal was accused, and each of them reported an extra [-] yuan. When Ren Chengfa signed, Ren Chengfa saw the problem. As a result, the three finally reached an agreement, and each of them reported more than [-] more.

For more than a year, Du Qiang and Luo Mingli took advantage of their positions to obtain similar funds from the school many times. They each had [-] to [-] yuan, while Ren Chengfa mainly took cigarettes. Two thousand yuan.

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