Principal's Law

[081] Examination results

The teaching and research section assigned Yang Yimin to be in charge of some districts for the examination paper revision of the half-term exam, so Yang Yimin did not directly participate in the paper revision, but took charge of the leadership. Ma Yongming had just taken office, so Liu Zhiming was arranged to assist.

After the results came out, Yang Yimin felt a little uneasy. Although he thought that the school's overall performance was improving, it was strange that his school's performance was lower than that of another school in this area. He took a look. Regarding the test papers and the grades of the students, I feel that the grades of the students in the two classes I teach are normal. Is it true that the grades of this school are better than the grades of the students I teach?

The test papers were finished on Sunday morning, so he asked Ren Chengfa to accompany the teacher who corrected the papers to Minhua Farmhouse for dinner, and he stayed with Li Xiaoping and the teaching staff to pack up the test papers of each school.

He flipped through the physics papers of that school, and immediately understood the reason. From the test papers of that school, it can be seen that the students in the same test paper had almost the same answers to some questions. This can only explain one problem, that is, Collective cheating.

He asked Li Xiaoping about the situation of the Chinese test papers, and Li Xiaoping said: "This kind of phenomenon does exist in objective questions. This kind of situation has happened in this school before, so there is nothing to make a fuss about."

The electronic file of the student's grades was sent to the teaching and research section after eleven o'clock, and he repeatedly asked Director Chen of the teaching and research section to ask him to send him the grades of the whole county as soon as possible. Because of the relationship between the two, Director Chen agreed .

The deputy director of the teaching and research section in charge of junior high school education came to the school in October. They listened to two classes. Yang Yimin let him and two teaching and research staff listen to Li Xiaoping's class and the English teacher's class. I also agree with my personal qualities.

Naturally, a good reception was indispensable that day. For the sake of the future of the two teachers, Yang Yimin also specifically asked the teaching and research office to issue honorary certificates to the two teachers. Sure enough, he went to the bureau for a meeting a week later and brought back the honorary certificate. Li Xiaoping's class was recognized It is the special prize, and the English teacher's recognition is the first prize.

For this reason, Li Xiaoping went to Yang Yimin's office to thank him. Yang Yimin smiled and asked how to thank him. Li Xiaoping blushed and said everything was up to you. The achievement is the greatest thanks.

The English teacher was a male teacher. He came directly to invite Yang Yimin to have dinner on the weekend. Yang Yimin declined, but raised the issues that need to be paid attention to in teaching, saying that what should be fought for the teacher will naturally work hard, but everyone has to work hard. .

Through this incident, many teachers believed that Yang Yimin was born as a first-line teacher and could think for the teacher from the perspective of the teacher. Therefore, many teaching issues also like to discuss with each other. In addition, Yang Yimin went to attend classes when nothing happened, which made the school's teaching The mood has improved a lot.

The results summary came out soon, and Director Chen sent a text message: The third year of junior high school ranked fourth among the schools directly under it, congratulations.

There are eight junior high schools directly under the county, including two in the county seat and six in the township. That is to say, Shimen Junior High School ranks second in the township junior high school.

This achievement is worthy of congratulations. Yang Yimin was already having dinner with the teacher who corrected the papers. After reading the text message, because he didn't know the situation of other schools, it was hard to say, but he was very happy and drank a lot of wine with everyone.

Everyone saw that the principal was happy, and he drank more Taoism by himself. Ren Chengfa had been struggling because of what happened last time. He gradually realized that Yang Yimin really didn't mean to punish him, so he was still full of gratitude to Yang Yimin. Yes, today is just an opportunity to express your attitude.

So he led the school administration, and led several grade-group correction teachers to toast Yang Yimin respectively, turning the lunch into a luncheon celebrating Yang Yimin's merits.

The other teachers who corrected the papers did not know the inside story of the school, but felt that the school's leaders were very close to the people, and the school teachers were very kind to the principal, and everyone was very united.

The final results were announced after four o'clock in the afternoon. The deputy director of the teaching and research section in charge of junior high school education called to congratulate Yang Yimin, because many people did not expect to achieve such a result, and it completely exceeded everyone's expectations. expected.

At this time, Yang Yimin was drinking tea and playing mahjong at the farmhouse. Because he couldn't play, he formed the second echelon. They were not good at playing together. Deng Yucheng, Ye Wenwen, and Li Xiaoping accompanied him. Deng Yucheng should be the best at playing. , so basically he has the final say on the rules and algorithms.

Yang Yimin said to the people at the table: "Good news, the half-term results are out, and our grades in the third grade of junior high school are directly ranked fourth in the school."

"Really." The three asked loudly at the same time.

"Of course it is true." Yang Yimin said happily.

A teacher who was watching from another room came over and asked, "Why are you so happy?"

Li Xiaoping smiled and talked about the latest results, the teacher immediately went to other tables to announce the situation, louder laughter came, Ye Wenwen said: "Principal Yang, such a happy event, we have to celebrate it."

"Okay, tell me, what to eat and what to play?"

"Hey, the place Shimen is really hard to find."

"Shimen also has a dance hall and karaoke hall." Deng Yucheng said.

"Forget it, it's said that there are all messy things inside, so I won't go there." Li Xiaoping said.

Yang Yimin thought for a while and said: "Don't worry, I will find you some fun places, but it's not today, everyone will still get to school in the evening, and after dinner, everyone will go to class after dinner, and those who don't have classes and those who don't have classes You can continue to drink tea and play cards."

After dinner, Teacher Qin, who taught mathematics in the third grade, said to Yang Yimin: "Principal Yang, you play mahjong with Teacher Li and the others in the afternoon, and we will accompany you in the evening."

Yang Yimin smiled and said: "You guys play first, I'll go back to school and analyze the results, Teacher Li will go back with me. If it's early, I'll come and have a look."

He arranged for Deng Yucheng to pay the bill at the teahouse, and he went back to school with the teacher who had classes in the evening and Li Xiaoping.

Back at school, he asked Li Xiaoping to come to his office to help with the grade analysis. The teaching and research office had sent him an email about the grade data, and now he was mainly doing a comparative analysis so that he could prepare enough speech content for tomorrow's teacher meeting.

But after he drank, although he was more familiar with computer operations than Li Xiaoping, he was not as flexible as before, so he said, "Xiaoping, help me."

He pushed the laptop to Li Xiaoping, who was sitting opposite, and Li Xiaoping nodded, "I'll get it for you to analyze which projects you want to analyze." She also often uses spreadsheets, and she still has confidence in herself.

Now the weather is relatively cold in the morning and evening, and the door is closed. Yang Yimin feels that he and Li Xiaoping can get closer. They haven't had a chance to warm up for a long time. Today, he is happy, and an impulse arises from him again.

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