Principal's Law

[086] Knowledge of visiting patients

At this time the phone rang, and Yang Yimin saw that it was Lin Juan's, so he quickly ended his chat with Li Yan. Lin Juan never talked about the relationship between the two when calling, and every time it was very important.

After answering the phone, Yang Yimin said, "Sister Lin, hello."

"I heard that you did well in the exam last night. I wanted to call you, but I guess you were celebrating yourself, so I didn't bother you. Today is my congratulations. Don't say I'm late."

"Sister Lin, how come, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I was thinking of you." Yang Yimin knew from his tone that Lin Juan must be alone, so his words became ambiguous.

"My wine has always been reserved for you. You can drink as much as you want. Now I want to remind you that Director Li's old mother-in-law is critically ill and has been in the hospital for half a month. People in the bureau and the principal of the city have all visited. Take your time and go."

Yang Yimin thought about it, it was necessary to go, and he quickly asked the specific situation, including who was waiting, when it was appropriate to go, the size and method of gifts, etc.

Yang Yimin must thank Lin Juan, without Lin Juan, he can be said to be illiterate in the officialdom, even if the leaders of other schools or kindly reminded him, who could explain it in such detail, let alone the key points.

Li Xinghui will definitely not accept gifts, and when he arrives at the hospital, many people know him. Even if you see him, it means you went to see him, but at most it is just a bouquet of flowers, and you will never ask for anything else.

The key to this is to wait for Li Xinghui's wife to wait, because Li Xinghui's old mother-in-law has two daughters, Li Xinghui's wife works in the County Environmental Protection Bureau, and the other sister is in business, so the two of them took turns waiting to see , You have to find the right time.

Li Xinghui's appointment as the current director of the Education Bureau is due to his old mother-in-law, because the old mother-in-law was originally the chairman of the county political consultative conference, and his promotion relied on the relationship that the old mother-in-law used to have.

Anyone in the know knows that this is the person Li Xinghui values ​​the most, and with his wife's attention, this matter has become a hidden event in the education system.

But Yang Yimin didn't know anything about it. Only then did he know why the principal who stays at the school every day and does a good job in the school has less chance of being promoted than the principal who plays in the city every day and has frequent accidents at school. .

Yang Yimin still made sufficient preparations. He checked the main cause of this disease and the possibility of saving his life on the Internet. He was surprised to find that in the pharmacology of traditional Chinese medicine, wild Ganoderma lucidum has an excellent auxiliary therapeutic effect on this disease. .

He took out the two wild Ganoderma lucidum that Lu Tingting gave him last time, which he wanted to take home as a gift to his parents during the Spring Festival. Ganoderma lucidum is said to be able to bring the dead back to life.

He carefully checked the difference between wild Ganoderma lucidum and cultivated Ganoderma lucidum on the Internet, and confirmed that these two branches are wild. He further searched for the treatment of this disease, the use of Ganoderma lucidum and the medicinal effect information.

He made a decision to give these two branches of wild ganoderma to Li Xinghui. Of course, money is still indispensable.

He moved the Friday administrative meeting to Thursday. The main topic was that the Office of Academic Affairs would take all the teachers and administrators of the third grade group to one of the most famous scenic spots in the county on Saturday, and contact them in advance for matters such as food, accommodation and transportation.

Everyone was amazed. At this time, everyone recalled the true meaning of what Yang Yimin said on Sunday that everyone would have a good time.

After the meeting, Yang Yimin said: "I have something to go to the Education Bureau tomorrow, and I will leave in the afternoon. The principal of the school is responsible for the school work. I hope that all departments will seriously implement it. Call me for Saturday's activities. I will wait in the county seat. .”

When Yang Yimin returned to the county seat, he asked Li Yan to pick him up. It was around six o'clock in the evening. Yang Yimin said he was going to the county hospital to see a patient and asked Li Yan to go with him.

The reason for choosing Thursday was because Li Xinghui's mother-in-law was the one who was waiting for him after get off work today, and today was also the time when he was least likely to meet acquaintances.

Yang Yimin told Li Yan about the general situation. He asked Li Yan to follow him because he really didn't know how to chat with the other party, and Li Yan's ability in this area would be much better than his own.

Li Yan smiled and agreed to Yang Yimin, and the two came to the intensive care unit on the third floor of the county hospital, knocked on the door, and a woman came out.

But the other party has obviously seen a lot, and she knew at a glance that it was a member of the Education Bureau. She looked at Li Yan again and again. Li Yan's dress today is not only a girl's dress, but also a professional woman. She is not sure. Are people in the education system? Moreover, she has never seen such a beautiful real person.

She politely let the two of them in. Yang Yimin briefly introduced that he was the principal of Shimen Middle School. This year, it was thanks to Director Li's concern for him that he arranged for him to go to Shimen from No. [-] Middle School.

Back to the city because of something, I heard that my mother-in-law was sick, so I hurried over to have a look, then turned my head to Li Yan, Li Yan was very clever, immediately took out something, and pulled Guo Lihua aside.

Li Yan said: "Sister Guo, Yimin said that he only knew about it. I'm sorry. This is my own kindness. In addition, I brought the best thing to the old lady. It is the wild ganoderma lucidum that he has treasured for many years. If you want to take it home as a gift to your parents, I heard that the old lady is sick, and this wild Ganoderma lucidum has a miraculous effect on this disease, so hurry up and send it.”

"This thing can be encountered but not sought after. This is the information he specially researched. There is a method of use. You can take it according to this method."

When Guo Lihua received the money, she pushed it slightly and accepted it, but she didn't react much, but at this time the reaction was very violent. She looked at it and said, "Yeah, it's really wild, it's too wild." Well, we've been looking for it too, but we couldn't find it, great, thank you, thank you, Principal Yang, thank you, Xiao Li, thank you."

After speaking politely for a while, Yang Yimin looked at the time and realized that he had to go. If he left at this time, he might meet Li Xinghui near the only gate of the hospital. Show merit in front of you.

All of this is art. Being in the officialdom is not a simple mess. To make it into an art requires thinking and research. Lin Juan is already proficient in this. Her tips have benefited Yang Yimin a lot.

Sure enough, the two went downstairs, and they met Li Xinghui just as they walked into the hall. At this time, Li Yan was holding Yang Yimin's hand. At first, Yang Yimin wanted to push him away, but thinking about Li Yan being so kind to him, and he recognized it , which is undoubtedly a treat.

They both saw each other, and Yang Yimin greeted him, but his voice was not loud. Li Xinghui knew that Yang Yimin must have come to see his mother-in-law, so he nodded and said, "Xiao Yang, thank you, and I also want to congratulate you. I have heard about the results, if you work hard, you will have a bright future.”

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