Principal's Law

[147] heavy duty

She looked closely at Li Yanxue's high chest on her white body, which was exquisite and firm, much bigger than she imagined, and it stood out in comparison with her body. She usually wore clothes, maybe it was compressed, the little purple red was so alluring. People, Yang Yimin stretched out his hand, but didn't dare to put it on.

His hands didn't touch Li Yan's body, but moved towards his abdomen. The black curls protected the sacred territory below. Yang Yimin tried it, but he still didn't dare to put his hands on it. It was so beautiful, like a goddess, that he didn't want to, Not daring to blaspheme, he immediately covered Li Yan with a quilt, got up in a hurry, and put on his clothes.

Li Yan opened her eyes and saw Yang Yimin getting dressed, knowing the intense conflict in Yang Yimin's heart, she put on her underwear and pajamas, and hugged Yang Yimin from behind.

"I'm sorry, Yanzi."

"Yimin, you are the second man to look at my whole body. I think part of me is yours, and I am going to give it all to you."

"The second man?" Yang Yimin suddenly remembered, "Girl, are you still testing my brains at this time? The first man is your dad, right?"

"Boss, you are so smart, I want to scare you." Li Yan giggled.

"Don't scare me, get dressed quickly, let's go out to eat, I'm hungry."

Li Yan booked an air ticket on the tenth day of the first lunar month. On the ninth night of the first lunar month, she had a farewell meal very early. Li Yan was very sad. Everyone persuaded her. Come on, after what happened last time, I have completely redecorated the interior, and your business is maturing, so you can't give up easily."

"Dad, I'm not here, who will take care of it?"

"This is how I think about it. Don't you have a salesperson for the specific business? I'll let people do things like running information outside. In terms of management, isn't there an existing master in the family?"

Li Yan looked at Yang Yimin and said with a smile, "Teacher, are you okay?"

"I, you won't point at me." This incident was so sudden, Yang Yimin quickly analyzed in his heart, how could it be involved in him, and can he really do it?

"Yimin, I think you can do it. The company mainly produces materials, and the project leader is commissioned according to the completion of the project. The management mainly deals with some problems that cannot be solved, and your methods are much better than others. , I think you can." Li Yan's father said.

"Yeah, Yimin, this is what Li Yan's father and I have been thinking about for a long time. If we give up this business, it will be a big competition when Li Yan comes back, because other people have already seen the business opportunity. Recently, some companies are also thinking about it. Do this business, but if we reopen at the beginning of the year, they probably won't come to fight."

Li Yan pulled Yang Yimin, "Boss, you can do it, do it, I support you."

Yang Yimin made a quick analysis, nodded, and said: "It is indeed necessary to do this to occupy the market, but I am not in the company most of the time, so it is difficult to deal with the company's affairs."

"Well, you are equivalent to taking responsibility for Li Yan. The main job is not for us."

Yang Yimin didn't refuse, Li Yan said again: "Yimin, you can use my car, it's convenient for you."

"That's right, it's convenient to come back this way." Everyone agreed.

"Okay, let's do this first." Everyone regarded Yang Yimin as a family, and then declined, which made people feel that they had something against Li Yan's family.

After eating, Yang Yimin said to Li Yan: "Li Yan, let me check for you to see if there is still something missing."

Li Yan and Yang Yimin entered the room, and Yang Yimin took a quick look at Li Yan's salute. Apart from clothes, Li Yan also brought a laptop, and other things were things for girls, and there was nothing to check.

After a brief look, Yang Yimin held Li Yan in his arms. Li Yan was on the plane tomorrow afternoon. Li Yan's mother drove her off. After sleeping in his arms all night, he also fell asleep leaning against the head of the bed.

It was past six o'clock, and Li Yan's mother knocked on the door. They were still awake. She opened the door gently and saw that they were both leaning on the head of the bed and sleeping with their clothes on. Still have to wake them up.

The two were inseparable. When passing through the security check, Li Yan hugged Yang Yimin and said, "Yimin, I will study hard and miss you every day."

Sending Li Yan away, Yang Yimin and Li Yan's mother did not leave. They kept watching the plane take off until 01:30 in the afternoon. Li Yan's aunt sent a text message.

The other party wrote back and said that they would pick up Li Yan at the airport, and the two felt relieved. They got in the car and drove back.

Yang Yimin was still worried about Li Yan's aunt asking Li Yan to go to Shanghai. Going to a big city is not a matter in itself, but the crux of the problem was the look on her aunt's back last time. Her aunt's intention is not just to study, she must want to reform Li Yan's mind, maybe she will find a good family for her in Shanghai.

Yang Yimin hopes that Li Yan has a normal understanding of society, because after all, Li Yan has come from a student to society, and she thinks about many things very simply and purely, and cannot understand the complexity of society. At the same time, she has been living in a good living environment and does not know hardship , Yang Yimin means that after she has enough understanding of real life, the two will formally date.

Although both of them have officially formalized their relationship without a doubt, they both kept their last position. Yang Yimin was very shaken this time. He considered the complexity of the problem. Maybe Li Yan would follow him wholeheartedly if the two had a relationship. Yes, but that would definitely hurt Li Yan.

Yang Yimin was still unwilling, and even more worried. Whether Li Yan could withstand her aunt's ideological remolding was indeed a very difficult thing.

When the car drove to the city, Li Yan sent a text message: I'm here, everything is fine, my aunt came to pick me up.

The two were relieved, and Yang Yimin said: "Auntie, Shanghai is a big city. Apart from learning skills, Li Yan should stay in Shanghai after she goes."

"No way, Li Yan can't let you go, but Teacher Yang, I won't hide it from you, her aunt might really mean it."

From this, Yang Yimin can be sure that Li Yan's aunt will find a way to keep Li Yan in Shanghai, and the best way is to use Li Yan's beauty to catch a wealthy son-in-law.

From the next day, Yang Yimin devoted himself to the opening of the company. Everything he lost last time was completely redone. Yang Yimin notified all the employees to hold a meeting, and clarified the work for the next period of time. Arranged with the request.

After Li Yan arrived in Shanghai, she mainly played for a while, because the training class started after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, which was about the same as the start time of Yang Yimin School.

Every day, Yang Yimin could receive photos of Li Yanzhao, and the two had a video chat at night. Yang Yimin also felt that the time passed quickly and was very fulfilling.

In the company's personnel arrangement, Yang Yimin asked a person who had been with Li Yan's father to be the deputy manager with only one purpose, that is, to arrange things when he was away.

Because some people who think they are smart may do private work in the name of the company, which will bring great losses to the company.

Yang Yimin spent another two days visiting relevant business departments. When contacting the Construction Bureau, he specially invited Qin Fang out. The two chatted about the company's business and verified the relationships that needed to be dredged one by one. When he left, he also gave Qin Fang a card. Although the money was not much, Qin Fang was very grateful to him.

Yang Yimin spent more than 1 yuan on more than a dozen key people who should be visited. Because it was his own personal money, he was very careful not to spend too much money. He didn't invite them to dinner. He felt that it would not only cost more money, but also have little effect It must be good, send the card directly, that is what everyone loves.

Yang Yimin was familiar with Qin Fang, so he made a suggestion, saying that in the future, the materials sent by the company must have his signature on them, if not, just accept them at that time, and then call him to tell him.

Qin Fang knows very well that many people who do materials in this industry are not of high quality. The construction industry is full of high-return links. chain of interests.

Of course, Yang Yimin explained that Li Yan had something to go out to study temporarily, so he helped out for a while, and asked Qin Fang not to tell the situation.

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