Principal's Law

[158] Betrayal

"Lin Juan, you, why were you like that?"

"Yimin, betrayal is painful, and betrayal is unforgivable. The way I treated him at that time was also due to my husband's betrayal."

"Lin Juan, forget it, don't talk about it."

"But I want to say, after I've finished speaking, I feel at ease. You can look at me as you want, and if you don't want me, you can just shoot and break up."

When Yang Yimin heard this, he pinched Lin Juan's plump body hard, and it really hurt Lin Juan. She punched Yang Yimin twice at once, "Yang Yimin, see if I don't deal with you."

Yang Yimin kissed her and did not speak. Lin Juan said, "My husband's business was not doing well back then. In order to win the provincial agent qualification for a brand of electrical appliances, he asked me to accompany him to talk with the higher-ups."

"Things went relatively smoothly. After signing the agreement, he asked me to go to the celebration dinner together, and then danced. A vice president of the other party touched me, but he swallowed his anger. I told him that not only did he not help me, but also Let me bear with it and say that as long as nothing is done, the agency is worth it."

"Yang Yimin, was it very similar to today? Back then, I slapped my husband, left the provincial capital, and returned home overnight. I wanted to divorce, but seeing my two-year-old daughter, I gave up. I can't bring harm to my daughter, but I no longer have that wifely love for my husband."

"No matter what he does, I don't have the sweetness of marriage. Later, I put my energy into work and met Li Xinghui, but I didn't expect him to be incompetent. But I have always been very good to him, and today I encountered the same thing. Ridiculous."

"Lin Juan, I may not treat you very well, but you believe that I will never betray you."

Lin Juan got up and said, "It's getting late, go to bed." Passing the bath towel to Yang Yimin.

The two got into bed, Yang Yimin didn't speak, he put Lin Juan flat on the bed, pressed himself on it, and kissed Lin Juan's body, both of them seemed unwilling to break the tranquility, until Lin Juan had to spread the news of ** and respite.

Yang Yimin is not good at coaxing people, and he didn't talk much to Lin Juan before and after, but Lin Juan was completely different this time, curled up in Yang Yimin's arms like a little sheep.

The next morning, Yang Yimin went to find Li Xinghui first, and when he came to the office, Li Xinghui smiled and said, "Xiao Yang, you have done a great job this time, so I can only say thank you again."

"Ju Li, I just saw it by chance this time. I hope it will work. Ju Li, I want to tell you something."

"You said."

"I hope that the Education Bureau can give Shimen Middle School some authority to select elementary school students from surrounding towns across townships, so as to improve the quality of students in Shimen Middle School. As a school directly under the Education Bureau, Shimen Middle School can not only expand its influence, but also serve Shimen Middle School in the future. The teaching level has been steadily improved to lay the foundation."

Li Xinghui thought for a while and said: "Xiao Yang, I have to think about this matter carefully. First, this is a policy opening, which may have a negative impact. There are other things that I have to think about carefully. If you can’t act, I’ll give you a definite answer after thinking about it.”

"Ju Li, the number of students in the school is declining now, and the quality of students is also declining. I'm afraid. I'm afraid that the results of Shimen Middle School will be short-lived."

"Xiao Yang, one of the key points of discussion at the Party Committee of the bureau last time was the issue of school structure adjustment. It must involve Shimen Middle School, but this matter is still in the confidential stage. You just need to know, so I have to think about it, you Don't rush, learn to be calm when doing things."

Yang Yimin couldn't say anymore, he nodded and said, "Then I'm going back to school."

Just as Yang Yimin was about to walk out the door, Li Xinghui shouted: "Xiao Yang, come here. This is a souvenir I gave out at a meeting. I have a watch. You can use this one."

Yang Yimin bought an electronic watch when he was in high school, which cost more than ten yuan. After he was in college, he got a mobile phone. The concept of a watch has long since disappeared. He opened it, put it on his hand, and said: "Ju Li, this watch is really nice. Wearing it on your hand will warm your heart."

"Xiao Yang, did Lin Juan get angry last night?" Li Xinghui seemed to ask lightly.

This is really too difficult to answer, does he know that he is with Lin Juan?If there is any disclosure, it is tantamount to admitting this fact, and if it is not known, it will seem too blunt.

"Maybe a little bit. I called her when I got home. She answered and said she was asleep, so she hung up."

Li Xinghui nodded, "Xiao Yang, then go back to school quickly."

Yang Yimin didn't go back to school right away, he called the company immediately, and took the person in charge he designated to the Construction Bureau. Qin Fang was surprised when he saw him. Yang Yimin introduced the future contact person of the company to Qin Fang. After looking at the information, I will sign and seal and complete a set of procedures.

Yang Yimin asked the person who came with him to carry the documents back to the company. He sat in Qin Fang's company, and the two chatted for a while. Qin Fang suddenly said: "Brother Yang, my boyfriend mentioned yesterday that he plans to get married. I have no mental preparation, do you think it will be too early?"

"How long have you been dating?"

"It's been more than half a year."

"It's almost there, Qin Fang. People have many pursuits. If you get this, you may lose that, but if you lose this, you may get that again. Cherish what you have now. If you also think the other person is good, get married."

Qin Fang nodded, "His parents took 5 yuan, and he and I can pool [-] yuan. Now we have to buy an existing house immediately. You see, we are really poor. My boyfriend said to buy a two-bedroom house, but I think we still have to buy it." A little bigger, what do you think?"

Yang Yimin thought for a while, "Qin Fang, your idea is correct. After you have a child, parents need to help, and the child must have a room. Two rooms are definitely not enough. Qin Fang, I will help you with this matter, Li Yan's father If you are familiar with it, I will let him find it for you, and you will be satisfied."

Qin Fang blushed and said, "Brother Yang, thank you then."

Yang Yimin wanted to go back to school, but it seemed that he had to discuss this matter with Li Yan's father, so he called and said that he had something to discuss at home at noon. Li Yan's father returned home at 11:30, because he knew that Yang Yimin would leave early in the afternoon , so the meal is also made early.

Yang Yimin talked about Qin Fang's situation, and finally he said: "Qin Fang is a very good person and has helped our company a lot. She will definitely be promoted in the future. We have to keep in touch with this relationship, so this favor should not only help, I have to help and make her feel very satisfied.”

Li Yan's father thought for a long time, and said: "How about this? Last time I bought a suite in Linjiang District, the price was very low, and now it is still a contract, and I will transfer it to her at the market price at that time, which is one yuan lower per square meter than now." Baiwu, now the best selling price is [-], I will give them [-]."

Yang Yimin thought for a while, "Okay, after the money is poured out, it can be invested in the market, where there is more room for appreciation after all."

The two discussed it, and Li Yan's father had to implement it in detail, so Yang Yimin didn't call Qin Fang immediately, and he came too fast. Many people thought that you were a difficult house to sell.

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