Principal's Law

[177] Student competition

This is how power is born. Qin Guangming did devote all his energy to teaching, while Li Xiaoping worked more carefully and practically. He made each job coherent and managed the process to a fine level.

Everyone was happy for more than half an hour. Yang Yimin stopped smiling: "But it's not the time for us to celebrate. To celebrate, it will take more than a month. Everyone must be confident when they come down, and the second is to calm down." Come on, lack of analysis, don't be dazzled by the victory, we must have the last laugh."

Everyone nodded, and Teacher Cao who came in last smiled and said, "Leader, if you pass the exam, you have to take everyone on a trip."

"Yes, at least get out of Pingchuan County."

Yang Yimin smiled and said, "You guys, work hard."

"Xiao Yang, do you agree or not?" Ye Wenwen continued to ask.

Yang Yimin looked at everyone and said: "Your requirements are too low, I can't agree to them. If it were me, I would have the principal take them out of the province."

Everyone laughed happily. After all, Ye Wenwen was young, and she almost cheered and said, "Principal Yang, you are so kind."

Ren Chengfa saw that there were too many people in the office, so he said, "Everyone go back to the office."

After the teachers left, Yang Yimin said, "Principal Ren, Principal Ma and Director Li, wait a moment."

Li Xiaoping and Ma Yongming helped clean up the messy things in the office. Yang Yimin said: "Before I got my grades today, the principals of the county middle school and No. [-] middle school both called me and said that they would send someone to me tomorrow. Come here to learn about students’ learning information, we have to discuss what to do.”

"Two schools coming together? This is indeed a bit troublesome. It is said that the admissions teachers of these two schools have fought before, and there will be no fight tomorrow." Ren Chengfa said.

Ma Yongming thought a bit more: "The reason why this matter is difficult to handle is that Principal Yang came from the No. [-] Middle School. We must make the county not feel disadvantaged and the No. [-] Middle School feel that we have taken advantage, so that Principal Yang will not offend them. , otherwise there is no way to please both parties.”

Yang Yimin said: "At first, I didn't care about fighting or offending anyone, and the purpose of our training students is to send them to good schools, so in the end, the grades and the students' voluntary decisions have the final say. It's just that this time the publicity and understanding levels are different. It’s not low, I guess the team is led by the vice-principal, it’s human nature, try to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.”

In the past, except for teachers from vocational schools, ordinary middle schools would not come here. This time, the vice principals of two schools suddenly came here at the same time. Everyone has no experience and really doesn't know what to do.

Everyone couldn't think of a good solution for a while, so Yang Yimin asked everyone to go back first and discuss it together in the afternoon.

After a while, Yang Yimin called Li Xiaoping to come over. Li Xiaoping sat opposite Yang Yimin with a smile on his face. Li Yimin said, "Xiaoping, good job, congratulations."

"Congratulations to you too, and thank you, Yimin, for letting me know that I'm still capable."

"Xiao Ping, you are not capable, but very capable. I believe in you. Now go and tell me the family situation of the students on the Ayou line. The more detailed the better."

"Okay, I'll do it right away, Yimin, I miss you." Li Xiaoping must be grateful, blushing and saying this for the first time.

"Xiaoping, I'll call you if I have a chance. In addition, you should adjust Fang Xiaoyu's grades to make it worse."

"It's a little bit worse, here, Yimin, what's the matter with you?"

"Xiaoping, you will know later, trust me."

Even if Li Xiaoping couldn't understand, she knew that Yang Yimin must have his considerations, so she agreed to leave.

At noon, Yang Yimin took a bowl to the food group. He didn’t go directly to get food, but went to the place where the students were sitting to see what the students were eating. Since the incident happened last time, Yang Yimin asked the teacher on duty to check the students’ food every day. and let the teachers on duty eat in the cafeteria for free. Of course, the money is paid by the school.

And he, as long as he eats in the cafeteria, he will definitely check the students' eating situation first. After making such a request, the cafeteria has also strengthened the management.

Yang Yimin didn't pay a fine after the food accident in the cafeteria last time. He knew that if the school fined him, the cafeteria would try to get it back from the students' meals, so after asking the cafeteria to pay for the medicine, Yang Yimin asked Luo Yong to inform the cafeteria that all The processing depends on the rectification situation in the later period, and the time is after the end of the period.

In this way, the cafeteria would not dare to sacrifice quality and deduct the quantity of student meals to achieve more profits. Yang Yimin also planned that if the two schools merged next semester, he could take this opportunity to let Ren Chengda contract the meal group and close the farmhouse, because he They think that although farmhouse makes money, it depends on relationships, and many people think that it is their own private land.

Now, according to Lin Juan, the way to earn money has become much wider. She doesn't care about her gains and losses here. As long as Ren Chengda's family can change the status quo, they will achieve their goal.

Yang Yimin looked around and went to cook. The person in charge of the food group still knows how to do things. He prepares for Yang Yimin every meal every day. As long as Yang Yimin comes, he directly brings it out. Of course, this is much better than others .

Yang Yimin walked out of the cafeteria with his meal in hand, when a voice called him: "Principal Yang."

The voice was like a silver bell, very pleasant, and Yang Yimin was familiar with it. It was Fang Xiaoyu. He turned around and saw that Fang Xiaoyu had come to him.

He deliberately asked: "Fang Xiaoyu, what's the matter?"

Fang Xiaoyu was a little disappointed. Could it be that Yang Yimin didn't pay attention to her good grades in the exam this time, but he couldn't help but said, "Have you read the school's exam results?"

"Look, there are 46 people in the principal who have joined the A-you line."

"What else?" Fang Xiaoyu was a child after all, looking forward to Yang Yimin's praise, but did not realize that Yang Yimin did it on purpose.

Yang Yimin didn't want to tease her anymore, so he said, "What's more, the girl I value the most got sixth in the county."

Fang Xiaoyu blushed, knowing that Yang Yimin was teasing her just now, Yang Yimin smiled and said, "Fang Xiaoyu, I just wanted to say that the student who wanted to drive me away the day I came here got sixth in the county."

"Principal, you still hold grudges, haven't I apologized many times?" Fang Xiaoyu smiled shyly.

"Fang Xiaoyu, the principal is joking with you, but you can't be proud. Exams are accidental. If you want to stabilize your grades, you have to make a good summary, you know?"

"Well, I will definitely try my best."

Just as Fang Xiaoyu wanted to leave, Yang Yimin yelled, "Fang Xiaoyu, come here, and I'll tell you something."

Fang Xiaoyu walked up to Yang Yimin, and Yang Yimin said: "Xiaoyu, the teachers from the ordinary high schools in the county will come to the school tomorrow to understand the situation. I lowered your usual grades, and you said the same thing yourself, saying that this grade is accidental." Yes, do you know?"

Fang Xiaoyu thought for a while and said, "Principal Yang, I think if I pass the exam, I can earn a scholarship, and my family won't have such a big burden. If so, what if they don't give me a bonus in the future?"

"Xiaoyu, did you miss me?"

"No, I always listen to what you say," suddenly recalling the first time, and said with a straight face, "Except for the day you came."

"Xiaoyu, you not only have to earn a scholarship, I also have to let you go to a good school, do you understand?"

Fang Xiaoyu knew the purpose, but she didn't know why she did this. She nodded and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

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