Principal's Law

【193】Don't worry

"A teacher has a future because he can teach books well. Xu Manli, I can't do anything about your thoughts. I just hope that these children will not be like the students I saw just now when they arrive at your school. I will recommend students to your school again.”

Xu Manli nodded, she really couldn't guarantee this, and Yang Yimin didn't want her to guarantee it, but just reminded her.

"Xu Manli, I will give you a little more policy on enrollment. After the exam, there will be a labor skills training. During this period, if you can arrange one or two professional course teachers to take professional courses for two days, so that students can learn more about the job. The effect will be quite good, and I suggest that you collect some tuition fees in advance, and other schools or other people will not be able to win against you if they want to compete with you in the future."

No matter the leaders, teachers, or students of junior high school students did not take it seriously, they were just dawdling, and passing a few days to do a test paper was considered a pass.

What the teacher taught was also temporarily learned in books for coping purposes, but Yang Yimin's idea was to solve part of the arrangements through the vocational middle school classes, which would be beneficial to both the junior high school and the vocational high school. The county vocational school has the biggest advantage in recruiting students.

"Yimin, yes, why doesn't anyone in the school think about this problem? Yimin, no problem, I'll implement it when I get down."

"Xu Manli, you do this quietly. I'm afraid that others will do the same. If the impact is too great, the Education Bureau will say that I do something else." Yang Yimin was worried about Xu Manli's work, and he had to give more instructions.

After the two had dinner, Yang Yimin talked a lot, mainly about what she was going to do in recruiting students. Xu Manli didn't know enough about junior high school students, so he had to explain many things clearly and clearly.

After finally finishing speaking, Yang Yimin took a sip of tea, and Xu Manli who was sitting opposite said with a blushing face, "Yimin, can I come and sit with you for a while?"

"I think it's good to sit like this." He wanted to say a lot, but it had lost its meaning. Sitting together, there would definitely be a very violent reaction, and Yang Yimin didn't think about it anymore.

"Yimin, let's meet again in a few days."

Yang Yimin nodded. He asked the waiter to pay the bill. Xu Manli wanted to pay. Yang Yimin said, "Let me come. I'm a man. Give me some face."

Xu Manli burst into tears suddenly, and whispered, "Yimin, why are you being so nice to me?"

"Xu Manli, you think too much. I just don't want everyone to become enemies. Also, I think if you want to improve yourself, you can consider the moral education and enrollment of students, write some articles and publish some projects, and it will definitely be beneficial to you. Good."

When Yang Yimin had a meal last time, he could see that Xu Manli was a woman with aspirations. It is normal for her to be so young, but in the workplace, it is almost impossible to achieve some results by teaching alone, but the perspective of the teacher is different. Daily work inhibits innovation and pioneering, and Yang Yimin, from the perspective of a bystander, can easily see the problems existing in the job.

The leaders or teachers in the workplace are used to these problems, but the feelings of outsiders are completely different. What Xu Manli can achieve is that she can think from aspects that have not been paid attention to by everyone. This kind of thinking is beneficial and possible. It is also the easiest place to get results in the job.

Going to the meeting in the afternoon, Yang Yimin saw the time and went there, only 15 minutes earlier than the meeting time. It didn’t matter before. After arriving early, he went to sit in several deputy directors or functional departments to communicate feelings, but now it’s different. It is a sensitive period, no matter which office I go to, I feel inappropriate.

There are two main reasons for this doubt. One is that there is a rumor that Li Xinghui is going to be promoted, and after the promotion, it is most likely that one of the existing deputy directors will be selected as the director.Now several deputy bureau chiefs are working hard to win. Of course, while striving upwards, they must also pay attention to the queuing situation of the middle-level bureau and the principals of the schools. Once a gentleman becomes a courtier, there may be new trends in personnel replacement and power layout. .

Yang Yimin didn't want to be lined up. Perhaps many people thought he was the most important person in Li Xinghui's hands, but it was for this reason that he might be left out in Shimen. This situation made him a little scared, but he was helpless.

The second situation is the adjustment of the educational layout. The adjustment of the layout of the county is divided into three steps. Now it is the second step. The merger of Shimen Middle School and Shimen Primary School is a foregone conclusion. The principal Li of the primary school may feel the pressure and is moving around.

The current activities are indeed very troublesome, and the adjustment of cadres in the county has not yet been carried out, because Li Xinghui's fate has not been determined. If Shimen Middle School is merged, and either Yang Yimin or Principal Li takes up the deputy position, the future will undoubtedly be cast a shadow. The principal is only in his 40s, and he can still be in the officialdom for more than ten years, so the competition at this time is very important.

Therefore, in order to avoid suspicion, Yang Yimin simply didn't go to the bureau leader's office, and sometimes he went directly to the political work department to sit. He can also put off other people with the excuse of taking documents and the like.

Today arrived, and he saw a lot of people walking towards the meeting room. Everyone was familiar with each other, so he went up the stairs while chatting. together.

After saying hello, Xiao Zhang obviously slowed down. She pointed a document in her hand to Yang Yimin. The team leader is the principals of the other two schools, and there are two inspectors sent down, one is a middle-level cadre in the teaching and research section, and the other is Xiao Zhang.

After seeing this arrangement, Yang Yimin felt relieved. The examination work was of little significance to the students, because it was a nine-year compulsory education, and the examination questions were very simple, and the requirements were not particularly strict. Safety may also involve the management of the examination process, especially the issue of cheating in the examination.

Students are sure to graduate, no matter how bad the exam results are, it is impossible to come back to study again in the end, but the management of the exam process needs to be evaluated by inspectors. This is an evaluation of the school and the organizers, which actually makes everyone very embarrassed. Knowing that some students will definitely violate the discipline, otherwise some students will hand in blank papers, but you still have to manage the discipline of the students' exams, and if they hand in blank papers, it will cause dissatisfaction with the leaders and teachers of the exam school. subtle.

This requires a tacit understanding between the inspectors and the test organizers, and the invigilator must understand this truth, and he can make strict requirements, but he must persuade the students to cheat, otherwise the students will not take the test. Have to find students to do work.

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