Principal's Law

[201] Power struggle

After eating for more than an hour, Yang Yimin took Ren Chengfa and Ma Yongming to toasted to the bureau, each school and Police Officer Feng respectively, and then he pulled Ma Yongming aside and said, "Principal Ma, please work hard. You go back to school first, I feel a little uneasy, you must take the safety issue seriously."

Ma Yongming agreed, he returned to the table, held up the wine glass and toasted everyone together, and then said that he had to leave because of something, and everyone did not force it.

It was past [-] o'clock after dinner, and Yang Yimin arranged for Team Leader Liu and Xiao Zhang to go to the third floor for accommodation. Because the Education Bureau stipulated that school leaders and teachers must eat and live with students, the two school principals had to go back to school. However, Yang Yimin arranged a very tidy room for them. Considering eating and drinking together tonight, he let the two principals live together when they returned to school.

Yang Yimin asked Ren Cheng to send the two school principals back to the school, and he accompanied Team Leader Liu and Xiao Zhang to the third floor. He said to Officer Feng, "Officer Feng, why don't you wait a moment and arrange for the two patrol leaders to take you back. .”

"I'm a policeman, do I still need you to send me?" Even though he said so, the person didn't leave. Yang Yimin knew that Feng Bihua was still thinking about himself.

"Officer Feng, wait a minute, a beauty like you is really not safe, I'm not afraid that you are a policeman."

Officer Feng did not go upstairs. After Yang Yimin sent the two of them upstairs, they were surprised by such good accommodation conditions and said a kind word to Yang Yimin, especially Xiao Zhang. After Yang Yimin sent her into the room, she whispered Yang Yimin said: "Principal Yang, I heard from the bureau that the principal Li was recently active at the bureau leader's place today, so you have to be careful."

Yang Yimin nodded to express his gratitude. Yang Yimin was moved by Xiao Zhang's concern, but he couldn't say anything. These are sensitive issues. It would be impolite to say that he knew about other people's concern, but to say he didn't know would be to lie to her, so he had to pretend confused.

When he went downstairs, Officer Feng was waiting for him. Officer Feng whispered, "Yimin, why haven't you contacted me for so long, are you bothering me?"

"I can't possibly bother you, enjoy it with you, the main reason is that I am busy, and opportunities are hard to find, Shimen is too small, it will be fine if you go to the city in the future, but my girlfriend is in the city again, it is also difficult .”

Officer Feng was really thinking about it, and said, "Yes, Yimin, try to find a chance before I leave, or we can go up and get a room tonight."

Yang Yimin looked at Officer Feng and smiled, and took out a card from his pocket, which was a card for a room, Officer Feng slapped him lightly, and said, "Yimin, I don't see that you have planned it long ago. "

"Why, don't you like it? Forget it." Yang Yimin said deliberately.

"I hate it." Feng Bihua took Yang Yimin's hand.

The two went upstairs from the other direction, opened the room, and closed the door. Yang Yimin pushed her behind the door, kissed her, and pulled away Feng Bihua's shirt tied in his belt. Grabbed the plump breasts.

After kissing for a while, Yang Yimin hugged Police Officer Feng, put her on the bed in a few steps, and began to untie her clothes. Feng Bihua was also looking forward to it and helped her.

When Baibai's chest appeared in front of Yang Yimin, he grabbed it with one hand, bit the other with his mouth, and stretched down with the other hand, Feng Bihua whispered: "Naughty, greedy, don't worry."

But before Yang Yimin could speak, the phone rang. He sighed and saw that it was Ma Yongming's. He thought that there must be something urgent, so he said to Police Officer Feng: "Bihua, get up, there must be something at school."

He answered the phone, and the other party said eagerly, "Principal Yang, we have caught some students from Fengshu Township School."

Yang Yimin was taken aback, he immediately realized the danger of the situation, and said, "Don't disturb the others, I'll be right back."

"what's wrong?"

Yang Yimin walked quickly to the door, waiting for Feng Bihua to get dressed, "Bihua, please do your best tonight, how about going to school with me?"

"Okay, this is what I should do, Yimin, is the problem serious?"

"Seriously, this is very strange."

Yang Yimin seriously considered the possibility of the matter, and after only four or five minutes, the two arrived at the office of the school's political and educational department. At this time, there were three people who looked like students standing in the middle of the office, surrounded by Ma Yongming, several middle-level cadres, and two teachers. students around.

When Ma Yongming saw Yang Yimin and Police Officer Feng approaching, he hurriedly said, "The three students came in through the fence and we found them. He said they came back after walking on the street for a while."

From the appearance of the three students, it can be seen that they belong to the naughty kind. Yang Yimin has a way of dealing with these people. In the past, many students fell into his hands in No. [-] Middle School.

"Did they say anything else?"


Yang Yimin thought for a while and said, "How about this, three people go to the three offices, write out what happened today, sign it, and let them go to rest without disturbing others for the time being."

He looked at Police Officer Feng and said, "One of you two police officers and I will ask one person, and the other will ask Director Du from the Political and Educational Office to ask another person. Principal Ma and Principal Ren will be responsible for questioning the rest of the students."

Yang Yimin asked the most naughty-looking students to come to his office, and left the seemingly honest students to Ma Yongming and the others.

Officer Feng himself and Yang Yimin called the student to the office and closed the door. This is a psychological tactic. When the three students are together, there are concerns and constraints between them. Many questions cannot be asked, and several people must Also think about how to respond if you are found out when you go back to school.

Yang Yimin took a pen and a piece of paper, threw them on the tea table, and said to the students, "What's your name?"

"Teacher, my name is Chen Mingguang. I want to sleep. I have an exam tomorrow."

"Chen Mingguang, if you knew that there was an exam tomorrow, would you go to the exam at night, and I doubt that you would, now you answer the questions honestly, and I will leave you to talk at school. If you are not honest, this female police officer is kind now For you, it won’t be so when you get to the police station later.”

Officer Feng looked serious and looked at Chen Mingguang coldly. Chen Mingguang lowered his head, and Yang Yimin asked, "How old are you?"


Yang Yimin also saw that the student might be a bit old, so when he asked this question, he said sternly: "You have studied law, you have to bear legal responsibility at the age of 16, I hope you can answer my question honestly, first , how did you get out of school today?"

"We never went to school," Chen Mingguang said.

It's strange that he didn't enter the school. Yang Yimin specially asked the teachers of each school to clean up the students, and the students' accommodations are in one-to-one correspondence. How could this happen.

Yang Yimin glanced at Feng Bihua. Feng Bihua knew the complexity of the problem, so he asked coldly, "Didn't enter the school? Then how did you fool the teacher's inspection?"

Chen Mingguang was silent, and Yang Yimin said: "If you don't say it, I believe someone will say it. I'm not afraid that you won't say anything. Tomorrow I will ask your parents to go to the police station to collect the person. Of course, you have to make it clear there." I just left, and now I'm giving you a chance, you may be the oldest among the three, and you may have to bear the main responsibility for this matter."

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