Principal's Law

[209] A woman's hesitation

So he said: "Yanzi, Yang Qiong is indeed my classmate, and she has developed well. If she doesn't tell you about her career and work, don't ask."

"Yimin, are you really worried about me?"

"Yanzi, I went to the QQ in my class on May [-]st, and only then did I know that Yang Qiong was in Shanghai. I started talking about you at that time. She must be free recently. It's normal to invite a classmate's girlfriend to dinner. And she wants to see you too."

"Yimin, should I go alone, or should I bring a few people with me?"

Yang Yimin thought for a while, Yang Qiong is the deputy director of the office, it should be no problem to pay the bill for meals, but he didn't want Li Yan's aunt to meet Yang Qiong, so he said: "Yanzi, you can figure it out, I'm not in Shanghai, It is impossible to make a correct judgment.”

After the phone call ended, Yang Yimin wanted to call Yang Qiong, but thought again, Yang Qiong invited Li Yan, she must have her own ideas and judgments, and he had better ignore it, so he gave up the idea of ​​contacting Yang Qiong.

At ten o'clock in the evening, while Yang Yimin was waiting, Li Yan logged on to QQ. Li Yan's expression was full of admiration and excitement. Before Yang Yimin could speak, Li Yan said: "Yimin, your classmate is too temperamental, and you are calm in doing things. , Atmosphere, I am very impressed."

"Li Yan, Yang Qiong was a school and class cadre when she was in college, and she is still a cadre now. She is quite capable."

"Yimin, I had a lot of private conversations with her today. She told me a lot about you, saying that you were the object of girls' crushes, but you locked yourself up, so you are full of mystery, and She said she was the one who knew you best, didn't she?"

Yang Yimin thought for a while, "Of course."

Yang Qiong is indeed the girl who understands herself best, and may also be the person who understands herself best. Although her living environment is very different from her own, but because of some things that happened in the last year, the two have compared each other several times. deep conversation.

Yang Yimin asked again: "Li Yan, are you two together today?"

"No, I called my aunt, and a few classmates who are close to me, including the rich second generation surnamed Shang."

"Yanzi, you are eating a big family. If my classmate pays for it herself, it won't make her feel bad."

"Yimin, I think so. I don't have much time to live in this environment, and it's easy to understand people, but your classmate is different. She will definitely see some problems through everyone's interactions. In this way Will help me, and, won't this also reassure you?"

Yang Yimin didn't expect Li Yan to have guessed his own thoughts completely. He blushed and said with a smile, "Yanzi, you are so smart, I admire you."

"Boss, you are the object of my admiration. Through Sister Yang's understanding, I adore you even more. I have decided that as soon as I get the certificate, I will come back immediately and stay by your side every day."

Yang Yimin felt relieved, Li Yan's handling was the effect he most wanted to achieve, but Li Yan's intelligence was far beyond his estimation. He really didn't know that Li Yan was so smart, why his academic performance was so low? not good.

The next day, Yang Yimin logged on to the original QQ, Yang Qiong left him a long message, the first paragraph was to Li Yan, she said: Yang Yimin, I didn’t expect your girlfriend to be so beautiful and so infatuated with you , I am happy for you, and I hope you cherish her, I think she is very good.

She also commented on Li Yan’s aunt, she said: Li Yan’s aunt came to this point after many years of hard work. In Shanghai, they are only in the middle-to-lower income group, so their ideas are relatively realistic. She thinks more about the difficulties in life, but she is really kind to Li Yan. I believe that one day you and Li Yan get together, and she will change her attitude towards you.

As for Li Yan's classmates, she also commented: The rich second generation surnamed Shang must only be interested in Li Yan, and the other classmates were pulled by him to make a show, the purpose is to understand Li Yan and gain Li Yan's attention. Fangxin, maybe Li Yan is not interested in him at all, so it made him more interested. This kind of person aims to conquer women and is not worth dating. Among the other classmates, there is only one, who often loves to be with Li Yan The one with the surname Shang may have asked for it.

Yang Yimin didn't expect that Yang Qiong would get so much information just through a short meal, and he couldn't help but admire Yang Qiong's strong observation ability. Yang Yimin didn't find a way to deal with this information, but how could he explain some things by himself? Will Li Yan be unhappy with her random suspicion?

Before Yang Yimin thought about it carefully, he thought about the phone again. He saw that it was from Xu Manli. It should be about the labor training mentioned last time. Yang Yimin connected, but he didn't speak. As for Xu Manli, seeing her For any information, I feel a kind of pain in my heart, but once I hear that something is wrong with her, I can't help but help her.

"Yimin, I've got in touch. On Mondays and Tuesdays, our etiquette teacher and the teacher of the electronics major will come. One day for each person. I'll come both days. Tomorrow afternoon, the etiquette teacher and I will come early. Do you think this arrangement is good?"

"Okay, Xu Manli, please bring this receipt. I asked the head teacher of the ordinary class to inform the students that if they want to study in the county school and pay in advance, the school will consider rewarding them."

Xu Manli continued after a while: "Yimin, thank you, you are kind to me, I will pay you back in the future."

Yang Yimin didn't speak. After thinking for a while, Xu Manli didn't make a sound. Yang Yimin was a little dazed and said, "That's it."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Yimin couldn't feel happy. He got up and walked out of the office, thinking of the river behind the street to soothe his emotions.

Xu Manli came over on Sunday afternoon, along with a female teacher in her 30s. Yang Yimin asked Ma Yongming and Li Xiaoping to discuss with them about the labor skills training for students.

In the evening, he also asked the two of them to accompany Xu Manli for dinner, but Yang Yimin said that the school would provide the food and lodging, because the school originally had funds for labor training.

Xu Manli called to ask him to have dinner together. He said that he was not free and hadn't gone there. He just told him to do a good job of publicity on the phone, and he would definitely receive the money that should be collected. Don't hesitate to do things. If you want him to come out, let him know.

Until Xu Manli left in the end, Yang Yimin didn't go to eat with Xu Manli, because he didn't want the two of them to return to the vortex of feelings, and he didn't want the pain to affect himself and Li Yan.

With the help of Yang Yimin, Xu Manli has achieved considerable results in recruiting students. During the two days of lectures, she established good communication with many students through heart-to-heart talks with students. More than 40 students prepaid 70.00 to [-] For one hundred yuan, according to the enrollment rate of [-]%, more than [-] students will go to the county vocational school to study, and this does not include the students who did not bring money, and the students who have not yet joined the ranks of key classes.

Maybe later Xu Manli thought of the reason why Yang Yimin avoided her, that was because she hurt him too much, so when she was leaving, she came to Yang Yimin's office and said that she was leaving, but she didn't say anything else, just with tears in her eyes.

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