Principal's Law

[228] Firefighting

Regarding the publicity, he called Director Xie. Director Xie agreed with his approach, and said that Director Li might really want everyone to publicize the educational achievements before he left. Yang Yimin's Shimen Middle School can be vigorously promoted.

Next, Yang Yimin sent a copy of the grades of the impoverished students reported to Assistant Li of Jinrui Company, and also sent a copy of the good news and promotional materials for this year's senior high school entrance examination, and called Assistant Li to check.

The college entrance examination situation in Pingchuan County is still unsatisfactory, especially No. [-] Middle School. The advantage of the college entrance examination results last year did not continue, but the county high school scores have improved, so the overall situation remains the same as last year.

Yang Yimin was in Shimen, so he didn't fully know the situation in the county. Lin Juan didn't know the specific situation of the grades, but according to Lin Juan's phone call a few days later, Li Xinghui sent Secretary Lu of the Disciplinary Committee to the suburban middle school to investigate and asked He found out the problems in the management of middle schools in the suburbs, because this time the grades of junior high schools dropped the most.

On weekends, he didn't go back amidst the voices asking him to go back to the city for a drink and congratulations, because Director Xie also went to Shimen Middle School and Shimen Primary School with people from political work to conduct research and discuss the merger of the two schools in detail.

The notice was sent to Yang Yimin by the office on Friday. At this time, everyone had no suspense, including the primary school principal Li. At this time, he had clearly realized that no matter what he did, he could not stop Yang Yimin's decision to become the top leader of the merged school.

On Saturday and Sunday, in two days, Director Xie held administrative cadre meetings of Shimen Middle School and Shimen Primary School successively, asked the teachers on both sides to understand and investigate the situation, and conducted repeated consultations on the design of the merged school.

The most difficult thing may be the staffing. Director Xie's idea is not to listen to Yang Yimin's ideas first, but to listen to the opinions of the two school administrative teams, middle-level cadres and teachers, and finally to listen to Yang Yimin's opinions.

This approach has its rationale. First, it can balance the relationship between the administrative staff of the two schools in form, so as to be impartial; He understands that it is impossible for him to learn more about the primary school; the third is not to let Yang Yimin's thinking affect the correct configuration of the merged team.

So it was not until the end that they found Yang Yimin to talk to. It was already Monday morning. In the conference room of Shimen Middle School, Director Xie, Director Feng of the Political Work Unit, and Xiao Zhang were sitting on one side of the conference table, and Yang Yimin was sitting opposite them.

Director Xie said: "Xiao Yang, everyone has seen your grades this year. This is the third time I have come here this school year. Every time it seems to be of great significance, this time is no exception. .”

Yang Yimin nodded. When the leader was talking like this, if the other party didn't ask, no matter what she said, he couldn't speak.

"Xiao Yang, Director Li said when I came here that you set an example for the entire county's schools in the high school entrance examination. I hope you can overcome the difficulties during the school merger process. The purpose of the few of us coming is mainly to understand the situation and equip the team. To solve the problems that may arise after the merger, I want to hear your opinion."

Yang Yimin thought for a while and said, "Director Xie, I don't have an opinion, but I do have several difficulties: First, the staffing of the merged team needs a running-in period, and the number of cadres above the middle level cannot be reduced immediately. Everyone has a familiar process. So please consider it in the Bureau;”

"Secondly, after the merger, the surplus of personnel is more prominent. It is said that the primary school is overstaffed, and the junior high school is also overstaffed. In this merger, the logistics staff may also be overstaffed, but the number of students is still reduced, so the shortage of funds is a big problem;"

"Thirdly, I hope that the bureau will consider the treatment I promised to junior high school teachers at that time. At that time, in order to encourage everyone, a special fund was arranged for rewards. Now the grades are really good. It cannot be canceled just because of the merger. Of course, if the primary school has I also hope to keep this policy.

Director Xie nodded and saw that Yang Yimin had stopped talking, so he asked, "You don't want to mention anything in terms of personnel?"

Yang Yimin suddenly understood that Director Xie must be helping him, and hoped that he would propose the core force he wanted to form, so he said: "Bureau Xie, this is the arrangement of the bureau in terms of the allocation of school-level leaders. I can't say, middle-level cadres In terms of departments, I think that at least the two designated departments of teaching and logistics should be in charge of the middle-level cadres of the junior high school."

"Have you considered being the principal?" Director Xie asked.

"Is there any consideration in the Bureau?"

Chief Xie shook his head and said, "He's about the same age, so there's no possibility of him considering it."

Yang Yimin said: "At least you have to arrange a position, or be the chairman of the trade union. Although you have no real power, you can also rely on the treatment of the vice-principal."

Director Xie nodded, "Yang Yimin, it seems that Ren Chengfa is lucky to meet you." After finishing speaking, he looked at Chief Feng.

At noon, Yang Yimin informed the principal and the vice-principal of the elementary school, and the two deputy principals of the middle school came to accompany Director Xie for dinner, because it was the end of the survey, and everyone was a little relaxed about drinking, especially Chief Feng, who came to Shimen less often, and used to blame himself I lost my mind and didn't establish a good relationship with Yang Yimin, so during lunch, relying on his drinking capacity, I had a few drinks with Yang Yimin.

At around one o'clock, the bureau office called Director Xie. Director Xie walked out of the room and listened to the phone with a serious expression on his face. Yang Yimin felt that something must be wrong. He was dealing with the wine on the table and turned his attention to Director Xie's phone call.

Director Xie motioned to him, and he hurried out. Director Xie said, "Xiao Yang, the bureau asked me to go back immediately."

"Thank you, is there anything important?"

"I'm just telling you that this matter is still locked down. There was an accident in the suburban middle school. There was a stampede last night. I only reported it today when I couldn't cover it. I have to go back quickly."

Yang Yimin made a quick plan. There is no better car in Shimen now, and the car from the bureau said it would come to pick it up in the afternoon. It must be too late to hurry back, so he said: "Thank you bureau, how about I take you back, my car Just stop here."

"You drank, can you do it?"

"Didn't you just start drinking, no problem."

"That's the only way, this car belongs to Li Yan, right?"

"Yeah, I use it sometimes now, for convenience."

Director Xie nodded, and the two walked into the room. Director Xie said: "Chief Feng, Xiao Zhang, we have something to do in the bureau, we have to go back immediately, Principal Li, you guys, we will have a drink together when you have time, I am really sorry today Yes, but there is one thing, please rest assured that the Bureau will fully consider your situation and will not make a one-size-fits-all approach."

Everyone was surprised, but Director Xie didn't say anything, and no one was easy to ask. Yang Yimin said to Ren Chengfa and Ma Yongming: "You have a good meal with Principal Li and Principal Chen, and I will send him to thank the bureau."

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