Principal's Law

【240】Crisis Public Relations

Yang Yimin nodded and hurried to make water by himself. At this time, he could not refuse, because it was a kind of treatment. Yang Yimin picked up the cup, and Li Xinghui handed over a small bag of tea, and said, "Xiao Yang, this is this year's Longjing. You try it."

This is a rare treatment for Li Xinghui. It is not easy to drink tea in Li Xinghui's office, and I have never heard of the good tea specially used by Li Xinghui. Yang Yimin's treatment at this time should be someone who has entered the office since Li Xinghui became the director. The highest treatment.

After the tea was brewed, Yang Yimin sat on the sofa. Li Xinghui took out a document from the table and turned to sit opposite Yang Yimin. At this moment, he should be very nervous, but Yang Yimin found that Li Xinghui did not directly ask about the situation.

Director Xie knocked on the door and entered, looked at Yang Yimin, and asked, "How much did you drink?"

"The two of them drank a bottle, so they dare not come to see Li Ju." Yang Yimin looked at the two of them, a little embarrassed.

"Xiao Yang, tell me about the specific circumstances of the two incidents."

Yang Yimin made a brief report on what he encountered when he arrived at the hospital in the morning and how Xiao Zhengqiang received him after he arrived in Pingchuan. He couldn't report in too much detail, otherwise he would expose his relationship with Luo Xiaohong, which he didn't want to do.

After the report was over, Yang Yimin didn't say anything about Li Yan's scolding because the matter was a little unclear. The two felt incredible. Director Xie asked, "Xiao Yang, the matter is handled like this? I don't think it's so easy in my heart." .”

"Ju Li, Ju Xie, in fact, I also used a lot of connections to get them to exert pressure from the outside. I also found a few friends to frighten the gangsters, and then moved them with emotion and reason. , I don’t know about the other circumstances, but you can rest assured about these two matters.”

Li Xinghui nodded, and said to Bureau Xie: "Xiao Yang said yes, I think it should be fine, Xiao Yang, how much money was spent in the next step, report the amount, and spend it in the total expenditure of this incident, I will rest assured when you go Yes, the documents have been released. Director Xie and I have repeatedly considered letting you go to the suburban junior high school. Lin Juan also said that it is best to settle the matter of your return to the city. This is an opportunity. With the wisdom of Shimen, the secondary schools in the suburbs of the city have achieved great results."

Seeing Yang Yimin nodding, Director Xie said, "Xiao Yang, the situation in the suburban middle school is quite complicated, and it is very different from Shimen. That's why Director Li just said that you need to be smart. You have less qualifications and encounter more problems. You need to make achievements. It’s not easy, you have to be mentally prepared.”

"Yes, you can ask for any request, and you can also consider it in terms of personnel, but here is no better than Shimen, you must pay attention to the way and method of work."

Yang Yimin said: "Ju Li, Ju Xie, I really didn't expect to work in the suburban middle school. I thank you and Ju Xie. I will definitely ask for it. But now I don't know anything about the school. After the matter is dealt with, report to the leader before the end of the semester, and ask the leader to solve it." Yang Yimin's words are reasonable, because he knows that employing people is the top priority of school management, and a middle-level cadre who can rest assured will Make yourself a lot easier.

Li Xinghui said: "That's fine, but there is one more thing. Now that you're gone, the situation in Shimen Middle School makes me worry. Let Principal Li be in charge, but I'm not at ease. Let Ma Yongming be in charge, and his qualifications are too shallow. I think Listen to your thoughts."

Of course Yang Yimin wanted to help Ma Yongming up. He looked down on Principal Li, because he did two or two things that were not good for him. It can be seen that this person is not worthy of being a friend. I don’t know if such a person should be a principal. How many teachers will be counted by him, and the school will definitely become a mess.

However, Ma Yongming must have certain disadvantages in dealing with Principal Li. When the school merged, the primary school teachers must support the top leaders of their own school. Start work.

This is the easiest way to give them a set, Yang Yimin thought and said: "I know these two people quite well. For the sake of the overall situation of the merger, can we consider a principal and a secretary, separate the party and government, and give a requirement , look at the results of one year, so that they can restrain each other, and also consider their cooperation ability."

Li Xinghui thought for a long time, sighed, and said: "It seems that this is the best way. Let Ma Yongming be the principal. He is in charge of teaching, and grades are the foundation of the school."

This coincided with Yang Yimin's thoughts, but Yang Yimin couldn't say anything at all. He looked at Director Xie, and Director Xie said to Li Xinghui: "Okay, then the party committee will bring this up this week."

Li Xinghui stood up, looked at the time, and said, "Xiao Yang, go find a place to rest. You didn't rest last night, but there were only two hours. Director Xie, please inform Xiang Hongmei that it's 05:30 p.m. Let's go over and hold a school work meeting at [-]:[-] to announce Xiao Yang's appointment, and Xiao Yang just rush over there."

Yang Yimin knew that he should go, he went downstairs quickly, he really wanted to take a rest, he thought while walking, Li Yan was with Luo Xiaohong, he couldn't contact her, so he called Lin Juan: "Sister, where are you? Want sleep."

"Just go to sleep if you want to sleep, what are you doing calling me?"

"I have to leave at five o'clock. I want to find a place. I want to go to your place."

"Where are you?"

"Just go out from the bureau."

"You can take a taxi to the teahouse. I'll ask them to open a lounge for you."

Yang Yimin took a taxi to the teahouse. The waiter had cleaned up Lin Juan's special lounge for him. He entered the door and fell on the bed. He fell asleep before the waiter could soak the water for him.

"Yang Yimin, Yang Yimin." Lin Juan pulled and shouted, finally woke him up, Yang Yimin looked at the time, it was five o'clock, he rubbed his eyes, and said, "Thank you, sister Lin."

Lin Juan said: "This is a new towel, go and wash your face." Lin Juan knew about Yang Yimin's situation in the morning, but she had to go to work, and Yang Yimin was dealing with things again, so she only learned some general information from Li Yan. Case.

While Yang Yimin was washing his face, Lin Juan followed behind and asked, "How is the matter handled?"

"The two most difficult things have almost been dealt with, and there is still a lot of aftermath work. I have to rush to the suburban middle school immediately. Director Li and Director Xie are going to announce my appointment."

"Yimin, seize this opportunity and work hard."

"Sister Lin, I will. Thank you. Director Li talked to me today and specifically said that you were talking about asking him to solve my problem of going back to the city."

"Yimin, it is very difficult to go to the city, and it is even more difficult for the principal. This is an opportunity. The situation in suburban middle schools is complicated. You have to think carefully. This is different from Shimen."

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