Principal's Law

[242] Take office

"Comrade Yang Yimin received a notice from the bureau at [-] o'clock last night. The bureau wanted him to arrive at the bureau at [-] o'clock this morning and to the school in the afternoon to announce his appointment. But he considered the seriousness and complexity of the problem. Sex, last night I drove to the city overnight, Shimen is not like a county town, he has a car when he goes out, and he drove back by himself, that is to say, he didn't sleep last night, and he arrived at the hospital at [-] am, until the matter was dealt with in the afternoon, Just reported to the bureau."

The two head teachers knew about this, and the head teachers also told some teachers later, so some teachers nodded, and some teachers whispered.

"It is precisely because of his keen thinking and timely and wise handling that a bigger incident was avoided. At this time, I feel that the decision of the party committee of our bureau is correct. I also hope that everyone will unite as one and actively cooperate with Comrade Yang Yimin. The work of middle schools in the suburbs of the city will be done."

"At the same time, I want to say that cadres must be able to go up and down, teachers must be able to go and stay, cadres who are not good enough can be down, and those who can be good can be allowed to be good. It's going so smoothly, I don't know the hardships of Teacher Quxiang, and there will be opportunities at that time."

Li Xinghui spoke casually for half an hour, but Yang Yimin felt that it was very clear and passionate, and provided strong support for his work.

Director Xie briefly summarized Li Xinghui's speech and said: "We welcome President Yang Yimin to say a few words."

The applause was warm, but in the end some people took a few shots deliberately and unhurriedly. Yang Yimin knew that it was a test for himself, so he ignored it. Instead, he took out his notebook and said, "Thank you Director Li, Director Xie and Director Huang. Chief Feng came to Chengjiao Middle School today. Comrades, Director Xie asked me to say a few words. I should express my determination, but I expressed my determination when the leader talked to me. For everyone, I think everyone should read it. my actions."

"So I'm talking about things now. First, I ask Principal Chen to formulate and implement teaching management measures to ensure the smooth progress of the end-of-semester teaching work; The class distributes common emergency safety manuals, and the class teacher organizes the study; thirdly, I am in charge, mobilizing some administrators and teachers to form a working group for this incident to deal with the aftermath in an all-round way.”

"I just watched the physical education class in the playground for a few minutes. I hope that the management of the teaching office will start from the routine, cash in the assessment, and cash in the bonus. I was late for tutoring at Shimen Middle School. The price is 20 yuan. The conditions of suburban middle schools are better. Let’s implement it. Of course, this is an example, and we’ll talk about the system later.”

"After the meeting, everyone will perform their own duties. Principal Chen is asked to stay on duty at the school. Principal Xiang, comrades from the Political and Education Office, General Affairs Office, and two class teachers will go to the hospital with me to visit the students."

Yang Yimin looked at Li Xinghui and Director Xie, because Director Xie presided over the meeting, Director Xie asked: "Principal Xiang, Principal Chen, do you have anything to say?"

The two shook their heads, Director Xie said: "Now the school is in a state of emergency, so I hope that every teacher will perform their duties seriously, the administrator will stick to their posts, and fully cooperate with Comrade Yang Yimin's work. This is a test. I hope everyone will not be passed the exam. , the meeting is adjourned now."

Everyone didn't leave, because Yang Yimin stood up first, walked to the side going out, and made a gesture of asking the leader to go first.The leader of the Education Bureau went out, and Yang Yimin quickly walked to Li Xinghui's side, half a step behind, Director Xie was on the other side, and when he walked to the staircase gate, the car had already parked under the steps.

Li Xinghui stood beside the car, turned around and stretched out his hand. Yang Yimin quickly shook it. Li Xinghui said: "Principal Yang, what should be done boldly, and the overall situation must be the most important."

Yang Yimin nodded, he stepped aside so that the other two vice principals could talk to Li Xinghui, but Li Xinghui withdrew his hand, looked at Principal Chen and Xiang Hongmei who were following, and said, "You two must fully cooperate with Principal Yang. , do your job well, and deal with this incident quickly.”

After finishing speaking, he turned around, the driver opened the co-pilot's door, Li Xinghui sat in, Director Xie and Yang Yimin shook hands and said goodbye one by one, and got into the car.Huang Liang shook hands with Yang Yimin with a complicated expression, but Chief Feng showed great enthusiasm and whispered: "Brother, congratulations."

Yang Yimin sent the bureau leader away with a smile, and then said to the two vice principals: "Principal Xiang and Principal Chen, the matter is very urgent. I will talk about other meetings later. Now ask the principal to bring some money to the general affairs, and we will go to the hospital together. You must keep calm, otherwise everyone will feel bad, Principal Chen, the school will rely on you."

The two nodded in agreement, and Xiang Hongmei hurried to call someone. Principal Chen said to Yang Yimin: "Principal Yang, I will take you to the office first."

Yang Yimin followed Principal Chen to the door of the principal's office. He asked the director of the office to come and open the door, but the person who came from the office said he had no key.

Yang Yimin didn't expect to encounter such embarrassment, so he smiled and said: "Forget it, let's ignore this matter today, I will go to the principal's office and wait for her to call everyone together before leaving."

The two came to Xiang Hongmei's office. Xiang Hongmei's office was alone and relatively large. Yang Yimin sat on the sofa and called Xiang Hongmei and asked her to notify her to her office.

Hearing that Yang Yimin was going to her office, Xiang Hongmei hurried over while calling. When she arrived at the office, she hurriedly took a cup to make tea for Yang Yimin.

Yang Yimin said: "Principal Xiang, don't be busy, you send someone over, we'll leave right away, no need to soak in water."

Xiang Hongmei had just finished making the phone call, and said with a smile: "How can that be, the principal is visiting my office for the first time, so it makes sense if I don't entertain him."

"Then just pour a glass of water." Yang Yimin really wanted to drink some water.

Relevant personnel came over immediately, and Yang Yimin said to the director of general affairs: "Prepare some money for general affairs, at least [-] yuan, and the Political and Educational Office, the head teacher, me and the principal will arrange two shifts at night to be on duty with the parents. Re-arrange the staff to be on duty, everyone get ready."

A few people opened their mouths. Now that the students are in a stable situation, isn't it superfluous to do so?

Xiang Hongmei first said: "Principal Yang, you don't have to keep watch at night. Let's negotiate with the parents of the students and let them keep watch. The teachers have to go to work and go home."

"Yes, everyone still has something to do at home." Several people echoed.

Yang Yimin couldn't directly refute a few people, his face sank, and he didn't speak.At this time, the director of general affairs took the money, rushed over, and said, "Principal Yang, I got the money."

Yang Yimin said, "All follow me to the hospital."

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